Ins & Outs Of The Koppa Mining Site (Entrance Guide) || Subnautica Below Zero

Ins & Outs Of The Koppa Mining Site (Entrance Guide) || Subnautica Below Zero


3 года назад

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@erawebt - 27.11.2023 03:40

killed my seatruck and then i had to lose 3 hours of progress

@vepristhorn8278 - 07.08.2023 09:08

Keeps amzing me how much more durable the truck is compared to the moth

@andre_santos2181 - 26.06.2023 01:43

I always though Kappa was a cul de sac!!!

@TinyTikki93 - 29.03.2023 05:26

Kinda sucks. That easier way to get in. The developers closed it off 🥺

@thesteelrodent1796 - 14.01.2023 18:50

I honestly found diving down through the actual mining shaft much easier than going through all the geysers and narrow caves. The shaft is far more spacious and you really just have to follow the rails basically all the way. Easier than trying to remember where to turn

@Halamadridistas - 01.01.2023 16:49

So it’s a bad place to be in without any modules or a prawn suit huh.. damn 😤I keep going in and out through the doors w my truck parked right outside

@lugile6168 - 22.07.2022 04:03

What about those rooms that you can't enter that the rails take you to?

@shawnhembree4648 - 06.07.2022 06:50

What about the other doors in the mines

@littlebird4091 - 04.07.2022 04:19

Thank you SO MUCH! I was going crazy trying to find a way to get to that artefact. I tried going by the geyser entrance but that was a nightmare. Thank you for linking that video in one of the comments on your other vid, you saved me a big headache.

@jessicagilford3279 - 13.06.2022 01:29

Thank you so much!

@seaseriove. - 03.05.2022 00:07

I love you thank you for creating this video my friend who is just starting out didn't know where this was and didn't know how to tell him where it was

@wierdperson4334 - 31.03.2022 10:53

Which way is the island delta dock. The first one

@virginiahoover8574 - 26.03.2022 14:33

Can the sea truck be repaired? I have 2 now that were bitten by sharks, they are leaking and throwing sparks! I don't want to make it anymore!

@bellabrink8610 - 07.12.2021 23:29

I fucking love you woman!!!!!!

@tomtbht - 30.11.2021 19:09

YES thanks so much it really helped!

@erinpitt580 - 28.11.2021 02:37

liked subbed - i really like how you explain things and walk us through - thanks for this.

@_ElisDTrailz - 13.11.2021 03:50

Thank you for this. Ps, I like how you say "again".

@thatcherfisher6525 - 27.10.2021 19:37

Great Video, Helped me finally get the Prawn Suit!

@kikie306200 - 26.09.2021 12:23

i'm soooo glad u help me. First three finds i can't find it anywhere. :)

@MichaelCordeiro - 24.08.2021 07:34

Fantastic video. I was swimming in circles trying to figure out how to get in there with the truck. Thanks!

@teejay5531 - 19.07.2021 04:26

Thank you so much truly helped me out here😋

@modernpoet3997 - 14.07.2021 16:22

You make great videos, thank you!

@PluslePlayzYT - 21.06.2021 08:50

There’s actually another way to get the seatruck through the door- by positioning yourself higher on the door and entering head on- you can weasel through by having the engines slip through the hole and the main body through the middle

@awlynowlet5772 - 19.06.2021 07:44

This was brilliant!
I tried to get in via the lower geyser first, but couldn't fit with even one module. However, the upper geyser route only took the tiniest wriggle to get through with Fabricator, two Storage and a Docking Module with the Prawn attached.
Many thanks for the useful guide. It's drilling time!

@jeremyrobinson1611 - 16.06.2021 16:35

Thanks so much for that. Got stuck and lost my sea truck the first two hunts on my own lol

@TG2mil - 15.06.2021 16:46

Bye the which country do you live in

@Epsilonlogan - 14.06.2021 17:46

Thank you.

@Sgt__Hawk - 14.06.2021 08:47

Is this by any chance a reaction to the Jingles video where he complains about the hassle of getting the Seatruck into the mines? Doesn't seem to be such a hassle after all...

@indrocringe5576 - 14.06.2021 01:29

Thanks for this guide, very helpful 👌🏻 struggled to find the entrance for a seatruck

@duke_of_dumb - 13.06.2021 18:24

Watch out a shadow Leviathan

@mtammocan8314 - 13.06.2021 13:56

I figured out the sideways part on a hunch, but the entrance by the dock, thought that was a dead end, so I never went through it, gonna try that one

@grumpygramps - 13.06.2021 11:11

Thanks for keeping these Subnautica videos coming. Loving them!
