Kill the Dutch with 2.Bg5!

Kill the Dutch with 2.Bg5!


4 года назад

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@jeroenbarbier3508 - 29.09.2023 20:21

Finally a good explanation for white. I hate getting this as white. Thanks you!!

@tomazs8380 - 24.08.2023 02:09

i think destroy is an exageration, dutch players that are confortable with playing the lenningrad are gonna laught at your face after seing Bg5

@AA-pk6fo - 20.06.2023 03:13

tried it and my bishop got trapped. n1

@Bosco1.d4 - 14.05.2023 01:28

Thanks, this will definitely help me with future games against the Dutch, as a 1.d4 player.

@thaddtermeer6688 - 07.05.2023 08:07

Very nice developing ideas. I have an OTB game upcoming and my opponent plays f5 in response to d4, c4, f4, g3 openings. Searching for ideas to crush him.

@johnlewis8934 - 10.04.2023 17:46

Thank you for this

@vyrtilanyrwen3071 - 07.04.2023 10:34

“One of the most terrible responses to 1. d4….”

Harsh, but true. I mean, it’s not as bad as the Benoni, but it’s still bad. But at least black has some attacking chances. But if you told me that every time I played a game, I would face the Dutch, I would play 1. d4 every time. I know I have an exceedingly good record against it, and I use a couple different systems. My main is just the standard c4 g3 setup. However, the system that I prefer, but also the one that’s riskier, is the Staunton Gambit. I’ve played it OTB before, even after I reached master level, and I still do well with it. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t played it more. The fact that you give up a pawn and the computer says it’s equal just goes to show how good white’s winning chances really are. It is one of the few gambits that I think is truly justified. I have always found that it is just so difficult for Dutch players to face. I really think that white has sufficient compensation for the lost material.

@BeautifullyFutileEndeavour - 06.04.2023 13:11

As someone from the netherlands, the title of this video was mildly concerning 😅

@martinolsson9643 - 04.03.2023 02:25

I love my terrible Dutch. And on 2. Bg5 I follow Henry Edward Bird himself with 2...h6 3. Bh4 g5 as accepting challenges is the only way to grow, and prosper. Losses are not to be feared, only the avoidance of learning is.

@WillBillDillPickle - 13.02.2023 03:21

What opening are you playing?? If there is a name for it, please tell me, thanks!

@sbrynjelsen - 21.11.2022 03:55

Just finished a tournament today and beat a guy rated 250 points higher than me. He played the Dutch against my d4 opening and the Bg5 move worked like a charm! I don't think he had faced it before and it went as well as I hoped. First time someone has played the Dutch against me OTB.

@briandoile5011 - 08.11.2022 10:37

Used this to defeat the Gill Bates bot. Thanks!!!! *edited: it was not Melon Husk.

@muhammadsaifudin5922 - 19.06.2022 07:30

Matamu a mlaku pindo poteh iku

@zeke547 - 02.06.2022 16:25

you got a nice voice

@erictimm7112 - 28.04.2022 00:37

This guy is like the bob Ross of chess. Very calming

@wira2562 - 15.04.2022 04:55

Toronto Assault.

@Elmirgtr - 17.02.2022 05:39

Great video! I always play h4 against the dutch at some point. Glad to see it's also supported by you as well :) I think keeping the center either closed or under control helps with King-side attack if they castle short.

@deanreinglas3679 - 15.12.2021 03:27

After closing the bishop out with E3 can't the Bishop get trapped by blacks pawns? Or am I missing something?

@tyrelljeffries2527 - 07.10.2021 00:38

I'm calling Mark Esserman now!

@qneironaut - 30.09.2021 04:54

how is the dutch bad because it doesn't open develop or prepare to develop any minor pieces? couldn't the same be said about the Sicilian? Other than that good video, just kinda confused there

@kmdsummon - 17.06.2021 19:02

What is idea behind Nc3 move? He seems doing nothing during king side attack. And we don’t push e4 anyway. Why not Nd2 as in London?

@samarthtripathi8397 - 04.06.2021 21:51

Inatructions unclear. I killed my dutch friend and his family.

@TheOrazioPuglisi - 28.04.2021 13:41

Les analyses sont par trop superficielles ! Evidemment quand on a un parti pris cela nuit à la rigueur de l'exposé. C'est le problème de ces vidéos. Si je comprends bien la variante Hopton (qu'il ne nomme pas d'ailleurs !!!!) est donc une réfutation de la défense hollandaise. Alors jai fait un truc ce matin...vous savez quoi ??? J'ai brulé tous mes bouquins sur la défense hollandaise !!! The analyzes are too superficial! Obviously when you have a bias it harms the rigor of the presentation. This is the problem with these videos. If I understand correctly the Hopton variant (which he does not name by the way !!!!) is therefore a refutation of the Dutch defense. So I did something this morning ... you know what ??? I burned all my books on the Dutch defense !!!

@ishanr8697 - 02.04.2021 08:26

What do you recommend against 1.d4 e6 2.c4 f5? Can't play Bg5 there and transpose.

@edwarda9403 - 03.02.2021 06:00

Does this work a tempo down with colors reversed?

@Evilanious - 17.09.2020 11:19

I actually play the Dutch and have Simon Williams' chessable course on it. He also identifies ng4 as one of the most testing replies. One recommendation is to learn the french and just play e6 on move one, going into either the Dutch or French on move two depending on what white does. The main line recommended in that course is too good not to mention here: 1. d4-f5 2. bg5 - h6 3. bh5 - g4 4. e4- nf6 5. e5- e6 and the line gets crazier after that.

@liszt85 - 06.05.2020 01:08

I believe in 2. g4. :D

@saurabhxd8068 - 04.04.2020 09:45

I am calling Simon Williams now

@twngrd - 03.04.2020 22:38

As a dutch player myself(~2150), I like it when my opponents play sidelines like Bg5. I don't know if that's true of every dutch player, but my opinion is that the "main lines" involving a light square bishop fianchetto more challenging.
