5 foods I got wrong | Professor Tim Spector

5 foods I got wrong | Professor Tim Spector


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@stuartperry8141 - 16.12.2023 14:00

Why should we eat things bad for as treats?

@TheMaui2020 - 20.12.2023 07:08

This is stupid and dishonest. As a nutritionist (MS with dietitian experience) I have worked with dozens of physicians, nurses, and other health professionals in various clinics and institutions. I have yet to meet a health professional who didn't think nutrition is extremely important. In one clinic patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other nutrition-related problems were sent to me before to a pharmacist. The goal was always to treat without drugs unless necessary.

@Bepike - 22.12.2023 00:05

Can you figure out how your blood sugar spikes with a blood glucose testing kit? Also, what numbers are high and what's normal?

@benhargaden995 - 25.12.2023 00:25

I've been making and having kefir everyday for breakfast because of Zoe - feeling guilty about the negative environmental effects tho

@garyroberts3859 - 05.01.2024 10:48

50 minutes learning how dumb this scientist is

@thewoodster8607 - 05.01.2024 15:56

I'm watching this 14 months later. Isn't it our addiction to sugar or it's replacement that is causing people to eat more of the processed food? Dr Robert Lustig is very, very clear about this.

@sumanbhave6441 - 05.01.2024 18:57

Why should we listen to you if you are getting food wrong? Don't you think the recommendations you are making now will be wrong in future?

@me-lg1yw - 13.01.2024 19:51

Is it just me that thinks these two are late to understanding what’s good and what’s not good for us? I listened to the entire interview and learned nothing that I haven’t known for years already.

@glyndk - 14.01.2024 21:04

I was happy to hear "what is good for the planet" mentioned as one of Tim's considerations, as one of my questions of the Zoe recommendations was if avocado is so good for you, we would encourage everyone to eat it more, but it would not be sustainable in terms of transporting avocado to every corner of the world. In other words I am glad to hear that personalisation done well also means taking into account what ingredients are available to you in terms of both cost and carbon footprint.

@billsayer1 - 21.01.2024 11:36

How about the saturated fat in dairy?
If you’re at risk of cardiovascular disease saturated fat in dairy is a problem!

@keithgeorge7338 - 22.01.2024 02:06

Milk is now homogenised. Is that not processed bad for you?

@user-eb5qd4om1k - 22.01.2024 22:44

Isn't Soya milk meant to be also good, or maybe the best plant milk?

@cates_keto - 23.01.2024 12:17

This is such wonderful information!! It’s also great to see medical doctors interested in actual health and prevention (tongue in cheek…😅). Great podcast that I’ve recently discovered!! Thank you ZOE!!
I live in Ireland. 🇮🇪 I started Keto last year having had immense stress, carb addiction, fat gaining female! I accidentally discovered Keto through a random video from Dr. Eric Berg, wow!! Then I discovered Dr. Fung and the penny really dropped, wow!! I spent several months on strict keto (no bread at all) and. OMG how AMAZING I felt (and still feel). My overweight carb zombie angry teenager son randomly asked me if I would cook for him and he would do the keto diet and even though I was averaging 50,000 steps per week, he did no steps and ended up losing 40lbs on keto (no bread or any refined carbs) and felt amazing!!! Lots of fibre through rocket, brocolli, onions etc. We have continued on, the rest of the family joined in ad hoc, got rid of second sons SIBO and crankiness in teenage daughter and random pains in 10 year old daughter. Happy happy days. I really think all carbs like porridge, bread and any carbs need only be eaten two days a week max! ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉 we do intermittent fasting, so important. We do not have breakfast unless it’s a boiled egg, but always coffee!! Never carbs in the morning not even for the kids and they all say they feel better (even the 10 year old!) ❤❤

@connierenfro9726 - 26.01.2024 23:47

What do you mean "my wife did Zoe?"

@philsmith5400 - 30.01.2024 05:05

Learned a lot here! We have a local artisanal bakery that makes what they call Bird Bread, based on a sourdough starter. "Bird Bread: comes from the large quantities of seeds in the dough - wonderful stuff!

@deedeedoes818 - 30.01.2024 06:01

What else are you getting wrong?!

@mickdee-l8u - 30.01.2024 16:56

So basically Zoe advocates a Clean and personalised Keto with a focus on Fibre which Tim Spector has said is "unsustainable" in other podcasts... without actually saying how Keto is in anyway "unsustainable"

@BeliSetip - 07.02.2024 06:20

Thanks Tim for "Food for Life", it's already helping me - I've got my 30 plants for the week and counting.
Huge thanks also for keeping climate and the environment front and centre. As a grandparent I'm very concerned about what we're doing that these beautiful children will have to deal with and clean up.
Cheers, Steve. XRWA Grandparents member.

@Digenean - 15.02.2024 21:56

Very interesting and the key is personalisation. I would love to eat full fat milk, yoghurt and cheese, but I cannot metabolise fat efficiently (investigations in progress) so they make me ill. Same for too much fibre, which is why I find Zoe silghtly irritating at times because I cannot follow the advice.

@milanpintar - 17.02.2024 15:07

muesli or moosley

@cyclingfreak56 - 19.02.2024 19:35

Milk consumption may be neutral for the human but hardly for the abused animals!
And yes I have milked a cow and yes I have seen the abuse on a dairy farm so if your palate is more important than the animals life than drink up!

@DorothyMarks-Tango17 - 20.02.2024 14:51

At the beginning of this interview you mentioned a change of mind with respect to salt, but did not then go on to talk about it. I am very interested in your thoughts on salt in the diet when heart disease is not a factor. I couldn't find a podcast specifically talking about this, can you tell me your thoughts please, or point me in the direction of which podcast I should listen to. Thank you

@ddll88 - 29.02.2024 17:44

Love your summary, great job done!

@mvl6827 - 12.03.2024 12:01

I've used whole milk (preferably organic) my whole life. Never cared for watery skimmed stuff. Same for butter ( yum) , never cared for margarine and the like. Love the best extra virgin olive oil, use lots of it. I buy it in 5L tins directly from Greece. Get my organic oranges directly from Spain (CrowdFarming , check it out) and grow my own fruit n veg as much as possible. Organic naturally. Use oats for breakfast every day. From North Scotland. 🍐🥕🍎🥦🧅🧄🍳🍓

@stananders474 - 23.03.2024 15:00

Too much "you know" it's annoying

@stananders474 - 23.03.2024 15:05

Why do commentators say, "everyone likes a baguette and a bagle".

I'm a vegan. I never eat rubbish foods like this.

@tonyhughes7792 - 26.03.2024 12:54

Great podcast guys. Thank you. As you have demonstrated in 2 of your podcasts the subject of mushrooms is fascinating. I'm not a great cook but really making an effort these days to cook with my health in mind. Would you run a podcast on different ways to cook and employ mushrooms in our diet. Thank you. Tony

@carlosramirez4724 - 27.03.2024 15:45

I dont know about this dr Spector, oat is so fake w/ chemicals high Fodmap Iam starting todoubt about these experts SO SAD.

@helenball1106 - 06.04.2024 21:19

Correct me if I am wrong but Dr Barbara O’Neill says the GI of wholemeal bread is much higher than white because the amylopectin A has not been removed, but apparently ancient grains are OK. She also says that Celtic salt, which I believe is the same as sea salt, is positively good for you as it is potassium not sodium based. Dr Michael Greger says research shows the nutrient that is the number one killer is salt.

@jamesquinn8558 - 26.04.2024 21:37

Don’t drink milk but I’ll never give up ice cream. I don’t however eat it a lot.

@Boooooooooka - 04.05.2024 02:29

Thanks Zoe!!

@cokakada1189 - 10.05.2024 16:52

So what daily and practical alternativ to bread/rice/noodles is there to a meal?? Can’t come up with quinoia or seeds or stuff all the time, this seems so unpractical to me, how do you guys do it?

@johnscott3893 - 12.05.2024 15:13

Grains esp. as you age are not great. Outside of blood sugar spikes, anti-nutrients and inflammatory effects of gluten, they tend to concentrate certain metals and compounds which could become toxic, for example cadmium in oats.

@h-man2561 - 15.05.2024 01:51

Enjoyed 👍 mushrooms 🍄 stay with food. Disliked the environment ♻️ that's like telling us today to eat low fats and high carbs. Sorry! Your country and others the past 2 winters have opened and burned coal because the green programs have failed at a huge expense.

@gordion1 - 20.05.2024 09:40

Fasting may have prevented limited thinking. His mistakes were personal but so obvious no need to be a doctor, maybe to get a publisher.

@fifinoir - 20.05.2024 18:35

About skimmed milk. Technically sugar is slightly higher in skimmed milk because you’re only reducing the fat so the part that’s increased in the percentage of the milk is the part that contains sugar. I tried to tell this to a dietitian I was seeing who told me to drink skimmed milk but they just said ‘they don’t add sugar to skimmed milk’ trying to explain what I meant went over their head. Also full fat milk is often barely 4% fat. It’s not really that much. I also find it’s easier on the stomach than skimmed.

@chickenbites8877 - 30.05.2024 19:28

How do you monitor your own sugar spikes?

@eclecticcyclist - 14.06.2024 15:36

Re milk, I'm sensitive to the A1 casein in modern cows milk so I have goats milk which has even more body than full fat cows milk.These days I have a fairly typical blended tea ( or ocasionally coffee) in the mornings and later in the day have Earl Gray which I have with a minimal drop of milk and later green or chamomile tea with no milk at all so a litre of milk lasts me almost a week.

@stronzer59 - 22.06.2024 13:57

Never in all History have so many been so fat and so sick
Never in all History have so many eaten so bad
Return to what God calls food and this problem is solved

@alec1113 - 16.07.2024 20:59

Im constantly amazed that nut juice is referred to as milk 🥛 really enjoy the information you bring to us, the masses .

@gogreengameon2146 - 17.07.2024 23:11

Wait, can someone explain? Is plain porridge, with no added sugar now bad for you from a blood sugar perspective? I thought the fibre and protein from milk/milk alternatives would stem the blood sugar spike?

@nataliemitchell8489 - 01.08.2024 12:32

I recently joined the Zoe community and it has completely revolutionised the way I am eating, so thank you so much for this. I find all the discussions/interviews extremely helpful to support my journey and better understanding of how food affects the gut biome and our general health. I do have a question that at the moment I fail to get an answer that I understand. I recently had my scores back and have 30 for blood sugar, 31 for fat control and 31 for diet assessment, and that made sense. But what I cant understand is why my gut microbiome score came out at 88, considering I have had bad gut health for as long as I can remember, suffering with IBS, SIBO, Candida, I have so many intolerances to food, which all surely relates to poor gut health, but then a excellent gut health result through the Zoe testing!! Can someone please explain, I have been on the chat with one of your nutritionist coaches but am not able to take away from that an understanding of the result in this section.

@w.c.c.b.9798 - 02.08.2024 02:18

I can’t believe I just wasted my time listening to this mess.
I keep forgetting that people who don’t believe in the are ALWAYS endlessly searching for answers already given by YHVH.
God’s Word never changes and is proven to be true over & over over again.
This guy flip flops aLLLLL over the phone, which makes anything he’s previously spouted obsolete.
May God reach His children, wherever they may be….

@colinthompson2335 - 04.08.2024 12:32

One key value Tim has is his willingness to publicly change position as the data changes, and point out people have individual responses to food too. One thing I detest is the certainty professed by experts over the years as each new study finds something new in the data. They have moved from one absolute certainty to another, never looking back at their previous absolute certainty’s. Time for my weetabix with gold top milk (no sugar added) !

@andeander212 - 18.08.2024 15:07

FAT PARALYZE INSULIN thats why you get bloodsugar spikes!!! Not because of orangejuice

@DavidSmith-rz1pc - 10.09.2024 11:15

Sodium chloride (table salt) is an ultra-processed food. Bleached. Minerals removed. Neurotoxic aluminium and fluoride, sometimes added. Very useful as a preservative and historically as an embalming fluid. It is as much chloride as it is sodium and most of it is excreted. Salt to taste.

@ChrisPBacon-mt3cj - 12.09.2024 10:20

So Slow 😖
