Singleton Design Pattern | Python Example

Singleton Design Pattern | Python Example

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Pavan Jain
Pavan Jain - 19.09.2023 17:32

But it does not throw any exception if Singleton constructor is called for very first time instead of calling getInstance method, do we have any solution for this?

Mallikarjun Terdal
Mallikarjun Terdal - 04.09.2023 04:50

What is there are two threads trying to create this object at the same time? Maybe both of them have checked __instance at the same time and found it to be None. Will it not create two different objects in this case?

road to enlightenment
road to enlightenment - 12.07.2023 02:50

Best explanation I've seen so far regarding Singleton Design in Python. Thanks so much!

Matthew Wheeler
Matthew Wheeler - 04.07.2023 03:11

Great video, man! Coming off Java, this topic was a little much to wrap my mind around. Also, probably the first thing that I've found that would be easier to do in Java than Python lol.

Thanks for the help!

Erik S
Erik S - 08.02.2023 21:39

'simple' but controversial - and even despised by some - pattern.
Excellent video and you gained a new subscriber.

Elias - 14.12.2022 03:24

No words except THANK YOU! But disappointed you didn’t upload more design pattern videos 💔

mlsanica7 - 29.10.2022 22:22

tf is this bro

Jonathan Carpenter
Jonathan Carpenter - 14.10.2022 07:42

Can't believe how clear you made this to understand!

Vignesh R.
Vignesh R. - 10.09.2022 10:13

Crystal clear explanation. I too like the second approach as it deals with general object class . Subscribed the channel 👍

Samoloh - 06.09.2022 09:37

I jumped from video to video trying to find one that explained clearly and finally, yours explained it clearly thanks!!!

Antonio Peña
Antonio Peña - 16.04.2022 21:13

Dont know why this video has not more views. It is extremely straightforward, informative and clear.

Daviti Tchanturia
Daviti Tchanturia - 15.04.2022 11:13

Great, but in second approach _init_ method still get called and breaks current object.

Hazelnut - 07.04.2022 02:36

I wish there are more design patterns in Python in this playlist!

A_72_Saquib Sheikh
A_72_Saquib Sheikh - 09.01.2022 10:48

Keep it up! Thank you very much.

Kifeya Bediru
Kifeya Bediru - 13.12.2021 19:35

I have to admit, you real good explainer, you go on details. You know your what you know and there is no doubt about it. I wish you have all Python course module by module. Thanks so much.

suraj bhattathiri
suraj bhattathiri - 08.12.2021 05:51

Great content.

Shouldnt we use not None instead of != None

Ankit purshottam
Ankit purshottam - 03.12.2021 17:03

I have been studying this singleton pattern from last 3 days on the internet but none of them was explaining this that way.I must say this is the best way the singleton is explained on the internet kindly upload more design pattern. From india❤️

Abdelmanan Abdelrahman
Abdelmanan Abdelrahman - 10.10.2021 15:01

Great explanation

Shashank Suresh Shahi
Shashank Suresh Shahi - 06.08.2021 07:41

Thank You for your videos.
Please upload more videos on python design patterns if it's possible from your side.
Thank You 👍
