What is Flow | Adam Neumann’s Controversial New Startup

What is Flow | Adam Neumann’s Controversial New Startup

How It Happened

1 год назад

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How It Happened
How It Happened - 22.08.2022 17:10

What do you think of Flow? Leave us a comment!

BF NEW - 23.09.2023 01:55

Sounds right up there with fyre festival

Peter Karahalios
Peter Karahalios - 19.09.2023 07:38

fools falling for a yapper with no substance...

Peter - 11.09.2023 06:38

Anybody giving this clown another nickel is, by any measure, a clown as well. Let's sit back and watch this circus!

George McKeon
George McKeon - 27.08.2023 22:21

Modern day snake oil salesman and master level bullsh*tter, nothing more.

Gray Blanchard
Gray Blanchard - 06.07.2023 03:14

Adam Newman has the ability to turn timber into gold. Of course, running untethered, he has the ability to turn it into poo.

Stuart M.
Stuart M. - 06.06.2023 11:31

This man burns $38 billion and now he gets another $350 million. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Miya Crews
Miya Crews - 30.04.2023 09:18

How is this Not such a scam That he is prosecuted? Someone fill me in ..

Casper Caldenby Nagy
Casper Caldenby Nagy - 31.03.2023 11:50

I think this will be a quite intereseting venture to follows. Time will tell if Neumann will success or nots.

QUI! - 19.03.2023 09:13

You better invest goys! this time is real one for sure GOYS! TRUST mE! or you are anti-semitic!.

liopleurodon 155
liopleurodon 155 - 03.03.2023 13:50

this is definitely a technology company and should be valued like tech

elbowmacaroni - 02.03.2023 21:49

the guy needs to stop building communes he can capitalize on 🙃

FroddeB - 22.02.2023 09:47

I just don't believe he had this planned for so long... Buying apartments at this rate, during his own financial troubles with wework makes it seem all so chaotic and stupid. Why would he risk so much while doing an exit on wework? I think he bought all those apartments to secure valuation that he later could sell off for a higher profit... Imagine if the 350m dollar invested was literally spent to buy his own properties, since the company Flow has to "own" the properties in order for it be fair.

Fintech - 20.02.2023 17:28

Brilliant cult leader

Anfield - 20.02.2023 03:54

what an adam neumany explanation by video creator. Little to no understanding of Flow after 8 mins of talking

Katherine Filardo
Katherine Filardo - 13.02.2023 11:20

What the fuck is he even saying in the beginning.. I feel like “entrepreneurs” always just fill their conversations with inspirational sounding confidence.

Northern Highland Mist
Northern Highland Mist - 08.02.2023 16:12

Is this Jake Tran? Sound like him..

allanhouston22 - 01.02.2023 21:37

Such a hero, helping regular Joe. I just wonder why Adam Neumann and Horowitz didn't implement this idea in Israel, since Adam is such a Kabutz fan

Sara Tarannum
Sara Tarannum - 11.01.2023 11:37

Well… How is this any different from Zillow? He is just trying to sell old ideas portraying them to be magic through manipulative storytelling today.

CRYPTO STACKER - 09.01.2023 18:21

this guy suffers from the same genetic defect that's promient in Jews... Just like Sam Bankman-Fried.. If they pump the idea long enough, it all sounds great in being altruistic, but in the long term all it is is just a money pit that makes them rich and makes the investors or unaware participants of the scam poorer..

Hadi Taheri
Hadi Taheri - 26.12.2022 00:11

I would not touch Neumann even with a 10-foot pole.

The Living Modern
The Living Modern - 19.12.2022 23:22

Adam N needs to put his money where his mouth is...these types of videos only perpetuate the issues in the past...let him FN DO IT FIRST.

Link Knight
Link Knight - 19.12.2022 13:26

1.) HOW THE HELL did he get 1 BILLION as a payout after FAILING BADLY and SCAMMING at wework.
2.) He's going to be owning the properties that FLOW IS RENTING isn't he? JUST LIKE BEFORE. And he bought them with his 1 billion dollar PAYOUT....

Matt Wilson
Matt Wilson - 08.12.2022 17:03

at this point, if you invested in this idiot, you deserve to be laughed at when you loose it all, no sympathy

k. elysee
k. elysee - 21.11.2022 23:32


John doe
John doe - 06.11.2022 23:31

This is like some sort of weird Family As A Service business model. You live in a house, with a bunch of other people, with whom you form a community of sorts, split the costs of living so that eventually you save enough to move out.
I mean... this is pretty much the same as moving back into your parents house...

Patrice Gallagher
Patrice Gallagher - 06.11.2022 08:57

He seems caring, interesting and contradictory in his intentions and actions. My first thought was what is his definition of affordable? Doesn't fit with the plans presented in video. His vision for connection is evident and a wonderful idea. I would describe Flow as Intentional Community for the Wealthy. I don't see affordable anywhere. I'm working on my own vision to create an affordable housing community for newly arriving refugees and Adam is right about one thing - the archaic municipal codes preventing more than one house per lot are the biggest obstacle to overcome and were intentionally created to keep "the other" out. I hope he paves the way in Florida and Nashville; it will open the door for the rest of us trying to create safe, connecting, fulfilling, affordable housing communities so needed across the U.S.

Bonita Beach312
Bonita Beach312 - 30.10.2022 21:45

Flow will be bankrupt in the near future. Sounds like Wework BS for residential properties.

Gen - 18.10.2022 18:13

He’s a billionaire, why does he need 300m from some investor?

sunnysideup - 30.09.2022 06:22

He is probably going to run an overpriced instragrammable communal homes.

Stutter406 - 25.09.2022 20:06

So he wants to buy existing apartment complexes, put some shitty and cheap gen z aesthetic on it, heavily discourage new property development in the area, and rent it out at astronomical prices? What a revolutionary and ground breaking idea that will surely solve the housing crisis!! 🤣

Blonde McGuinn
Blonde McGuinn - 20.09.2022 02:40

Neumann is a great conman. He’s good looking, well-spoken, ambitious and completely shameless. I hope he fails in everything he does.

Hanna Hanna1
Hanna Hanna1 - 14.09.2022 05:39


jol P
jol P - 13.09.2022 22:51

dudebros like him just fail up huh...

IntoTheBeyond - 13.09.2022 06:14

I don't understand how these new age venture capitalist, hippies can get funding by just saying the absolute dumbest bullshit I've ever heard. He used a whole bunch of meaningless words to just describe a hippie commune (which he knows a lot about ).

Mwila Lwando
Mwila Lwando - 12.09.2022 14:11

I believe in this idea 💯 I actually am working on something very similar as flow and would be keen to connect to this dude as we can make him sustainable and wealthy

D L - 11.09.2022 03:35

Trying to con his way again

Hao Lu
Hao Lu - 10.09.2022 19:58

I think this is what he will do. 1) use the $350m to buy his own properties at a premium price now 2) flow will then own the properties and use as a collateral to start a crypto coin, backed by these properties 3) renter pays rent and receive a small amount of coins (touted as a fraction of the real estates). Of course there will be more coins than those backed by the 350m assets, this way he can issues himself a lot of coins as well. Since the value of the coins should NOT fall below the value of the properties, it will be loved by the crypto community, say the total cap of the coin is 3.5b, he simply sell his coins to get money and buy more properties to issues even more coins ( rinse and repeat). Ultimately it’s a crypto project, the property is just a shell company

ktktktktktktkt - 10.09.2022 00:38

He sounds like a cult leader.

FREEBIRD MUSIC - 09.09.2022 19:46

You guys do realize that the their cryptocurrency will be the only usable currency in the supermarkets inside these neighborhoods sooner or later, right?

This is what companies did in the past. They housed their workers in a certain area and paid them in their own currency which was only usable in the supermarkets hosted by the company. This was mainly to keep the workers bound to the company as they didn’t receive actual $‘s so they couldn’t quit and move somewhere else.

Im not saying that he’s gonna do EXACTLY THAT, but they WILL force their cryptocurrency upon the inhabitants at some point and they’re gonna make a lot of fu***ng money if this actually all goes as planned…

primero ultimo
primero ultimo - 09.09.2022 17:54

What is he going to buy with all the money he is going to loose for investors

hungrydan - 07.09.2022 21:59

I would not trust him with a dime. Reports of his lavish spending on fun but not being responsible with other people's money is his problem

Thomas Bastien
Thomas Bastien - 06.09.2022 22:32

Even if it’s not 40 Billion, 9 Billion company is still seriously impressive.

Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee - 06.09.2022 15:08

It not gonna succeed

Ari Gutman
Ari Gutman - 06.09.2022 13:52

A master salesman on the world stage back at it... I am interested to see what he has up his sleeve now...

rapid 520
rapid 520 - 06.09.2022 08:12

Huh! This could be possible only if you were a Jew! Sorry guys! 😄. What next? Rent a spouse?

Rahul Ramteke
Rahul Ramteke - 05.09.2022 21:10

The irony here is that the Horowitz guy once wrote a letter opposing affordable housing in his own locality saying it will degrade the neighborhood

He was successful in doing so

E: reached the end of the video...welp I am glad that you mentioned it

Ajlani Mahdi
Ajlani Mahdi - 05.09.2022 15:44

This dude is capable of billsht beyond imagination

YuriTheImmortaL MMA
YuriTheImmortaL MMA - 04.09.2022 20:11

My company did a job at his new mansion for months
