ESO Ultimate Companions Beginner Guide - Overview and Tips (2021)

ESO Ultimate Companions Beginner Guide - Overview and Tips (2021)

Adam Lutz

3 года назад

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Adam Lutz
Adam Lutz - 07.05.2021 17:00

Are you looking forward to this new system? Yes or no?

Dragon 359
Dragon 359 - 27.06.2023 14:53

I love your videos, I’ve been listening to them a lot recently for my current build and they’ve been extremely helpful. It’ll be nice to get a companion and set them up to do questing with since none of my friends or co-workers play ESO

Max Hernandez
Max Hernandez - 28.04.2023 13:13

I’m a new player, can I make Mirri a healer and stay back with a bow and heal me?

Cedric G
Cedric G - 02.03.2023 23:33

Kinda late to the Party, but I have a question.
There are some dungeons that you can't solo, due to the mechanics. Can companions help with that? For exp the one ice dungeon, where you have to stand on two pressure points to open a gate?
That would be awesome!

False Death
False Death - 27.02.2023 05:21

Kind of silly you can't give them a helmet. Who needs head protection anyway right?

peacauve - 26.02.2023 23:46

Hey! It's pronounced "men o tar"

s3p4kner - 30.01.2023 01:53

I came back to ESO for a few days with the offer of a week of free ESO plus perks & damn the Blackwood PVE content is tough without a companion XD
While I enjoy the added lore and depth these companions bring, if ESO were to upgrade ALL the PVE bosses to the same standard it would make these companions mandatory rather than a nice thing to have and turn the game into fantasy version of StarWars: The Old Republic where you get your 1st companion as soon as you finish the tutorial. I can easily see ESO doing the same and I wonder if the game really needs this?
Great video and I'll be using this to try and collect as many of these as possible.

agirlyman - 24.01.2023 19:51

Interesting. Can you romance companions?

Marc Hernandez
Marc Hernandez - 16.08.2022 02:05

Best part of eso is you can always come back days, weeks, months, years later and do some quest. Or make a new character for a different play style or different builds. Always plenty of new characters and always new content. Bethesda really did a great job with eso. Best mmo ever IMO

Alexander Green
Alexander Green - 05.08.2022 00:51

Anyone looking to play/start a guild on PC? Stick of getting destroyed by bosses 😂

Han Park
Han Park - 24.07.2022 23:05

As a new player who chose stamblade im just grateful for some heals

H.B.K. !BRB!
H.B.K. !BRB! - 16.07.2022 01:23

How do you access companion settings on PS4

Handy Handerson
Handy Handerson - 06.05.2022 11:59

I got no friends to play with, guess I'll have to pay to have a friend 😅

ItaChu 787
ItaChu 787 - 26.04.2022 22:02

Just bought it on sale

Jeffrey Aguilar
Jeffrey Aguilar - 24.04.2022 23:30

They should make Naryu a companion.

Frosted - 14.04.2022 13:54

Can anyone tell me what's the point of this if overland content is so easy already?

BostonCahKeys - 12.04.2022 06:36

Totally ripped this off from Dragon’s Dogma.

R0nin041 - 08.03.2022 03:34

How to make them tanks or healers?

Et in Arcadia ego
Et in Arcadia ego - 03.03.2022 03:26

Now that I have my dunmer waifu Mirri by my side, I will conquer all of Tamriel!

Meriljana - 26.02.2022 23:17

When i get a subscription for a month and do the quetline in that time, do i keep the companion after the month ends?

David Maggard
David Maggard - 28.01.2022 02:22

can I do the ESO Companions quest in the blackwood dlc at a low level character

l___MCGINLAY___l - 17.01.2022 15:42

Any update on when we'll get the full Mirri healer and Bastian tank builds?

F1L1P3 - 23.12.2021 04:34

Question, can I turn a companion into a vampire or werewolf?

Shelby C
Shelby C - 13.10.2021 07:34

Your seriously my fav eso content creator love the way you explain so damn well

ryan wolf
ryan wolf - 11.10.2021 03:22

Big Ty

DZ0 - 06.10.2021 20:24

Also, naw. Zen messed it up by making their skill delays absurd to not be OP when they could have done numerous other things. Also, they most def can replace a real player, ppl can already make solo builds to solo most all content, a companion just helps that even more, I can’t wait to just get mirri set up a tiny bit more n get my ice witch too 50 to start going CP again, n we’re going n sweeping dungeons n farmin sets.

DZ0 - 06.10.2021 20:20

Mirri.Her quest is more fun, and her bonus if way better than Bastion. Although, I do like bastion n his CC, but erg idk. It’s more about the bonus than their skills for me.

Enivri - 04.10.2021 20:58

So you have to buy the Blackwood DLC to get the companions? I thought it would’ve been an update to the base game

James OKeefe
James OKeefe - 03.10.2021 18:04

Revisiting this in Blackwood this week and these guides are so valuable and well done. Thank you for taking the time to do all of these guides!! 👍

NeonSean - 01.10.2021 21:56

Thank you I love you for this

Tuga Drindol
Tuga Drindol - 06.08.2021 18:37

miri is deff. the best bastion is way to whinny

Belle Gold
Belle Gold - 28.07.2021 11:56

Mirri yells at me about bugs so I use bastian

MikkoFitness - 05.07.2021 17:23

Down below.

Chris Edwards
Chris Edwards - 02.07.2021 21:41

This system is so underwhelming.

Tareq Hasan
Tareq Hasan - 01.07.2021 10:43

Just wanted to point out that to access the companion menu, ZOS could have integrated it with the player character menu rather than speaking to them every time.

Annon1Gaming - 21.06.2021 21:30

Team Mirri all the Way

GunbuckChuck - 20.06.2021 19:03

Team Mirri ❤️👌🏻

Nate Dawg
Nate Dawg - 20.06.2021 05:24

The ONLY thing I really hate is the fact we can't put helmets on our companions. I don't WANNA look at your FACE!

kreated by khaos
kreated by khaos - 18.06.2021 06:42

ive just started eso and i do have blackwood , how ever i have no clue how to get to this blackwood , ive read the starting quest , just cannot seem to know where this place is , im sure the game is worth it, looks very pretty , only been at it 10 days

ShadowLeaderJTF2 - 14.06.2021 05:51

How do you unlock them

USMC 3/7 Wpns. Co.
USMC 3/7 Wpns. Co. - 13.06.2021 09:35

Thank you

Dr Woo
Dr Woo - 12.06.2021 08:40

I just got the 2 companions. I wish they had much more dialogue.

Kevin Sears
Kevin Sears - 05.06.2021 10:48

don't get companion till the 8th on ps4...
question: can we infect companions with Lycanthropy? werewolf pack buddy?

pigeontology - 03.06.2021 13:34

each of your toons has to do the companion quest to unlock the companion. Do you have to level the companion multiple times or only once?

Fingaz MC
Fingaz MC - 31.05.2021 17:01

How have you got to play this so early mate?

Dj Genius
Dj Genius - 19.05.2021 02:58

When will these companions be released?

Asgarth 61
Asgarth 61 - 13.05.2021 16:43

What about Sebastian's reactions on certain Vampire/Werewulf skills like feeding?

Jude Jacques
Jude Jacques - 10.05.2021 20:46

I got some opinions and some questions...

When we put the costumes on the companions, can we color it?
Does the costumes automatically come in the same color as the costume on your current character?
Can we place Dye stamps on the companions?
Are companions lvls and skills account based? or character base? - I have 18 characters so I just need to know if I'mma have to do this process all 18 times...

I wish would could put a mask over the companions as I don't really like how they look, wish I could create their look like our own characters, hopefully their is a crown store version later on that we can fully customize.

Personally hate how weak the companions are, especially for someone who likes to main tank, does pve to min-max to pvp. I'm a pretty good tank in PVE however, I just feel like too many players want to play DPS in this game without the actual skills to play dps. There's a few issues with that, of all the MMORPG's i've played this game is extremely not dps friendly, the fact that players will dps practice for months and still can't hit the minimum 37k dps on a 3m dummy is an issue. Constantly if I queue random in a dungeon without my friend whom I don't always want to bother out of respect trying to make them do pve content for me when I don't even wanna do it myself, I'll queue randomly, get some random dps who can't complete the content or if the dungeon takes an average of 30mins or less, it takes these players hours to complete with plenty players quitting and being replaced.

So my take is this, the companion dps is set so low at 10k due to the fact they don't want players being replaced by these companions which in turn is saying they're aware that players dps is really that low, so instead of fixing the issue with overall dps, they acknowledge that the average player base can't do it, and they're forcing us to playing with these random players instead. I feel the companions should hit 30-40k dps, they still wouldn't be ideal for most dungeon content due to their inability to complete mechanics, but it would be a nice change of pace than playing with players who are just terrible with no incentive to get any better. Better dps companions would also help those player's who don't dps who actually only main tank or main healer, no speaking for myself, I can complete the solo vet content like vma, vsh with no issue, but not everyone can do that. I look at it like people will still play with who they want if they want to be social, but allowing them to have a better alternative with a hard hitting companion to make the process easier, or not have to deal with another player if they're friends aren't online to play with would have been a better option.

Btw i'm currently playing on console, so the average player base is pretty awful when trying to do pve content in all honesty. Make's me wish this game was just cross platform, i'd play on my computer instead, and would have access to more of an abundance of players, and the more skillful players of PC.

Rykah Murdock
Rykah Murdock - 10.05.2021 07:12

I have made build that I think you should try and maybe even showcase. I call it “Trinimac’s Fury". Combine Naga Shaman with Trinimac’s guidance and Infernal Guardian on a Nord DK. Lord or Lady Mundus, not really sure if it matters. Uses shield and Resto Staff. I don’t specify what weight of armor because this can function as both a tanky healer or a selfless tank. That’s why I use Naga shaman. Though Combat Physician could work as well. If you haven’t guessed from the armor sets, this is a damage shield build, and it rocks! As long as you keep spamming shields on your allies and yourself, you will be healing yourself and your friends while throwing balls of magma and light all over the place. I made it ‘cause I was sick of dps mains q’ing up as tanks and healers. Now i can enter solo dungeon que knowing that I can take over both roles at once if I wind up with 3 fleshy stabby boys. Try it out and let me know what you think

PS use harden enchant and infused trait on the weapons. The shield it gives will trigger all three sets!

shunnie - 10.05.2021 04:03

I kinda hated them but I also like them. I dont like how everything in ESO is scaled and you cant beat up world bosses by yourself anymore. This would help people who dont like that change, but AI tagging along in a MMO feels weird... all things considered though, there are many more pros than cons for sure
