Across the Spider-Verse (Start a Band) | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Original ...

Across the Spider-Verse (Start a Band) | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Original ...


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@Mamuel7 - 28.02.2025 09:14

Esta cancion me trae recuerdos de 2023, concretamente las vacaciones de verano, donde sali de secundaria y a la ves mi grupo de amigos desde ese entonces cada ves se distancio mas hasta que a dia de hoy casi no nos vemos, y casi no hablamos por mensaje, los mejores amigos que pude tener jamas y que lamentablemente mi grupo, Los 7, cada ves es mas distante y cada ves parece que el final de esta increible aventura de amigos se va a llegar pronto...

(Los 7 el mejor grupo)

@ReinerMedina-y9f - 21.02.2025 22:50

The Prowler's roars in the movie: 💀☠️🌚👹

@Sanchezx_xx - 19.02.2025 04:05

“Don’t tell mom”😏

@unidentified5628 - 17.02.2025 19:28

Prowler Miles is going to learn a valuable lesson… Don’t watch the mouth. Watch the hands

@Lopzzzanthony - 16.02.2025 15:55

If beyond has the same quality of the first and the two, they for sure will have the best trilogy of any superhero of all time…no pressure to the writers take their time…

@Araknidz - 16.02.2025 05:34

"You want in?"

Oh yes I do.

@l.p.c7158 - 15.02.2025 21:52

I like this theme

@Freckley-v5x - 12.02.2025 22:53

"I'm not Vanny Gregory she is...": Some dude points at random person ominously on the ceiling. Me: Imagines this theme playing throughout. I remember watching this film, good times...

@onesimomuniz8290 - 12.02.2025 01:52

Essa musica 3 muito boa é perfeita eu gostei de mais, boa marvel continue assim parabéns

@OdysseySarma-l3v - 10.02.2025 16:59

I want to see something like that in mcu

@amberhanson9214 - 09.02.2025 08:15

So of the sound, I just feel it in my veins so it looks like prowler and Mileses theme are mixed up so when they’re mixed up, it sounds like this

@ShenGeLXD - 06.02.2025 14:29

Music finished the moment i finished washing the dishes🗿
I am The Chosen One🔥🔥🔥

@afnanbader5261 - 06.02.2025 09:28

bro me cant wait for spider-man beyond the spider-verse

@АмильАбдрахманов-р8о - 05.02.2025 22:34

When i beat the cancer but goku

@TheRenegadePlayer - 04.02.2025 01:35

It's just the ending to our second movie, you don't need to go that hard.
Daniel Pemberton: hold my beer

@emeraldhawk5148 - 02.02.2025 03:19

Man elephantcore music goes crazy

@Invincible_Amirmir - 30.01.2025 16:44

Miles:Look uncle Aaron I know u don’t want to be. The prowler

Uncle Aaron: I know ,fool i ain’t no prowler u ain’t real my nephew kid

@NexdName - 29.01.2025 22:54

they made a theme more chilling than the Prowler's.. by making anouther prowler theme.

@alfonsogabrielreyessamanam7665 - 29.01.2025 01:55

Esto si es dejar en suspenso a alguien xd

@casanova2469 - 27.01.2025 08:27

I swear, When “To Be Continue” came on, I literally was screaming in agony 😱

@angawaanas - 26.01.2025 02:16


@Darkpixel_74 - 25.01.2025 13:15

Spot's villain arc starts..

@AntsTheaterCorner2698 - 22.01.2025 23:06

We can call this film The two towers of animation, severely overlooked by the academy but for a respectable reason. The sequel bias didn't really matter if it wasn't up against the boy in the heron. The boy in the Heron had a lot more on its mind than this film did. That doesn't really say much because both films are exhilarating, breathtaking in animation and powerful in themes. The boy in the heron was a story that spoke directly from the animator's heart. He hasn't won since spirited away. After word of the animators being mistreated came out, behavior like this cannot happen again. This is probably why they weren't promoting the film after its June release. It's because they would be letting loose the idea that their abuse was deserved, which it wasn't. Even if it wasn't up against the Miyazaki film, it probably still would not have won. It's a sequel and the middle chapter in a trilogy. Look at some of the best sequels of all time, toy Story 2 and the two towers were severely overlooked by the academy. At least toy Story 2 won a Golden Globe for best picture And the two towers won. I believe two Academy Awards. The original spider-verse already won and it already cements the achievement and the impact that film left on the industry and continues to leave. The film also is still a hard abrupt cliffhanger. I don't know how this would have affected anything. If it had a different ending, it still would have won the critics choice award and sweeped the animation awards. On top of that, no one is talking about what I'm about to say but they should because it's important. At the Academy Awards, spider-verse received a rousing cheer, screams and applause when it was announced as a nominee. That shows just how close this animation race was and how Miyazaki has been awarded his final Academy award before he retires and you can pretty much call this the career achievement Academy Award at this point. Lord and Miller also have not been in the industry as long as he has. To wrap it up, across the spider-verse is still one of the greatest sequels of all time, one of my top three comic book films of all time next to Logan and The Dark Knight, It won every possible award in every possible Awards body that it ever had any right to, it's creative artistry and passion are being celebrated countlessly throughout the animation industry and no other film or series of films has ever lived up to the legacy of these films, not even Pixar. This is still an absolute classic, one of my favorite films ever, one of the best films I've ever seen and for me it's actually the Godfather 2 of animation. For the Academy, it's the two towers of animation, but it's still a fantastic film and spider-verse is celebrated very countlessly. This film will always be remembered as a work of art sure to inspire generations of creative artistry and passion like never before.

@TheMitchZone - 21.01.2025 11:45

Who else is still watching the credits roll from ATSV, and just HAD to go look it up to listen to that GOATED theme again? Words can't express how good this movie is (how good both of them are). I wish I had a small part in it so bad, just to be a part of something this PEAK. 😭🙏❤️‍🔥💯

@rs_freeman1404 - 20.01.2025 22:19


@badwifi931 - 17.01.2025 07:36

What Hailee Steinfield hears when Shameik starts yapping:

@rachelm.1606 - 15.01.2025 00:15

I absolutely love the ending song the of

@Kanyr124 - 13.01.2025 11:09

Im vibeing😊

@NChapaWI9436 - 12.01.2025 05:43

We need Shameik Moore to lock in for just one more movie.

@DarraghHolden - 11.01.2025 20:54

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✏️Describe the vibe✅✔️

@ThelVadlee - 10.01.2025 23:11

When prowler theme first played in the first movie, I thought it sounded weird by itself. But now, now I can really see the purpose on all these notes coming together.

@josber124 - 03.01.2025 12:00

Un minuto de silencio por un hombre q sacrifico todo de si para llevar la paz a las almas de los hombres que lucharon por el, Capitano, siempre en mi corazon pero nunca en mi equipo jugable 😔

@Rewツ - 30.12.2024 14:08

I love how The Prowler's theme tune gets super creepy when Spot comes on the scene

@emotionalstickbug86 - 29.12.2024 03:35

I am ready to wait for Beyond the Spider-verse for an eternity, if it would take that long to make that movie as goos as this one. My body simply wouldn't accept to fall apart before seeing the whole trilogy come together.

@ebiwashere3720 - 27.12.2024 13:56

this goes stupid hard

@hi-zn9bb - 26.12.2024 07:25

Life when ts movie came out was another thing ❤️‍🩹

@ericered - 25.12.2024 16:44

1 year later. Still gives me the goosebumps

@noxscoffin - 22.12.2024 22:54


@kunlesanders - 18.12.2024 17:15

J. Jonah Jameson (Earth 42 version): Mayor Manfredi has extended New York's mandatory curfew as the so-called "Sinister Six Cartels" battle for control on the streets. Is nobody gonna try and stop them? (J. Jonah Jameson still talking on the news)

@BrianCampos-d1v - 18.12.2024 09:01

Using the intro music to end it with prowlers thing was one of the greatest thing in history

@BrianCampos-d1v - 18.12.2024 09:00

Leaving us with the biggest cliff hanger in history

@SETHDRAWSYT - 13.12.2024 21:52


@liridonaramadani4979 - 12.12.2024 15:21

What’s the song name

@SebastianGonzalez-ye9nd - 11.12.2024 06:02

I want this to be in a scene where miles is fighting spot, He gets knocked down and spot opens a portal to miles' dad. Miles doesnt realize, gets up and within 5 seconds he realizes. Hes shocked and desperate and like an animal desperately tries to get to his dad. All while this song is playing.

@nabieladrian - 09.12.2024 03:39

I can't believe it's less than 4 minutes!

@harrisaziz1028 - 08.12.2024 22:07

I just came back from the live orchestra of this movie and it was absolutely epic .... Goosebumps listening to this live

@ThatGuyHex - 06.12.2024 00:00

Daniel pemberton was definetly given a raise for this masterpiece

@erichgeorge8353 - 05.12.2024 19:06

it is all about overcoming your deepest fears and traumas, the old and universal journey of conquering the self.
