1970's IBM vintage computer promotional film (original upload) IBM Mainframe, RAMAC

1970's IBM vintage computer promotional film (original upload) IBM Mainframe, RAMAC

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molnaredmond - 14.11.2023 18:21

'Scientific computers' 😊

Kevin Stogner
Kevin Stogner - 30.10.2023 13:29

I was right there !! Now a flash drive has more storage then a room full of washing-machine size disk-drives.

Todd B
Todd B - 22.08.2023 01:41

I had to use punch cards during my Electrical Engineering schooling in the 70's. I didn't realize punch cars went way back to 1900.

Jackilyn Pyzocha
Jackilyn Pyzocha - 17.07.2023 15:38

In 1956, a one=ton hard drive!

Jackilyn Pyzocha
Jackilyn Pyzocha - 17.07.2023 15:38

I did a post-grad year in high school (Monson Jr.-Sr. High School, Massachusetts!) and took night courses from Springfield Technical Community College, at Pathfinder Regional Vocational Tech. H.S. in nearby Palmer/Three Rivers, MA; on an IBM 360, "Computer Concepts" and learned BASIC programming. For a year, but kept it up, for decades! Very loud, even encased in plastic, printer!

SHAILESH PRASAD - 27.05.2023 10:30


Alice Wolfson
Alice Wolfson - 19.03.2023 00:24

I'm all excited about my Univac laptop!

mshotz1 - 03.03.2023 21:49

The Punch cards had been used in France on Jaccard Loams way before Hollerith.

Gtmj - 05.01.2023 04:06

May I know if i am able to use this footage for an educational exhibition?

Bloqk-16 - 10.11.2022 11:53

A trivial fact I learned in my HS biology class in the early 1970s about those punch cards: Dimension size of them were based on the size of the US dollar bill currency. That biology teacher of mine was always coming up with trivia which kept his presentations interesting.

ThriftJunkGaming - 18.09.2022 02:29

Older computer ads/infomercials like this really exemplify the original intent of these machines, to help people. I didn't pursue a degree in information systems because I thought I would be expanding the surveillance net, or designing automated policy to monitor private employee chats. I got into this field to help my users. Unfortunately these days I am an outlier.

LoveIsAll - 30.07.2022 03:38

PS--in 1960 the Boeing 707 was already traveling the world, including one with President Eisenhower on his multination, multicontinent trip that year. Douglas was getting ready to release the DC8. Lockheed had already introduced the Jetstar, the world's first corporate jet. I don't like distortions and misrepresentations, surprised that IBM would make that error.

LoveIsAll - 30.07.2022 03:35

I live in the Houston metro area. HL&P morphed into Reliant Energy, and good luck getting service like this! These courteous ladies (notice how all are white BTW) have been replaced by minutes and minutes of prerecorded telephone options that take longer than these ladies did. Progress, indeed...

roy Yung
roy Yung - 12.05.2022 21:30

I first worked on a 407 and other unit record equipment. We programmed the 407 and other machines with huge plugboard wiring. Then I moved on to a 1401 and wrote in assembler. Continues in to the 360/30. Even wrote micro code on that machine. A reel of tape could hild 60mb!!!
I moved onto the 370. 4300 series, 3090. Wrote millions of lines of assembler code. Some of my code from the 370 days is still running to this day!
Using assembler, I got COBOL to dynamically call another COBOL program. Something IBM said was impossible.
Watching a tape sort was fascinating! After all the data was input, the sort program would tell you how many passes of the data needs to be done and you could calculate the time it would take!The 2401 & 3240 tape drives were super fast. Much faster I/o than disks!
Haha Customer Information system AKA (Customer Information Control System) or CICS pronounced KIKS

Geronimous Hendrix
Geronimous Hendrix - 11.05.2022 14:16

How much kb can such a tape store?

Ailsworth - 11.04.2022 22:48

So man saw the need for a stored program computer, eh? Yes, and he felt that need because his ancient cousin on the plains, half million years ago, also recognized the need for lightning speed mathematical calculations, but he was not yet ready to build such a machine. He had to wait until his genes randomly rearranged themselves into a shape more suitable for thinking about character strings and compilers.

peanutbutterisfu - 26.03.2022 09:49

They talk about how fast their computers are back then. I think about back in the late 90’swhen my dad bought the family our first computer it had 512mb of ram and 20 something gig hard drive. He actually had it built by the very small privately owned computer store That was next to this little hole in the wall restaurant on the end of this very small strip mall. I remember friends coming over and saying how fast our computer was. One of my friends was like damn dude Ive never seen a computer that had 512mb of ram the highest he had ever seen was 256mb of ram. So back then this was considered a decently fast computer. Now I have a cheap 220 dollar quad core Asia’s laptop that Had 4g ram but was so slow u could barley run windows so I added 8g ram so it has 12g, added a solid state drive and a 5g usb WiFi adapter now this laptop works like something you would spend 1500 bucks on. I have a refurbished dell desktop for work it has a 5 core processor so it’s not the latest and greatest but has 16h ram, solid state drive, my internet speed is 460mbps. The computer is so fast it doesn’t matter how many screens you opened up or how many programs you have opened up or what u are downloading there is never any lagg it’s completely over kill for what I need but that works out because I don’t need to worry about the computer crashing or anything. Also since It has a solid state drive if I had to restart the computer it took just seconds so the customer isn’t waiting. My lap top would be damn near frozen before the upgrades it would take damn near 5-10 minutes to boot but after the upgrades my laptop goes from off to password screen to on and ready to use in under 15 seconds. If the world seen on of my computers back then they would never use the word fast with their computers again and man If the reverse engineered my computer back then imagine what computers would be like today.

Jeff Dawson
Jeff Dawson - 23.02.2022 20:55


Ali Abbas
Ali Abbas - 17.01.2022 16:40

IBM wanted controled developments/business , and Steve job’s became as marketing strategist.

ppttpp - 21.09.2021 11:48

are you telling me, I can fully run a large business without amazon web services or microsoft azure? and just a 70s IBM and punchcard reader is enough?

THE NORTHSTARS - 12.08.2021 11:30

All these advanced IBM computers shown in the video are now buried in landfills across the country.
Amazing nobody has dug them up yet.

Griffith Harland
Griffith Harland - 10.08.2021 15:40


Timo Noko
Timo Noko - 02.08.2021 19:20

Punch cards were economical. You could use "100 CONTINUE" Fortran-card forever in new programs. Always wondered why they did not make those cards from steel.

Filip Zdráhal
Filip Zdráhal - 02.05.2021 00:07

My right ear really enjoyed this video.

Richard Wallace
Richard Wallace - 20.04.2021 21:03

Makes me miss my Dad, he worked for IBM South Africa from 60 to 94.. I remember going into their office and seeing all those machines.. In fact I still have some punch cards around in a box somewhere. Today we complain when the internet takes it's time or You Tube buffers.

gardnjw - 16.04.2021 18:01

IBM pretends to be all gung-ho on computers in this video... originally they saw them as a threat to their bottom line... When T. Watson Jr. took over the company he corrected his old man's error...

AliasUndercover - 01.04.2021 11:52

41 bytes per second I/O speed, people. That was state of the art at this point. Still more fun to watch it work, though.

dave jones
dave jones - 12.02.2021 10:31

Must get my headset fixed only one side is working

Dashy - 07.02.2021 22:11

And to think we can virtually fit all of that now, and more, on a desk now

Jeff Krebs
Jeff Krebs - 27.01.2021 03:16

What's the deal with the sexy music around 8 and minutes in?

George Clarke
George Clarke - 20.01.2021 01:00

But I liked the 70's

Marvin the Android
Marvin the Android - 12.01.2021 14:25

IBM really made some great machines in the 1930s. So good the German government used them.

Urban Weekend Warrior
Urban Weekend Warrior - 01.01.2021 23:29

A "disc operating system"? This is gonna put kodak out of business with their silly "mouse pointer" and "menus"

Happypaw Fun
Happypaw Fun - 16.12.2020 06:55

ugh i need to be studing for school why am i here

Larry Legend
Larry Legend - 10.08.2020 17:39

I was so pissed when Apple removed the punch card slot on the iPhone and made me go buy a stupid dongle adapter.

Christopher Bloom
Christopher Bloom - 13.07.2020 05:02

Did IBM keep adding more smaller transisters to the ceramic substrate making each system 360 machine smaller or did they transition to fully integrated circuits quikly?

surefmeurope - 07.06.2020 18:54

Installing Windows 10 on punch card... phew could you imagine??!!🤔

Orçun Kökçü
Orçun Kökçü - 24.05.2020 22:07

Good old days 🤠

Mark Arca
Mark Arca - 21.05.2020 15:39

Flash forward to 2020: You can backup an entire company's data by a single 60 TB tape cartridge

Mark Hines
Mark Hines - 14.05.2020 18:31

Wow this makes me look forward to the 1970s. Whoops, we are already past that wonderful era in American history.

Mike McDonough
Mike McDonough - 08.05.2020 04:59

Great video. Very interesting historical perspective.
