An Autistic Sociopath's Story (A Life with Few Emotions)

An Autistic Sociopath's Story (A Life with Few Emotions)

Special Books by Special Kids

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@Chocolate_Autizzy - 20.07.2023 22:13

Thanks for interviewing me ☺️

@charleneadams7105 - 13.02.2024 05:48

As a child my brother was diagnosed as autistic he rocked a lot and was nonverbal he did not speak until he was eight now at adult they changed his label to intellectual challenge with autistic tendencies..
am confused can they change your diagnosis like that?

@calishirk3758 - 13.02.2024 04:06

She obviosly does care about people beacuse she is careful about how she talks--she doesn't want to hurt others.

@viriviri355 - 13.02.2024 04:04

I liked her 😊

@loving_2B_a_life_designer - 13.02.2024 03:32

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace ... and self-control
- Galatians 5.22

@videt7459 - 13.02.2024 01:58

You can't actually be diagnosed with both ASD and ASPD, they're mutually exclusive. And she comes across as more in line w/NPD or HPD if personality pathology is what she actually has.

@angelawhite7418 - 12.02.2024 23:39


@1111ksenia - 12.02.2024 22:53

I want to be her friend😊

@rhondaatkinson3467 - 12.02.2024 21:11

If you feel bad it means you care. Just fyi

@jahialkebulan3468 - 12.02.2024 19:56

What a beautiful Crystal Child.

@donangelica - 12.02.2024 16:26

I DON'T KNOW why she sees concern, most people simulate what they understand about relationships.

@lolbusiness1630 - 12.02.2024 13:07

The fact that the whole comment section is filled with words of praise/support shows exactly that she’s so good at masking/acting emotions and how difficult it is to actually “see” sociopaths. She knew exactly what to say, what to do so people would feel kinda sorry for her. And the fact she knows all these terms and facts about different topics, psychology work etc.. she is reading books let me tell you that. Anything that will help her to better understand people, their emotions etc. She wants to “look good” and don’t we all??

@Peertje304 - 12.02.2024 12:32

Her hair is so beautiful, the volume, I love it

@tazulrich8207 - 12.02.2024 11:32

A lot of what is being said as "ASPD" here, many people openly talk about and tell themselves they're not ASPD.

Example: friends and family only care if you care about or take care of them.
People have labeled this self respect or mutual respect but it's just transactional.

@user-is6de8pp7k - 12.02.2024 09:19

Sociopaths cannot be helped.

@user-is6de8pp7k - 12.02.2024 09:13

She is NOT autistic. Not Autistic.

@notyourinfopleasefoff4718 - 12.02.2024 06:39

This is just insulting. There's people that deserve your attention with your channel and there's people that don't

@elle6889 - 12.02.2024 03:39

I'm loving the representation. I can relate to her in many ways.

@RestoreTheBody - 11.02.2024 23:20

I think coaching is a better way than just association done of psykolouges in these matters.

@brinazarski - 11.02.2024 22:30

I haven’t watched the video yet so maybe my comment is out of place, but I noticed she’s the second black person I’ve seen on this channel diagnosed with AsPD. Wondering if maybe there’s a racial bias when these therapists are making these diagnoses. Especially since the comments seem to be hinting that she seems to display characteristics that /aren’t/ typical of AsPD.

@ithoughtyoumightlikethis500 - 11.02.2024 18:06

This baby is in survival mode. She's protecting herself, her whole self.

@omy_goddess - 11.02.2024 17:48

Her personality I love it 😂😂😂 I’ll so be friends with her she sound like a better person friend to have then all the fakes in this crazy world 😂🫶🏽

@leecee7132 - 11.02.2024 16:00

Girl you need Jesus, asthe love of God is shed in your heart when you make him Lord of your life. Nothing is impossible with him!

@user-qb2fb7eu9w - 11.02.2024 15:38

If cutie pie was a disorder.

@NiCholeMoody - 11.02.2024 13:31

The way she describes "feelings" resonates so much to me. I have never been diagnosed with any mental issues, but I do know that sometimes I have a hard time caring about people I actually know in real life. I will get super emotional to the point of literal tears about complete strangers, but my actual family and friends, I feel detached from them emotionally. If I am around them for a while (we don't live close) and then we have to depart, I get anxious and really sad. Afterward, it's like it never happened. It's exhausting trying to explain it. Although I see her struggling through this interview, I pray she gets the Love she seeks and the help she deserves. I honestly wanted to hug her. Shout out to Joe for sticking by her and caring for her.

@Rubydoomsday - 11.02.2024 13:28

I feel like anyone who’s been through moderate to severe depression may have had just a peak at what this feels like. For me depression manifested as a total lack of emotion and motivation. I didn’t feel sad I just didn’t feel anything which effected all aspects of my life but especially my relationships. I can’t imagine living off of antidepressants now and I definitely can’t imagine how much harder it is for her but I can say I feel like it’s not that hard to understand. She might be the best of all of us, she doesn’t feel empathy, she practices it. She chooses it.

@MichelleyB-zk3eh - 11.02.2024 12:04

Before dissing her mom, try putting yourself in her shoes. Her daughter does not care about anybody! This can not be easy for her either.

@akiramakara2062 - 11.02.2024 11:08

I don't know how else to put it other than love... I genuinely love this woman. I empathize with her struggle on more levels than I thought I would going into this interview. I want the best for her, I want her to know comfort and maybe one day, joy. I'm grateful she shared her story. And I hope one day society looks at sociopaths and other antisocial disorders and understand that they just need a place to heal. We should be giving them that.

@lisaksmalls - 11.02.2024 10:31

I think it’s good that you are working on being better. It’s hard for all of us with whatever we are working with. Not reducing your struggle in any way. I am glad that you explained your diagnosis. You make me feel better informed. My son is on the autism spectrum. He is also diagnosed with/adhd. He struggles with a lot of the same issues. I could definitely be your friend and so would my son. I can tell you that it is a journey trying to find a therapist that is compatible with you. I am sorry about that experience you had with the one who cried. She may want to rethink her profession choice. Thanks again for the education. I hope only the best for you in life. 🫶🏽 Oh yeah…one more thing…I believe you will find someone who can love you and accept that you care and that will be all they will require from you. This kind of relationship actually happens more than you know.

@bryncheeze8970 - 11.02.2024 10:10

I'm AuDHD and my former bestie was autistic with borderline personality disorder. She really nailed it when she said "Women get hugs when they're angry and hurt, men are forced to turn to violence." I really wish he hadn't been so alone because I miss him, but I cannot condone his actions. Being hurt is not a reason to hurt others, the entire world needs less hurt in it overall

@africanricc3458 - 11.02.2024 09:54

She is pretty and has a great soul….i could easily date her…I’m super anti social myself but like to be around people sometimes….

@Nobodyspecial5150 - 11.02.2024 09:21

She seems like a total normal millennial... ummmm , like,,... um, like um yah like.

@daminky - 11.02.2024 08:18

It makes me sad when she says she doesn't feel human, partly because this is relatable, but also because it’s how people have made her feel

@labb592 - 11.02.2024 07:46

I pray for her 🙏🏼 So much pain in her silences

@davidrojas4687 - 11.02.2024 06:57

I can imagine how true the psych eval from her psychologist. You cant help someone that doesnt think it can change and externalize every reason.

@mida2202 - 11.02.2024 06:25

Thank you for your work.

@wordsoundispower740 - 11.02.2024 06:03

This was a very good interview!

@StarringKrystalHill - 11.02.2024 05:26

She is a sweet girl. She is. I say this because she intentionally chooses to model kind behavior and she keeps saying she feels bad because she imagines she's hurting others with her candor. I'm not a professional but it seems like she could be helped. I also have had trouble feeling certain positive emotions like love and safety. And I also have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation and complex PTSD, which is trauma after trauma after trauma, just as she described. I'm really evolving by doing Joe Dispenza meditations which include breath work. It physically changes your mind and chemistry, creating access to yourself in novel ways. It helps you augment yourself in a very intentional, intelligent manner. It's hard to explain, but it's scientific and it has worked for many people. The clinical path has not worked for me because it focuses a lot on the trauma and pain and not enough on actually creating the life and feelings you want. She seems smart, imaginative, curious and creative and should try another path like something practical & spiritual (NOT religious) like I just explained, or something artistic. I have high hopes for this woman and I pray I am not minimizing her feelings, just offering something different.

@surpriseme7205 - 10.02.2024 22:27

I get this girl... We are all pretending to be "normal"

@babybubble2543 - 10.02.2024 21:13

god the interviewer sucks. “why are you masking right now? isn’t this interview all about transparency?” have you considered that you’re making it difficult for her to express herself on her own terms? like you are actively making her uncomfortable

@edmeereyes39 - 10.02.2024 18:43

Thank you for being brave and giving us an insight into what your conditions are.

@veronicajones928 - 10.02.2024 17:50

This interview helped me understand my son(15) a little better. He always says he has to pretend around everyone except me, so I get the anger and sadness. He says sorry 100x a day but it doesn’t seem he really cares. Thanks for sharing your story Cassie

@LuluuBueno - 10.02.2024 16:58

I"m sad she needs to pretend, just to make people confortable 😢

@Plumsouffle - 10.02.2024 13:18

Even though you have all that trauma and all those conditions, you still understand intellectually what empathy is, and although you might do people wrong you don’t mean to. You’re not a bad person at all, are you? NTs seem to be, with the exception of highly trained psychologist types (and that’s little guarantee), the least able to find empathy, compassion and understanding when it’s most needed. That your excellent friend as the only person you can rely on is also autistic is the least surprising part of the whole video. Thank you for sharing and for making that monumental effort.

@hexxikens - 10.02.2024 13:10

Never saw someone so relatable in my life didn’t know how to put anything into words like this. The parts with her mentioning how she doesn’t understand human interaction is exactly what I felt and think all the time. I can’t stand how this society.

@destinyjohn7310 - 10.02.2024 12:57

I pray she gets the effective help she needs she wants it so badly. Turn to God he can help you as our father he is ultimate love

@doomngloom96 - 10.02.2024 12:42

She’s honestly so annoying

@TheChloebellaShow - 10.02.2024 09:35

I’m really mad you did the title like that when she clearly told you that’s not the name for it…

@zabavnaya-xt8tb - 10.02.2024 08:19

So she doesn't feel sad for people dying at wars? That's serious lack of empathy I woildnt want to be near her

@pipjacjjones - 10.02.2024 08:02

Neuro typical people brainwashing yet another neuro divergent individual they don't have any empathy because they don't display empathy in a normal manor.
