why do people play rogues like this

why do people play rogues like this

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Corvo - 26.09.2023 12:29

"Corvo Auditore" has me dying 💀💀💀

Luke Jensen
Luke Jensen - 26.09.2023 00:40

and thats why rogues are my favorit class to play

Royale With Cheese
Royale With Cheese - 24.09.2023 18:06

I love the references Corvo Auditore 😂

Videl x Spopovich
Videl x Spopovich - 21.09.2023 18:04

I actually really like this rogue. The planning part of taking over the city is actually pretty fun. Most of my characters end up buying property and turning whatever business their running into an adventure all its own

Lucid Strike
Lucid Strike - 11.09.2023 07:50

I'm just scouting for surprise…and starting dialogues with important NPCs because, I mean, I'm generally the most persuasive anyway. Don't worry. 😅

Real shit, I be like Fred: Let's split up, gang. 😂

captainmanacles - 06.09.2023 06:03

I love that ending

xScarlettB - 04.09.2023 10:07


Tchomp Team
Tchomp Team - 03.09.2023 21:49

TBF there are times the party just gets split up. It can be a fun story device to split players up but it can also be...VERY taxing on the DM keeping track of both and moving forward with the story.

Matthew K
Matthew K - 01.09.2023 15:48

This reminds me of the bad guys plot from BG3 😂

Jose P
Jose P - 29.08.2023 02:55

That was the most perfectly accomplished and least annoying (and actually funny) ad placement i have ever seen

TermicrafTeron 27
TermicrafTeron 27 - 25.08.2023 09:36

i had a rogue once, that kept stealthing away from the party. not to do this sort of stuff (Thank god), but because his character had attention deficit so he kept trying to find something interesting to do around town. i indulged him and made short side stories while the party planned stuff, like this one time where he tried to woo a lady in a town faire, but failed due to his lifestyle (they got married in the end. he now owns a shop), another one where he just helped a farmer keep the town children entertained while he worked, and just played hide and seek (he pretended to not see them sometimes, it was really cute), and another one in the woods where he helped a bear cub find its way back home. it was wholesome fun for us, and we had to narrate for the whole party near the end more than once because they finished what they were doing and had to wait for us to be done. he got reprimanded by the fighter for leaving when he got back every single time. it was a really story based campaign, and i loved it.

BELOVED - 24.08.2023 03:43

Gortash Lore

Tekaine - 18.08.2023 21:16

Funny thing is I'm in my first campaign now and in yesterdays session I poofed away in front of my group and ended up in the astral plane.

Megalomaniac Trans Lesbian
Megalomaniac Trans Lesbian - 14.08.2023 15:25

Corvo Auditore is an unbelievably edgy name for a rogue. 100% realistic to D&D nerds and gamers XD

Jared Nolan
Jared Nolan - 13.08.2023 12:28

Had something very much like this in a game recently. Drow rouge was frequently the butt of "dwarf good elf bad" jokes from our dwarf paladin, so she rolled to stealth and hid his warhammer on a really high shelf without telling the party. No one looked into it until we hit combat, at which point the dwarf was reduced to unarmed strikes. Comedy gold.

Lyretx X
Lyretx X - 13.08.2023 02:26

Whooooo boy.. sounds like some is a “badass”

DiscoTimelord - 10.08.2023 02:56


Domyras - 09.08.2023 20:19

"you created ORPHANS?!"
"that will grow up to become more rogues"
<DM sigh>
i felt that in ma soul

Cindersnaps - 06.08.2023 00:31

I just want to point out that the people who act like this are not only playing the rogue. Let's call it what it is. A narcissist sits at the table playing any class and chooses to be an ass to everyone and we choose to say something about a type and something about a particular class. The problem is the narcissist. Get rid of that one and you can have some semblance of a good gaming experience. Thank you Jacob for your depictions that make the point.

Fire Fux
Fire Fux - 03.08.2023 20:06

The Rogue created the DM and D&D 6E all in one fell swoop

ZinyakI2345 - 02.08.2023 06:10

This seems like the kind of thing that would be really cool the first three times it happens.

Carlo Renee Ventura
Carlo Renee Ventura - 23.07.2023 02:47


DrapionTrainer - 22.07.2023 01:44

No idea if it works like this, but last night I was playing a one shot with several friends and i used a rogue that I had built to level 20 just to see how OP i could make it (tbc we were all level 20 and allowed to grab the best gear we could)

During the big battle towards the end of the one shot, I would use the hide action as a bonus action every turn and because my character is a ghost and my passive stealth was a 28 DM just decided I was invisible which is oddly enough not an ability I able to actually give myself.
Basically nothing could tagert me and somehow this big bad had no AOE, so the whole fight I was practically untouchable. Unfortunatly for me, I kept fudging my attack rolls so the boss was also practically untouchable XD

Also at the very start of the game I left a bead from my necklace of fireballs at the tavern we started at (I have my reasons, I knew it was risky) and nearly got a party wiped before the game even begun. Not from the fireball of course, literally all of us would have survived a first level fireball with little to no damage taken. There just happened to be two optional bosses inside, one of which stopped the explosion from going off and then wasted like an hour of our time trying to arrest a ghost for arsen XD. Eventually we just settled on branding me and letting me off with a warning XD

The Impervious Firecracker
The Impervious Firecracker - 18.07.2023 20:19

It would be so funny if he was explaining all of this, then the DM says;
"You can't take his staff."
"You atomized it. With your dagger. Remember?"
"Ooooooohhhhhhh....... riiiiiggghhhttttttt....."

Luke eats Chips
Luke eats Chips - 18.07.2023 11:22

This type of DM sucks

M W - 17.07.2023 10:25

I like the start a small army plan...

Lucifina Laurel
Lucifina Laurel - 11.07.2023 20:14

Meanwhile, my rogue keeps sneaking away from the party because I got bored of having to sit there in silence for 30 minutes while they identify the cool magic items they found (I did not find any).

RawwkinGrimmie64 - 07.07.2023 22:06

Ah, yes, Corvo Auditore. The protaganist of my favorite video game: "Corvid Creed: Ravenhood"

Rock N' roll
Rock N' roll - 04.07.2023 20:28

This made me irrarionally angry. That little shit of a rogue deserves the wrath of the 9 hells! XD

Little_Wintry - 23.06.2023 21:35

We had a minor version of this with our rogue who was in the middle of Backstory Plot and the rest of the party was incredibly confused because he wanted to keep it a secret. Things went from mildly annoying to hilarious when we watched him go all "i must find this person and confront them about my past!", threaten a carriage driver to give up his carriage, try to drive the carriage, realize he can't drive a carriage, and crash it into a nearby building. The look on his face was priceless and we still bring up The Carriage Incident.

fabio springer
fabio springer - 09.06.2023 01:14

\i cast faerie fire on the rogue

Dont Matter
Dont Matter - 07.06.2023 08:13

When i play rogues I let the heavy armor people act as bait while i sneak around for the perfect target.

LyricMMX - 05.06.2023 12:32

I love how he just casually becomes the DM

Hawkingbird - 17.05.2023 20:05

corvo auditore 😭

Unknown Comic
Unknown Comic - 17.05.2023 01:56

Packs up dice and books. gets up, and leaves............

Silver Soul
Silver Soul - 14.05.2023 05:31

bro just dmed with extra steps

Jiyaaru - 11.05.2023 10:40

-You've made orphans.

-That just means there will be more rogues in the world.


Sam - 11.05.2023 10:20

"Corvo Auditore"... I get it. I dig it.

brad r
brad r - 10.05.2023 01:13

I really wish gfuel was good, I had high hopes. It has a good initial taste, but then tastes bad with a bad aftertaste and doesnt give you any energy

Irru27 - 05.05.2023 19:38

The universe would implode if their were more than one of him XD

Blue Son of Man
Blue Son of Man - 28.04.2023 18:52

I need a video where someone plays as the Bard from the 2004 Bard's Tale who is more rouge then Bard

TheUlimade - 25.04.2023 20:51

18 yeah you don't see him, god damn expertise in stealth 😂

restoftoasty - 20.04.2023 17:00

one time I played like that because a certain member of my party made it quite obvious that I was not welcome (in game, apparently, but I couldn't tell) so while he was being stupid and getting caught and jailed I stealthed around the tower and stole the important documents in five minutes. it was online tho so it was a little easier

Amaya Ells
Amaya Ells - 18.04.2023 08:44

I had a rogue/cleric multiclass and her disappearing from sight used to be my party's signal to arm up. She had expertised perception and stealth but never actually communicated with the party like a sensible person and preferred to just disappear at the first sign of trouble and reappear with a rapier in an enemy's back.

Notloc Colton
Notloc Colton - 18.04.2023 04:09

Why is this actually so accurate?

oskar arnolds
oskar arnolds - 17.04.2023 20:08

As a rogue when you act independently of your party, that doesn‘t mean the people at the table have to be shut off.
If you have plans that require alot of time at the table don‘t whisper, just let them listen in on what you are doing, that makes for a lot of funny moments for them aswell as for you.
If you do however have plans that you want to be a surprise to them and they do take alot of time, talk about that with your dm before the session starts or maybe during a pee break when it doesn‘t disrupt the flow of the game. That way you can kind of just tell him „im gonna do the thing we talked about“ and the pause for the other players can be made sooooo much shorter. If you do want to make it a surprise to them, try to make it an entertaining reveal though. I should be worth the time you took from them.
DnD is about having fun with your friends, not despite them, so their entertainment should always be on your mind when you go rogue

Kruhl Sentru
Kruhl Sentru - 16.04.2023 18:11

What, the rogue didn't simultaneously kill half his own party while framing the other half for crimes they didn't commit? Still better than the rogues I've had to play with, then.
