ESO Endless Archive rewards

ESO Endless Archive rewards


8 месяцев назад

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@ivantortuga9344 - 19.10.2023 14:44

Class based sets? Yes pls

@Papakakadu - 19.10.2023 14:27

Again a horse I really hoped for some octopus looking spider or some of the other mount types considering the pre order was a horse as well 😢

@mobspeak - 19.10.2023 11:09

I'm going to do it because I want some of the rewards, but I got to say I am not a fan of Rogue-likes, there seems to be a craze for that genre among developers but it's just boring to me.

@raithebatou - 19.10.2023 10:49

Thanks for the info Tianlein, your previews are very helpful. Will be good for someone who has done everything in game. Personally will pass on it - fighting endless waves of npc' not my idea of a fun time.
