Event Listeners in JavaScript | JavaScript Events Tutorial

Event Listeners in JavaScript | JavaScript Events Tutorial

Dave Gray

3 года назад

21,837 Просмотров

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Van Peterson Kpoti
Van Peterson Kpoti - 17.07.2023 19:58

I'm at a loss for words to express my gratitude for all the effort that has gone into bringing us this kind of exceptional, high-quality content.
I've decided to follow the Full-Stack course with you.
You have mastered your work.
Thank you very much Mr. Dave.
Your student from Togo (West Africa).

Samer - 15.07.2023 18:27

7 more tutorials to go :p Thanks Dave!

Zenon Mesić
Zenon Mesić - 01.07.2023 14:10

Hey Dave, you seem to prefer using arrow functions? Is there a reason for that and is there a difference to using the other ways of writing a function? Thanks.

glen - 29.04.2023 06:47

Please use better sound. Thanks

Rudy Gomez
Rudy Gomez - 18.04.2023 20:48

Hi Dave, I can't seem to load/display "My 2nd View" as seen in the beginning of your tutorial. I copied the source documents and this loads View1. I tried changing css views from flex to none - view1 disappeared, but view 2 does not appear.

Michel Hebert
Michel Hebert - 07.03.2023 03:57

This one is a little confusing. Codes don't match your result. I get view1 while you start on view2.

No one Cares
No one Cares - 05.02.2023 14:04

Sorry where did you get document.queryselector("h2 +div") there is no class for h2 and div.

Grigory Revkov
Grigory Revkov - 28.08.2022 01:28

I'm really happy that I've found your channel. Thank you for sharing your knowledges!

Edwilson da Silva
Edwilson da Silva - 23.07.2022 01:16

Hi, your videos are awesome! Continue please.

Alberto Conde
Alberto Conde - 12.06.2022 18:54

I agree with Dan below, the links you provide are golden. I learned some Sass as well in this video.

Laud Logo
Laud Logo - 27.05.2022 11:10

The source codes files are not what is exactly in the video.
That said it is a very good beginners series.
I wondering which projects to try out after this the series, i really want to practice this.

Danny Vista
Danny Vista - 26.04.2022 16:04

Hello Dave, hope all is well. I'm new to Javascript and I'm wondering what does the view.querySelector and div.querySelector means compare to document.querySelector?

Dan - 19.04.2022 01:00

Besides the great video you've made, the links in the description also play a huge role. Congrats and thank you so much for creating such content

Marcus Lorenzo
Marcus Lorenzo - 12.01.2022 07:03

Dave, your content is highly organised, thorough, and easily digestible. I've decided to use your content as a primary source of learning, so, thanks for all your work. I predict your channel to blow up to 50k-100k subscribers within the 2022 year - I'm saying it now! What I find most appealing on your channel is not only your clear, methodical instruction, but the highly accessible/organised catalogue of content on your channel page. If I need to find instruction on a particular topic, it's not hard to find. Take care all the best.

Jasmin Villatoro
Jasmin Villatoro - 02.01.2022 21:10

Thank you soo much! This tutorial has helped me a lot understanding JavaScript better.

Sparsh Verma
Sparsh Verma - 24.12.2021 11:40

Can I get the code of those sass files ?

Antonio - 07.11.2021 02:15

Thanks for making this video. I'm still a bit stuck but have a better understanding

Plamen Petkov
Plamen Petkov - 14.10.2021 21:27

Is there a repo for this lesson?

Mostafa Salah Eldin
Mostafa Salah Eldin - 18.09.2021 10:09

Thanks for the hard work

Saeed *
Saeed * - 14.09.2021 05:45

TOTALLY AWESOME VIDEO!!! Top-quality! It's my first time on your channel, and I'm so impressed, you explain everything so clearly and beautifully, Thank you so much!

Richard Monné
Richard Monné - 12.09.2021 13:59

So understandable!!! very comprehensive! Thanks a lot man! God bless you!!!!!!

David - 21.12.2020 16:40

You explain it really well, ty

Just Perfection
Just Perfection - 20.10.2020 16:03

You could use this instead of setting it on each side:
event. target. textContent = (myText === "My 2nd View") ? "clicked" : "My 2nd View";
