The Scene That Made Me Quit the Rings of Power

The Scene That Made Me Quit the Rings of Power

Caleb A. Robinson

1 год назад

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@caleb.a.robinson - 12.12.2022 01:43

I learned after editing that this conflict is brought back up later in the show. While I'm glad to hear it, my points about how this scene feels during episode 04 still stand.

@natsockaiser2067 - 19.12.2023 08:17

Amazon diversifying the cast(in a lore that already has diverse peoples "of color" besides green(Haradrim)) shows that they didn't care for the vision of Tolkien immediately because they were just trying to check boxes of what Vanguard Capital and Blackrock wanted to see. Keep in mind, Tolkien was a White man and that is the perspective he wrote from. Now imagine if you will, a story about black Africans, written by a black African, and then in the adaptation a bunch of random people who are supposed to be black, are now White. Believe it or not race matters because different peoples are different.

@limahl123123 - 19.12.2023 05:26

I feel the same. The show just didnt make me wanna contiune. Also the PC that this show had to bring along kinda made me annoyed aswell. Its a fairytale story and no need to put diverse people just for political gain. I hate when people do that these days.

@Meerlu - 19.12.2023 05:17

I'm surprised nobody has made a laugh track edition. If it had a Seinfeld like audience laugh at the end of every cringe thing in each ep (there are MANY), it would be a fantastic show.

@Mantelar - 19.12.2023 03:26

Strayed from the Lore? Amazon targeted North America and their shot landed in Antarctica

@konguy3 - 19.12.2023 01:42

amazon never gave a reason to care because they don't care themselves, this show is a cash grab and nothing more

@AdrGeaMarWeb - 18.12.2023 23:35

Lol how could you last that long? I quit right when "galadriel" plunged herself into the middle of the fking sundering sea lol.

@steveo1413 - 18.12.2023 22:55

Everything woke fails.

@darylwilliams7883 - 18.12.2023 22:06

I got half way through episode 3 through sheer determination, although the second-rate writing was apparent from the first half hour, and became impossible to live with because of the utter lack of continuity between episodes 1 and 2. The rest of what I watched was more punishment than entertainment, example after example of just plain hack writing. I can't even remember much to it anymore. Like my brain has rejected a bad transplant.

@skyuran9312 - 18.12.2023 21:43

I'm not sure if this might sound insensitive, but I've noticed that many shows are merely adding plus-sized women of color as side characters, seemingly for diversity points, yet we rarely see them in leading roles.

What's important, I believe, is ensuring that the story makes sense and that each character contributes to the narrative and immersion. The moment a character disrupts this immersion, writers and development teams should reevaluate their significance. Are they integral to the story, or are they merely a superficial addition?

A commendable example of well-crafted representation is 'The Parkers,' where characters like Nikki, Kim, and Adel are central to the narrative. Their roles are meaningful and add depth to the show, unlike in some current series like 'Rings of Power' and 'The Witcher Season 3.' In these, it seems that people of color are often relegated to minor roles, given minimal dialogue, and then disappear without impacting the story.

The solution lies in creating characters with depth, regardless of their race or size. They should have a well-defined backstory, a clear purpose in the plot, and a character arc that allows them to be more than just background figures. This approach not only enriches the narrative but also respects the audience's desire for meaningful diversity. True diversity in media should encompass not just physical representation but also the depth, complexity, and relevance of characters, ensuring they contribute significantly to the story and resonate with the audience in a genuine way.

@Sindraug25 - 18.12.2023 21:32

They seemed to like making the show make no sense. Three things that stood out to me:

1. "We're Harfoots. We stick together!" Then, when one of them gets hurt and he and his family have trouble keeping up, "Later, losers!"

2. The queen of Numenor is blinded by hot embers that blow into her eyes. She tells Elendil that no must know she is blind. Cut to the next scene, and she has a cloth wrapped over her eyes.

3. After the Orc attack that burns down the village, Galadriel is walking through the ruins. You can see other people moving in the background. You can hear people shouting. She finds Kid-whose-mom's-boyfriend-is-the-elf, and then they wander out of the town without checking on or searching for anyone... even though you can see and hear people in the background. Then they wander through the woods talking about how they are likely the only ones who survived.

@andrejkiss - 18.12.2023 20:56

I bet they cut those scenes because they were not culturally diverse enough.

@jzaneedwards4344 - 18.12.2023 20:54

It was never about the scenes that made me leave. There just weren't any that could make me stay.

@rurkovmj - 18.12.2023 20:35

these series are just parody and i leave it there

@ItsChevnotJeff - 18.12.2023 20:03

This show what Took saw in Saruman's orb

@ralphamale_appreciator - 18.12.2023 19:57

you really don't find it believable that a politician effectively exploits populist sentiment? I think the issue itself doesn't fit and is obviously ham fisted modern social commentary, but it suits the character's role

@GrumpaGladstone1809 - 18.12.2023 19:39

The angry Numenorians are Brexiteers, they just had to get that preachy stuff in there, they didn't care how it fit or how well it was done....i finished around there...TROP is a perfect example of a show caring about realworld messaging but not about what really makes a story work, total turnoff and flop ensues.

@Hannah-nf1vg - 18.12.2023 19:18

I never bothered its stupid

@user-tu1nc8pe3u - 18.12.2023 19:06

Sometimes I think that maybe the show wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I should go back and give it another watch. Then a YT video like this pops up in my recommended and I am reminded that it was as bad as I thought and that I shouldn't go back and watch it.

@Lazycandle - 18.12.2023 18:54

Those elves they took our jerrrrrrbbs

@MasterDrippage - 18.12.2023 18:35

I finally got around to watching this series recently because there was literally nothing else on. I read the books when i was in my teens so you can understand why i had to keep pausing the show and googling questions like “When did Gandalf appear in middle earth?” Or “Which king of numenor was corrupted by Sauron?” Etc. safe to say i then realised this series had nothing to do with any of the books set in middle earth and was just some psychopath’s self insert fan fiction.

@Kurimson - 18.12.2023 16:22

I have turned off the show almost entirely on galadriel scenes. They are so bad. Then there is the odd thing where a town selects a nobody to lead them. It just seems dumb. I did really want to like the show. I was able to finish it but man was out hard and any scene with galadriel i sometimes turned off because of how bad they were or just skipped.

@TheAmaizeing - 18.12.2023 15:20


@TarjeiThaMan - 18.12.2023 12:13

My problem with this show is that they tried to do better than Tolkien with his own work. It cant be done. Peter Jackson understod this and therefor made LotR from Tolkiens works and perspective. When the studio interfered with PJ and The Hobbit, pushed on for more material than the book had, it went to be a shitshow. They exchanged quality for quantity. Even though PJ couldnt rescue the movie(s), he still tried his best to maintain the mythological aspect of the book, respecting Tolkiens work. He cared about Middlearth and all it houses and its easy to see.
TRoP changed quality for "false" nostalgia, centering storylines around established characters from earlier movies, where they changed they whole personality and myth. They also forced political agendas down our guts, pushed woke all over it, ignoring the time Tolkien actually grow up in and his world views. This may seem minor, but his work is, on many terms, a reflection from the past. Tolkiens work isnt just fantasy, its history, the foundation on modern fantasy. When all this goes out the window, telling a story around it is difficult and the result is The Rings of Power; a shitshow not worthy as a legacy of Tolkien, because it isnt. Its a legacy made for modern world views and egoistic creators, trying to better then the father of fantasy.

@raydavison4288 - 18.12.2023 11:30

I watched the first episode. That was enough for me. Galadriel as an edgy girl boss? No, thank you.

@Mike-AI7HP - 18.12.2023 09:51

And this also was exactly when I ended viewing anymore of this series. Period.

@Killbot754 - 18.12.2023 01:13

Nails it for me, I could look past all the superficial complaints if the writing was good or at least made basic sense.

@souleater2978 - 18.12.2023 00:18

I dont see any issue with this show,
it was stretched, sure, but it was a decent lotr-story in itself, liked it.

@Glitch_Gaming - 17.12.2023 15:34

If you read the Silmarillion you'll kind of understand why the Numanor hate Elves so much, The timeline has been compressed so much they kind of lose all the hate they built up over the Elves.

@giancarlonealmaru7303 - 17.12.2023 12:41

POR writer be like
For the plots:❌
For the money:✅

@LESTIFISA - 17.12.2023 05:45

“Please dont do this…” - sauron

@striderflys - 17.12.2023 03:11

Yep I also got to E4 and could not continue. Nothing made me want to come back.

@bensadikin9513 - 16.12.2023 18:58

i stopped watching when 3 slaves are able to overcome a massive Orc/Goblin slave encampment.

@discofountain1317 - 16.12.2023 08:37

watching this and realizing its the episode I quit on.

@davidvidya9657 - 15.12.2023 21:25


@xcvi6461 - 15.12.2023 14:56

Really if you want to make a video get the names right or something. Government guy? Really dude?

@texx8205 - 15.12.2023 13:18

To be fair - this scene is probably the smallest problem the show has.

@Gozerthegozarian1984 - 15.12.2023 05:56

I quit ROP within 10 minutes. The elves were effeminate. Especially Elrond. These eleves had fought Morgoth, Balrogs, dragons, and werewolves in the first age. Galadriel was fierce AND feminine in LOTR. ROP elves are weak. It to mention the costumes. The costume design in GOT adds realism ROP costumes seem like cheap, amateurish, unrealistic costumes. The sets seem fake. ROP is trash top to bottom.

@cwinowich - 15.12.2023 01:17

come on man just watching a few clips is enough to know its a waste of time watching

@GnosticAtheist - 15.12.2023 01:03

I gave up rings of power after the "Lord of the rings" movies where completed as that was as good as an adaption we could consider possible. I can understand why people like fan flicks and stories, but they really should create their own world or use a world that is designed for fan fiction, such as roleplaying games. Trying to create a story that follows actual characters before the event is doomed to not fit with the orginal narrative, even in cases where the actual author tries to do it (as the author would have aged, meaning his perceptive would now be different). Whatever, if people enjoy its their right to do what they want, its just silly.

@nevercommentnotevenonce9334 - 14.12.2023 23:25

Imagine even picking up this shit, ugh

@tobyflagg8058 - 13.12.2023 23:19

The fact that you can literally put up with a lot of crap makes me question your sanity. If you don't know much of something you are consuming, then try to learn some of it. You're making a strawman argument by claiming none of it bothers you. Would you have the same opinion of someone casually dismissing out of hand all sorts of issues of something you know a lot about and would be offended by massive changes that degrades what came before?

@jakehoward1160 - 13.12.2023 13:02

I actually watched the entire first season and I am struggling to remember what even happened. Even the scenes you just shown don't exactly jump out. I only vaguely remember them. It was just a boring show with nothing memorable that happened. It was a struggle to get through. Such a disappointment.

@tombombaddie - 13.12.2023 05:59

Why the f would an elf want a job

@Iautocorrect - 12.12.2023 22:16

It sucks, cause most Hollywood writers today are just drones for propaganda.

@rufusmcgee4383 - 12.12.2023 20:44

Given how badly Amazon blew Wheel of Time, is anybody surprised they did even worse with RoP.

@RippleEffect420 - 12.12.2023 03:25

Everyone jumped on the band wagon, so they don't get ridiculed. I actually liked the series for my own reasons it's like when I was young everyone played world of warcraft but would shun anyone who would talk about it calling them losers and weird when they the main ones doing the most on the game...

@12.infanterieregiment - 11.12.2023 20:35

This is why Peter Jackson is the best person to use for Tolkien's work. He knows what works and what does not. His films are amazing compared to this shit.

@bitsuuuuu - 10.12.2023 19:52

I'm glad I didn't watch it
