When America Invaded Russia - 3D History DOCUMENTARY

When America Invaded Russia - 3D History DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

3 года назад

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Kings and Generals
Kings and Generals - 29.12.2020 03:04

I can show you the world , and all that... Subscribe!

C Peace
C Peace - 11.09.2023 19:59

Came back to see after all these years if I still thought the dude playing the keyboard was hot. Lol. Yes, keyboard dude is still hot imo.

kaiser willy
kaiser willy - 11.09.2023 18:52

It's not THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION but a Bolshevik Revolution. Most of the so called leaders came from America along with 20 million in gold to bring down the Tsar.

Nikolai Ivanov
Nikolai Ivanov - 03.07.2023 02:26

Never thought of Nizhni gorod as Ninji gorod. The Town of the Ninjas.

Kenneth Ferland
Kenneth Ferland - 21.06.2023 00:45

The fact that the Soviet Union was attacked IMMEDIATLY in an explicity support of a faction trying to restore a deposed monarch and against a democratic movement is a big part of why the Soviets viewed America and the west broadly as hypocrits about democracy and the US would continue proving them right for the next century.

Sneedcat1776 - 28.03.2023 23:18

We didn't invade, we aided the legitimate Russian government against devils.

Ekes Andras
Ekes Andras - 22.03.2023 21:30

it was half hearted and doomed from the very beginning, although some say that the goal never was to interfere in the Russian Civil War, but to secure arms shipments that had only recently been delivered to Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Vladovostok and that were still stocked there in the warehouses at the port. That part of the mission I think was fulfilled.

Roanora - 10.03.2023 12:08

The Americans failed to liberate the Russian people from themselves

Orto3000 - 03.03.2023 15:08

Dang so world war 2 did happen before the official world war 2? Wait so that means the official world war 2 is actually WW3?! Holy shite

herptek - 22.02.2023 07:57

Invading Russia is fun, everyone has done it despite all the fuss. We should break the old taboo about it already.

Richik Bhattacharya
Richik Bhattacharya - 18.02.2023 21:50

Americans "liberated" the cities. While the Soviets "captured" them. And we are talking about cities in Russia!! We can clearly see which side this channel is biased towards.

Steve Lawrence
Steve Lawrence - 18.02.2023 00:38

Calling an expedition to protect US Government property an invasion is simply a lie.

Joan - 14.02.2023 16:33

Soviet revolution. How a nation of serves defeated all the great power invasions and the zarist regime. Eternal glory to them.

5Mariner - 30.12.2022 02:26

Yakov Tryapitsyn was a real psychopath!

5Mariner - 30.12.2022 01:58

Even though the expedition was a failure, it was still worth it. Trying to stop the spread of Communism is always a worthy cause. I'm very proud of the boys to went to Russia.

Daca - 14.12.2022 23:05

Chad workers vs virgin imperialists

Brian Lyons
Brian Lyons - 14.11.2022 19:14

Is there a pc strategy game that uses your animation and stuff?

axdde - 28.09.2022 00:23

17;41 liberating???? you mean occupying

Jamie Canivet
Jamie Canivet - 22.09.2022 00:00

America didn't invade Russia, the western WWI allies invaded the fledgling USSR to restore the pre-war government.

Justin Apps
Justin Apps - 16.09.2022 19:54

No surprise america had a hand in almost every civil conflict on the world stage since forever

Robert Ledwidge
Robert Ledwidge - 05.08.2022 21:30

Australians fought at Arkangel why no mention of them??????

Dropped Anchor
Dropped Anchor - 18.07.2022 06:19

Terrific as usual. While part way through I remembered a shipmate of mine talking of his uncle being in White Russia after WWI while in the U.S. Army. While enroute to Russia it was discovered he could understand elements of spoken Russian.

Jarod 1999
Jarod 1999 - 17.07.2022 19:33

I’d like to see more videos on the Russian civil war and the allied intervention of the Russian civil war.

Anonymous - 14.07.2022 10:01

The UK royals are amazing in some cases.

CQC ARC - 05.07.2022 00:35

in fact, the Bolsheviks are terrorists who destroyed the kingdom or empire of their homeland, gave up territories, admit their defeat to the losing Germany, seized power from the winning party, also exterminating all those who disagreed and opposed the Bolsheviks and Communists. the communists didn't get power they seized power by killing thousands and more. carried out terrorist attacks. do not trust a communist as a radical mus

Nathan Wilson
Nathan Wilson - 17.06.2022 21:50

This video just goes to highlight how little I know about the Russian Civil War. I'm gonna have to listen to more videos on the topic! Thank you very much for this one!
Stay well out there everybody, and God bless you, friends. ✝️ :)

Dr. Dirt
Dr. Dirt - 15.06.2022 04:35

US Expeditionary Forces kicked the snot out of the Russian. Russians only know retreat and wait for winter.

Matt Grandich
Matt Grandich - 01.06.2022 23:25

Love it when K&G covers the lesser known conflicts of human history. Is this the first WW1 video to be made with the new 3D format for modern warfare videos?

Adam Radziwill
Adam Radziwill - 17.05.2022 03:53

"Russia" (Muscovy ) didn´t exist in 1918

Bringer ov Light
Bringer ov Light - 12.05.2022 12:36

Those skull and cross bone Russian partisans are crazy

stylophobia - 09.05.2022 17:54

How many Americans are aware that their country invaded the USSR ? Very few, I`ll wager !

galactic empire
galactic empire - 29.04.2022 02:31

So you're saying russia invaded usa since they sent 200 ships to usa to help anerican in there civil war . Realy.

Kameel Elian
Kameel Elian - 24.04.2022 19:53

You can say the effects of the Russian revolution still effects the world as we know it.

Ioniz A
Ioniz A - 22.04.2022 20:51

America should do this again
For Ukraine

Fred Landry
Fred Landry - 15.04.2022 11:22

I knew that American and Allied Troops occupied ports in Russia but there was a lot more fighting with Soviet Forces than I thought.

matt billings
matt billings - 11.04.2022 19:43

We didn’t invade Russia, we sent troops to help the Russians fight off the Communist vermin in their land.

Arkadiusz Milik
Arkadiusz Milik - 05.04.2022 09:24

Well US did not invade Russia actually, it joined the allies in trying to help the Whites fighting the communists.

Travis Cooper
Travis Cooper - 02.04.2022 15:18

Let's do it again!

SkyMaXX - 30.03.2022 22:34

What are the liberators? What are you? These are interventions. They invaded foreign territory when Russia smelled of fried, the country could fall apart due to a series of civil wars and revolutions. These countries did not want to free someone, but simply bite off a fat piece from a collapsing country. They wanted to seize territories, subjugate the locals and plunder. Everything. Moreover, in Arkhangelsk, the American units did not even fight with the regular army, but they dealt very cruelly with the local civilians, trying to knock them out of the location of the Red Army units that had settled in the forests. A lot of dead and maimed women and children.

Daniele Fabbro
Daniele Fabbro - 30.03.2022 04:27

It's interesting because during the WW1 there was some Italians that had fought with the Austrians that was captured by the Russians. As soon as the Civil War started, Russians decided to leave them go home. But these soldiers instead decided to form a military unit and fight alongside the Czech Legion and the White Russians.
It was called "Legione Redenta" or "Redempted Legion" referred to the fact that firstly they fought for Austria, then they joined Italy. And to prove their loyalty they fought in the Civil War in order to support the monarchy that was close to the Kingdom of Italy.
We Italians also had a lot of spies in Arkangelsk where the Allied Task Force was planned to land. But our spies noticed that the city was taken by the Bolsheviks and then not safe for the Allies arrival.

C O - 08.03.2022 10:00

Too bad the Us failed and communism spread to the rest of the world, killing 100 million.

Lorran Neves
Lorran Neves - 03.03.2022 09:08

☭🚩 The difference between the army of all invading nations and the Red Army, created by Trotsky, is that the soldiers of the Red Army fought so that soldiers and workers of all other nations also had the right to free themselves. They fought to defend the Revolution that was not only Russian, but Internationalist, as Lenin always defended, and they showed all the other peoples of the world that it is indeed possible that they also conquer their liberation, that there is an end to all wars and the exploitation of man for the man.

Danisagoodman - 16.02.2022 22:24

I hope you know it wasn't just America that invaded Russia It was Britain Canada Australia Japan Italy and many more

D - 15.02.2022 14:49

This debunks the fash conspiracy theory that the bolsheviks were backed by Wall Street.

nandoismarketing - 22.01.2022 19:49


Park Yamato
Park Yamato - 11.01.2022 21:37

Russian Civil War was basically a historical Chinese Civil War but with international affairs

Viking Adventurer
Viking Adventurer - 19.12.2021 20:24

Army's using nature as fear not good really not good at all......🦉🌏

Random Guy
Random Guy - 14.12.2021 07:03

People are also shocked that we were allies with Japan in WW1. We invaded Russia to stop communism and yet pretend no shots fired in the cold war. Yeah, sure, whatever.

Hans Spiegl
Hans Spiegl - 01.12.2021 10:48

Thank you! As a European I didn’t know much about the time between the wars in the pacific. Great work!

Nephilim ivritt
Nephilim ivritt - 27.11.2021 03:20

all this because England an Canada pulled us into that crap back then like they are trying to do again in Ukraine
