How to despawn loot in rust.

How to despawn loot in rust.


2 года назад

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@ianhill20101 - 14.11.2022 18:42

Scummy tactics are cslled for in a scummy world, dont feel bad for thieves

@BurntLemmons - 23.09.2022 02:48

Wow. Good video. You should do a video where you have a nice armored base that would take a lot to get into. And then despawn all loot before a clan raids you. All for them to come out empty handed lol

@turboimport95 - 13.05.2022 07:25

clans wont do this because they all have that 1 dumbass player that could accidently breaking the twig floor etc the vending machine is on etc. would be real silly if 1 of your clan members accidently shot the floor etc and you lost your own loot.

@Schnippedi - 11.05.2022 02:27

wow I hate this video imagine

@mrbigheadplaysroblox631 - 09.05.2022 06:48

This shit is honestly terrible but funny as hell at the same time. Cause you know them petty 7 year olds on this shit would do this anytime they got online raided cause they shit and know they can't defend their shit.

@x-con-x - 08.05.2022 00:37

I have used the first method, as soon as the floor is destroyed and the loot falls I place another floor over the loot. never been found yet. Life of a solo is hard man.

@flintattridge6279 - 26.04.2022 03:55

🌸 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔪

@stoic7810 - 20.04.2022 11:23

I dont mind solos despawning. If I'm the a-hole raiding them, then they can be the-a-holes despawning.

One tip i can can give fellow solo players: "Use your loot" ... dont hoard, if you use your loot then there is nothing left to be despawned.

@bananabeanss - 18.04.2022 14:42

i have been clickbaited-

@thecabrera3963 - 15.04.2022 17:31

ADDER hope u read this, is my most scummy tactic

I place inside my base usually a rock base, next to the tc a vending shop with a twig floor, if they are that deep on my base another door aint gonna stop em, now heres the scummy tactic, I place a flamethrower trap next to the shop with 1 hp left, now u gotta be careful to never hit the trap, place some rugs below so they cant see the floor is twig, i did this 3 times last year and in one i got a message on a box about how i made ragequit a whole clan with that smart move (i was farming their kits all day)

@chrishenry4474 - 07.04.2022 21:39

'How to be a little bitch.' FTFY.

@NN-ym7gs - 07.04.2022 10:49

despawning cause pus

@jamestaylor7649 - 05.04.2022 19:37

I hide it under a floor in stashes or a large box or two that way it don’t despawn and u get ur loot back when u get ur base

@ChakatNightspark - 03.04.2022 15:06

well I would rather restart from nothing, then let Zerg team that would offline raid, or just force raid a solo or duo or trio player(s) have the loot. when Most Zergs have like 8+ players anyways and sometimes would just grief the base anyway, with either places items inside so its harder to recover the base back, or they will end up putting their own doors on the place so you will have to have explosions to get your base back. Or break and despawn all loot anyway, even if its the crappy stuff. Thats a Scummy Move. Pretty Much All Zergs should be Banned from Rust who do that.

@officialiCurze - 03.04.2022 10:44


@papasmurrf - 03.04.2022 10:25


@jerrbear26 - 03.04.2022 07:35

I'm a duo the only time we despawn is if we leave the server and our area was dead and no one really pvp'd and just camped roof. That or no one attempted to online us and would only go for offlines or we didn't meet any friendly or funny neighbors that made the wipe more enjoyable that we would give our stuff away to. The one time I was in a 8 man and onlined a 35 man zerg went in with a stack of C4 and a box of rockets. Came out with a row of C4 and 2 boxes of rockets got back to base threw it in our vending machines named it some trolling things and told them to watch as we rocket them and it despawns. Then despawned our base and moved servers, we followed this scummy offlinging zerg for 3 months they eventually broke up.

@myaoxswells3368 - 02.04.2022 22:46

That's not "scummy". Any way to punish someone raiding you is 100% valid. I also offline raid people exclusively. It's easier.

@gsaucegaming6635 - 02.04.2022 21:43

Idk dude, I'm under the impression that its a scummy thing to despawn your loot. As are most rust players i know

@UltimateRevenger - 02.04.2022 21:31

why people think that despawning loot is scummy ? its my shit i do whatever i want with it

@safetrucker - 01.04.2022 00:37

Lol I love it I’m doing this the next time someone raids me online which is never 😂😂

@MrMrSaldana - 28.03.2022 18:54

By that time u would be raided

@alt3241 - 28.03.2022 17:36

Scorched earth is a legitimate tactic against invaders and not scummy at all .

@joarsund3855 - 27.03.2022 18:55

How tf am i suppose to predamage a wooden floor? thats stupid

@olegr0615 - 26.03.2022 12:53

is it still not patched?

@klemmert746 - 26.03.2022 12:44

Despawning is cringe.

@ivannavarro1913 - 26.03.2022 06:27

useless videos part 2 please

@9000twister - 20.03.2022 06:59

This has been in the game for longer than i can remember, Idk why they havent patched this

@viks155v8 - 17.03.2022 23:58

I fckin like this. Now I know what to do with 25 c4 when getting 1v3 raided.

@mackseward - 15.03.2022 16:34

Can't stand players that despawn loot.

@shadow.8448 - 12.03.2022 21:39


@watermelonbleach - 11.03.2022 00:00

adder noooooooooo thats a pathetic move to despawn when getting onlined. This just encourages offlines

@LtSheppardXxL - 10.03.2022 20:34

despawners should be slapped

@loph3313 - 10.03.2022 01:29

gonna join a clan and just start doin this shit lol

@BlaRaRa33 - 09.03.2022 04:29

Beautiful video bro, “scummy tactics but sometimes justifiable” this should be rusts slogan

@Doddster1983 - 07.03.2022 04:56

Better way to do it is when you have a flame trap near it on a twig foundation, it gets aggro'd or destroyed and the loot despawned for you while you're offline

@scottriddell2536 - 06.03.2022 22:50

Good tactic for a solo. I am sick of being raided constantly by groups. Will be using this for sure.

@jahshshdhdgsh4686 - 06.03.2022 05:59

Jesus loves you amen.

@cadencampbell4302 - 05.03.2022 22:44

If your getting raided through doors you can put a vending machine in a single door spot and if they start Boeing through that you putt all you loot you wanna despawn in there

@randomutubr222 - 05.03.2022 00:17

lol I’ve got no issues with this whatsoever. I spent all the time acquiring those items. It’s my shit and I’ll do what I want with it. If I’m a solo and a clan raids my little base, why the fuck do I care if they don’t get my loot? If anything I’m helping out the other solos in the region and not letting them use my shit to fuck them too. As if it’s a fair fight to begin with? I’d say it’s more scummy for a zerg to raid a solo who is no threat to them than it is a solo despawning his loot to stick it to them. What, because they are way more powerful and can steamroll solos with absolute ease, that means they “earned it” or something? Fuck that. Property rights baby. I’m going scorched earth on those assholes.

I’m using this for sure lol I like the other commenters idea of putting it on a twig with a flame trap. Put your shit in there before you go offline. That makes it even more justified. If they offline me, then fuck them even more.

@marcelgordijn1400 - 04.03.2022 21:46

thks i hate Raiders,

@Lazidiz - 03.03.2022 10:42

Bruh i know this isbfot solo...but now u made zerg know how to despwan loot....and.i.absublotly.*HATE* zergs

@lubalobgub - 03.03.2022 06:44

Everyone i raid uses this tactic :(

@wazaagbreak-head6039 - 03.03.2022 06:08

foundies auto repair

@NateD4WGG - 03.03.2022 03:52

why didnt i tihnk of this, im doing this shit all of time ty

@kotu1111 - 03.03.2022 02:04

yea when i had 7 guys hitting my 2x3 and they KNEW i was a solo i despawned it all...they were madder than hell....made me laugh though!!

@totovader - 03.03.2022 01:07

Also: put loot in a stash under a wood foundation. Upgrade the foundation and the stashes instantly disappear.

@OldFeller - 02.03.2022 23:28

I made an asshole base with a twig floor and flame turret protecting the vending machines. Most hate I have ever gotten for a video lol.

@zenogodofeverything3519 - 02.03.2022 23:24

So you're saying have your loot rooms all placed on thatch in vending machines

@nagasava8439 - 02.03.2022 22:23

You cannot pre-damage them cuz they autorepair if there is material inside the tc. Maybe leaving it twig.
