Early East Slavic History

Early East Slavic History

M. Laser History

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Terézia Marková
Terézia Marková - 28.08.2023 22:59

As far as I know, the whole "Vladimir rejected islam because of the ban on drinking" is mostly a legend, Vladimir's main motivation appears to be the growing closeness of the Kievan Rus' to Byzantine Empire, which was their most important trade partner and biggest, most developed regional power. Building ties with them really made the most sense.

Жидальберт Мойшевич
Жидальберт Мойшевич - 23.08.2023 15:26

Rurik's first town was indeed Staraya Ladoga later pictured in your map, not Novgorod. Novgorod was founded a century/century and a half later, more or less

QweasdoUA TTGL
QweasdoUA TTGL - 20.08.2023 22:08

Thx for map on preview

The Bell Tower
The Bell Tower - 04.08.2023 16:40

Velikiy Novgorod first mentioned in 859 AD in its own town's Chronicles.
By the way there is the town of Staraya Ladoga witch is connected with Novgorod region and Orik (Rurik) dynasty as well, and it was founded in at least in 750 by slav tribes.
So actually historic Rurik's Novgorod can be also "Rurikovo gorodische" that is located few kilometers otside of Velikiy Novgorod (The Varangian name of the city Holmgård or Holmgard (Holmgarðr or Holmgarðir) is mentioned in Norse Sagas as existing at a yet earlier stage, but the correlation of this reference with the actual city is uncertain. Originally, Holmgård referred to the stronghold, now only 2 km (1.2 miles) to the south of the center of the present-day city, Rurikovo Gorodische.)

SuperBrutus - 15.07.2023 14:36

Dont rus come from the finnish name for the Swedish

Point of Interest
Point of Interest - 11.07.2023 03:37

Kyiv. It's just Kyiv.

ichtoza vuzovsky
ichtoza vuzovsky - 09.07.2023 10:30

The amount of bots fighting in the comments is pretty funny. Kyiv was the center of Rus' case and point. Kyiv is in Ukraine, not Russia.

Сергей Копыл
Сергей Копыл - 09.06.2023 20:13

Slavic tribe never settled on Volga River region.There are ugro-finnish settlements, their descendants are russians

SALAR - 01.06.2023 16:56

I wonder what script and language russians spoke before 8th century

Niki Kotsenko
Niki Kotsenko - 19.03.2023 09:56

Hi, thanks for a very clear explanation. Can you cite your sources for this video? I don't mean primary sources necessarily

Dašarath - 20.01.2023 20:19

why must have they had to migrate to the land of the uralic people? why must have they assimilated them? how tragic it is, what culture and languages we have lost to time. russians shouldve left well enough alone!

HeathenSW - 11.01.2023 13:36

It just saddens me that the history of this geography was destroyed like 3 times in some sort of purging. Like when they go from paganism to christianity, when Piotr I decided that his country should be more like Europe, when Russian Empire was replaced with Soviets, when Soviets was replaced with current countries... There is not that much cohesive left. Only with chronicles from the outside or rare allowed internal chronicles.

fun_paparazzi - 02.01.2023 03:29

“Vladimir killed Olga’s father and forced her to marry him, anyway.” Sounds like another Vladimir’s tactic of choice

fun_paparazzi - 02.01.2023 02:21

I knew that Ivan the Terrible’s hijinks would come up!

PaveLiki - 31.12.2022 10:15

Awesome video, thanks for your work.

the bat
the bat - 30.12.2022 14:34

if there was a "new gorod" then it must be old too and it was. It name is Ladoga. the first kind of capital.

Noco - 22.11.2022 03:11

My girlfriend is Belarusian. Now I know why she lives in a hut and hibernates during the winter. Thank you.

Просто Илья
Просто Илья - 13.11.2022 16:03

I'll write down the list of Rus' monarchs mentioned in this video and their deeds because writing helps memorizing. Maybe someone will find this helpful:

Rurik (862 - 869) - conquered one of the northern Slavic chiefdoms and established himself as the ruler there. Died.
Oleg (879 - 940 ) - Rurik's kin. Acted as a regent for Rurik's son Igor. Did a lot of conquest including Kyiv, which became the realm's new capital. Lost a war against Igor over the throne.
Igor ( 912 - 945) - Rurik's son. Won a war against Oleg over the throne. Fought Byzantines and Khazars. Was brutally killed by his subjects from the Drevlia tribe for demanding too much tribute.

Olga (945 - 960) - Igor's wife. Sviatoslav's mother and regent. Avenged her husband by burning down the Drevlian capital. Centralized power. Enacted law reforms. Adopted Christianity.
Sviatoslav (960 - 972) - Was pagan. Fought the bordering nomadic tribes. Lost a battle to the Byzantines. Was ambushed and killed by their allies - nomadic Pechenegs.
Yaropolk (972 - 978) - Sviatoslav's son. Defeated his brothers Oleg (killed) and Vladimir (fled) in a succession crisis. Lost all the conquests of his dad. Was killed by Vladimir.
Vladimir (978 - 1015) - Sviatoslav's bastard son. Was defeated by his brother Yaropolk in a succession crisis and fled to Norway. Gathered an army there and retook the throne. Reconquered some of his dad's conquests. Converted the country to Orthodox Christianity.

AZOVE🇺🇦 - 01.07.2022 08:40

Russia no Slavis

Darklord. - 23.06.2022 00:41


Yan Despar
Yan Despar - 24.05.2022 10:17

Volodymyr made a mistake, honestly, Orthodoxy is a joke

Viljo Veltti
Viljo Veltti - 13.05.2022 23:22

Damn russians

MikeHaggarSSBM - 07.04.2022 17:17

Your videos are extremely good and I love watching them.

Sin Wei Sia
Sin Wei Sia - 29.03.2022 17:20

Busy pwning each other in the 21st Century...

Aryan Yadav
Aryan Yadav - 14.03.2022 14:35

You make very impressive videos. Keep it up!

eypandabear - 15.01.2022 14:25

The way the Slavs adopted the Rus’ name is interesting. It’s similar to the Romano-Celtic people of Gaul becoming the “French”, isn’t it?

Allan - 09.12.2021 03:52

We need more stuff on central and Eastern Europe. It’s stuff we don’t get in school. Generally if it’s not about England or classical stuff it’s like it never happened. So good work 😀

Max Soto
Max Soto - 02.12.2021 23:06

Saint Olga, patron saint of mass arson

CsBanki - 24.09.2021 23:33

I love how every ruler becomes a saint after their conversion to christianity :D
Again great video, I don't think I've ever learned about a huge slavic empire in the east, that's pretty interesting!

VTZ AVP - 20.08.2021 04:28

One thing tho
The vikings success in the slavik lands happened only due to them mixing in with slavs something that history got wrong but archeology shows to be true that Rurik and Rus didn’t just rule slavs but mixed in with slavs creating Rus thus even slavs proudly called them self Rus

Alexey Chalov
Alexey Chalov - 13.08.2021 23:15

North-east sloveny from Ladoga and Novgorod were north-west slavs, colonising the trade from Baltic Sea to the south by settling on the north part of Volga river enter. As well as south East Slavs as Radimichi and Vyatichi did the same thing on Oka river (middle part to enter Volga). There were no much differences in slavs tribes and there languages or whatever, but they practiced different types of social hierarchy (Dnipro was more patriarchal clans, east was more independent communities).

Michael - 27.07.2021 05:43

Do you have any explanation for the connection between the Slavic culture and the Vedic culture? There is some solid indication that these two are very much related.

Vlaky Alex
Vlaky Alex - 19.07.2021 23:04

I am from Slovakia so I am West Slav. Pozdravujem!

Dominykas Pauliukonis
Dominykas Pauliukonis - 05.05.2021 19:41

I'd love a video about the balts

What up
What up - 26.04.2021 03:02

I hate history.

Monarchist Headcrab
Monarchist Headcrab - 25.04.2021 00:09

"Drinking is the joy of all Rus..."
This, gentlemen, is why nowadays we don't have a chechnya in the size of Russia

Cathy G
Cathy G - 22.04.2021 04:26

This is the best video you ever made !

Востокcлавия - 17.03.2021 03:54

Very nice!

Erik F.
Erik F. - 25.12.2020 22:42

Princess of Polotsk: I won't marry you, you bastard!
Vladimir: well see about that.

And then he did the only sensible thing.

mihanich - 02.12.2020 12:58

Muslim delegates presenting Islam to Vladimir I
- So if you join Islam you will not only obtain the Truth of Allah, but you will be also become a part of the greater Ummah community, also you can marry many women!
- Nice!
- You'll get the access to rich Arabic literature and latest scientific achievements
- awesome!
- you society will be guided by strict moral and juridical norms called "sharia", thus guaranteeing peace and stability
- cool!
- also, sharia enforces abstinence from alcohol
- hmm what's that?
- that means drinking is prohibited, isn't that awesome?
- oh yes, please, continue! *whispers to his servants*: - call the guards.

Anthony Constable
Anthony Constable - 28.09.2020 11:12

Excellent video! Thank you!

Unknown Benefactor
Unknown Benefactor - 24.08.2020 11:18

Why the Rus convert to Orthodox.
Simple, VODKA
No Vodka No Russki.

atewe1364 bg
atewe1364 bg - 14.08.2020 17:00

what about volga bulgaria?

Denys Kuzmych
Denys Kuzmych - 15.07.2020 07:33

I heard that varangians weren't really Vikings but more brutal slavs

Ludwig Schneider
Ludwig Schneider - 14.07.2020 04:58

imagine a muslim Russia....

Red S. Victim
Red S. Victim - 02.07.2020 15:04

"Drinking is the joy of all the Rus'." Classic.
