One Book July 2020 Setup | Gillio Giramondo XL + Moleskine Bullet Journal

One Book July 2020 Setup | Gillio Giramondo XL + Moleskine Bullet Journal

spellbound notes

4 года назад

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@travelrecap - 02.07.2020 23:18

A little sidenote: I love your rings, bracelet, and nailpolish!

@thedevinluu - 03.07.2020 01:18

I can totally relate to the pressure of using all the notebooks! 😅 I’m so excited for your mid-July update 🤗✨

@katie.zhang21 - 04.07.2020 21:45

I love how you organize your notebook! I really enjoyed the July setup!

@loreedavis9592 - 06.07.2020 06:54

I love it! I’m in a regular Giramondo and am thinking about moving up to an XL. Thank you for sharing yours!

@JustJillin - 14.09.2020 17:27

What a beautiful set up. Thank you for the ideas!
