Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright (Complete)

Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright (Complete)


11 лет назад

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Phil Symes
Phil Symes - 21.09.2023 00:16

She is crazier than a shithpuse rat.

That thousand yard stare, that condecending arrogance, that awesome stupidity.

A typical creationist in other words.

J Paul
J Paul - 19.09.2023 02:32

She wins! Sustained stupidity for 1+ hour!!

James Walter
James Walter - 18.09.2023 17:06

Dawkins is wasting his time with these people. They mean well but choose to keep their minds closed and remain ignorant.

Johnathan Henley
Johnathan Henley - 17.09.2023 18:31

This woman informs me that humanity does not deserve to exist as a species.

John Nuuky
John Nuuky - 17.09.2023 16:03

Possibly a common example there of somebody whom from early childhood was filled very very deeply with a philosphy from loving parents, perhaps previously passed down from generations before. And partly due to a strong emotional attachment and trust of those parents, continues thoughout life with an unshakable belief in Creation.

For me it makes more sense to teach children to question and to question with an open mind and to be willing to take on new ideas as evidence allows.

theventurousgamer - 17.09.2023 14:00

Wow, more respect to him

Neil - 17.09.2023 10:53

We need to accept that stupidity is part of human DNA.
Maybe it has some evolutionary purpose. Our ignorant species is trying to evolve in an overpopulated and finite resourced world. We still fight wars and argue about religion and skin colour. Simply, we are not intelligent enough and Ai may be our only saviour.

David Keogh
David Keogh - 17.09.2023 00:00

Wendy,wendy,show me the evidence of god,personally I think Wendy is sorta dirty in a nice way,.I would take her to see homo erectus.

Mari Mulyani
Mari Mulyani - 16.09.2023 22:13

Frustrating! Stupidity beyond Creation.

jason clarke
jason clarke - 16.09.2023 18:45

Galileo: Look through this telescope!
Clergy: Not on your nelly, Galli!

Štěpán Hřebíček
Štěpán Hřebíček - 16.09.2023 10:34

She looks like the woman from parks and recreation saying that gay marriage ruins marriage for the rest. She has different hair colour and stuff but she just gives off the same vibe

Julian De Leon
Julian De Leon - 16.09.2023 03:18

intelligent design is literally religion, what is she talking about? 😅

jmmyhayes - 16.09.2023 01:57

The word "Complete" in the title is slightly undermined by the video ending in the middle of a sentence.

jmmyhayes - 16.09.2023 01:43

Richard Dawkins is used to speaking with intellectuals or British Anglicans. He has met his match with the obtuseness of an American Christian woman's ability to refuse to acknowledge facts contrary to her worldview.

Vikki Hogg
Vikki Hogg - 15.09.2023 23:16

I return to this at least once a year . I marvel at how Richard Dawkins keeps his cool 😂

Nikolay Bobovnikov
Nikolay Bobovnikov - 15.09.2023 22:09

The month's most disturbing experience

Robert Roldan
Robert Roldan - 15.09.2023 21:42

She's completely ignorant of atrocities brought on by the church. She talks to Richard like he's trying to kill people. What a moron.

Robert Roldan
Robert Roldan - 15.09.2023 21:36

She doesn't even offer him a seat. Doesn't know what she's talking about. Religion truly is the last bigotry on the planet.

Robert Stambaugh
Robert Stambaugh - 15.09.2023 21:13

Dawkins has no evidence .

Tyler Matthew Harris
Tyler Matthew Harris - 15.09.2023 17:57

Literally cannot compute

Tyler Matthew Harris
Tyler Matthew Harris - 15.09.2023 17:23

I’m curious as to how many people recognize the “crazy” look in her eyes. Or does she look normal to you all. Not what she’s saying just how she looks

JimSin - 15.09.2023 08:56

I watched the whole thing and now i feel like i just discovered that Finkel IS Einhorn😢

JimSin - 15.09.2023 08:20

She's denser than osmium 😢

2Bach Shakur
2Bach Shakur - 15.09.2023 07:23

The most irritating thing about people like Wendy is not just their absurdly illogical worldview but the way they smugly present their mental diarrhea, smiling arrogantly while lecturing you with complete nonsense.

NeCaHi - 14.09.2023 19:40

This poor woman is one of the dumbest people I've ever heard speak

ChocoPuddingCup - 14.09.2023 18:19

I love that this 'interview' has become synonymous with the outright brainless ignorance of creationists.

Zen Burns
Zen Burns - 14.09.2023 08:38

You can't counter an unreasonable argument with reason. Reason is completely foreign to people like this inane women; it's a language they can't speak, read, or comprehend.

filmeseverin - 14.09.2023 04:09

The superficial ones do not think enough to understand the simple fact that from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes, the entire process until nowadays proving the existence of God because the results of a process prove the intelligence involved into that process.
They ignore the intelligence put from the beginning. For example, the intelligence mentioned includes the exact value of the speed of light matching the manifestation of what we call "gravity", working together since the primordial conditions to form in the end this reality, which hosts intelligent life that is able to feel / understand / admire / enjoy / respect / love the Creator, especially through His human form, Jesus Christ.

Anyway, it is not easy to fight continuously with what Satan did to this world (carnivores, parasites, viruses, bad bacteria... the so called "weeds" in Matthew 13:24-43) and to ourselves ... because until our death we fight with the works of the fallen angels and of their tools, the evil=stupid people, the consequences of evilness = stupidity.

Cinzia Samson
Cinzia Samson - 13.09.2023 23:36

I can t possibly keep listening to this woman, she wilfully ignores anything Dawkins says, I take my hat off to the incredible patience that Dawkins displays in front of total nonsense

maurice ossendryver
maurice ossendryver - 13.09.2023 20:14

Always beware of grinning smiling happy clappy people who totally ignore all and any facts and just go ahead and speak pure unadulterated 24 carat shit. Like her. Her degree of science understanding could fill the entire surface of a grain of rice

peter thornton
peter thornton - 13.09.2023 13:07

This woman is so stupid it really isn’t worth finishing this. I made it to 51m. I need a cup of tea and a good lie down. Every single argument she attempts is circular and attempts to distract. She cites evolutionary biologists who don’t believe in evolution. She needs to sit down with them and investigate the overwhelming consensus the scientific community has arrived at.

Roger Chadwick
Roger Chadwick - 13.09.2023 09:07

Where's your creationist evidence you silly woman

Cloudy Sunset
Cloudy Sunset - 13.09.2023 04:33

she is sooo smug and condescending in her ignorance.

jinglesbluecat - 13.09.2023 00:19

I just wanted to wipe the smile off her face. Nauseating in the extreme. A special kind of stupid.

Bryan Bick
Bryan Bick - 12.09.2023 23:46

The “Manchurian Candidate” look in her blank stare and that condescending laugh stays it all!

Craig Stewart
Craig Stewart - 12.09.2023 23:35

I'm an atheist, but she is brilliant! - I like her a lot

CommanderIrish - 12.09.2023 21:03

Spoiler alert, Wendy is the severely disabled little girl.

CommanderIrish - 12.09.2023 20:40

Fanatical eyes strikes again.

Chad Morgan
Chad Morgan - 12.09.2023 17:36

He must of had the worst migraine after all that. I could just imagine that what she was hearing was the teacher from Charlie Brown. Wa wa wa wa wa.

Waakiki - 12.09.2023 00:38

Cree a TORE

G.K., The elder
G.K., The elder - 11.09.2023 22:26

Gotta hand it to her. She’s strong, polite and fluid as hell in her delusional horseshit.

71Splinter - 11.09.2023 19:51

her eyes and voice scream batshit crazy

Miguel De Adeje
Miguel De Adeje - 11.09.2023 15:06

She is actually insane and definitely a Trumptard.
