Rapidly Losing Pressure | The Incredible Landing Of American Airlines 1572

Rapidly Losing Pressure | The Incredible Landing Of American Airlines 1572

Mentour Pilot

10 месяцев назад

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@BosnWayne - 10.11.2024 21:12

That was a miracle

@vtrandal - 13.11.2024 14:35

Thrilling. I felt I was on the plane as it plowed through the trees and landed.

@ryanellis7520 - 18.11.2024 08:13

Whatever the ding noise is. Please don’t use it again. Great channel overall. With my hearing I couldn’t make it past 5 mins.

@Luke25958 - 20.11.2024 03:26

This highlights the sheer importance of CRM. The god bless you made it and encouragement which would have given his captain full belief and concentration oh yeah that first officer also god bless him he made it n all.

@airmailman1971 - 20.11.2024 18:20

Very professionally narrated. Thank you.

@robav8or - 21.11.2024 01:51

The whole point of being a professional pilot is to use your Knowledge, Skills, and Experience to prevent a situation where extraordinary feats of airmanship become necessary. Of course; when KSE fails the airmanship can be lifesaving. Also: I’m glad we no longer use that QFE thing anymore!

@MrOramato - 22.11.2024 09:32

When the engines become wood chippers it is not good.

@amandak.4246 - 27.11.2024 08:34

disliked for the unethical sponsor

@ThroneOfBhaal - 27.11.2024 10:10

Any maddog crew around that might have insight on why you'd turn off the weather radar?

@TheBmco99 - 27.11.2024 22:57

I would hire those pilots any day they are definitely some good pilots

@jr9232k - 28.11.2024 01:16

These videos are awesome

@blovehana - 28.11.2024 14:19

I work in AI field. I can say no AI could have recovered from this accident and MDA encroachment. Further, the skills with which ad hoc decision making was applied by the seasoned pilots is exceptional. AI on the plane likely would have assisted the pilots further but no way I ever want less than a pilot and a copilot monitoring in that cockpit. A trained human brain is far superior.

@baker_canner - 28.11.2024 18:12

These are the ones I love! Where the pilots save the day and everyone lives!

@huma474 - 29.11.2024 02:40

Accidents like this are what should make everyone scared when you hear talk by the airlines to try and go to 1 pilot cockpits because they want to save money. The systems getting bad information due to failed updates could cause this same problem and there would be fewer eyes to see it

@marcemarce9821 - 29.11.2024 09:58

Awesome, well done, pilots, Nice

@PaoloLammens - 29.11.2024 15:18

I wonder why there is not a higher focus on the radio altimeter in situations like these of rapidly changing pressure? The radio altimeter doesn't need tuning and will always show the actual separation from the terrain below.

@Matt.Thompson.1976 - 05.12.2024 05:20

Thanks Petter, and team. Another amazing video. I learn so much, not only about aircraft, aviation, and procedures, but also about things like weather, and pressures. The Mentour Pilot channel is like the one class in school you liked so much, it didn't even feel like you were learning....just having fun. Thank you guys for that, honestly. That is one of the many reasons that I comeback and re-watch older 'episodes'. I wise man once told me knowledge is power. Thank you for continuing to empower me. Cheers from California.

@WoutervanJoolingen - 05.12.2024 21:54

Feet, knots and inches Hg, Quite error prone ...

@maybeja - 06.12.2024 11:06

Nooo not BetterHelp, you’re better than this :(

@JavierCR25 - 09.12.2024 02:27

Jesus… these guys are proper aviators. Impressive stuff

@Indrid__Cold - 21.12.2024 16:36

Better Help is poor quality and expensive!

@keithdavis00 - 26.12.2024 06:28

Thanks to you I might never fly again. The vast amount of knowledge you have strongly suggests to me that the average pilot could not actually have.

@danielredding9205 - 26.12.2024 10:02

This is an exemplary example of skillfully and smoothly explaining complicated concepts and issues the laymen, coupled with solid graphics. Par for the course for your channel, but a truly outstanding piece of production.

@CharmaineSalvaloza - 27.12.2024 07:47

I want to be a pilot but the tuition is too expensive.

@CharmaineSalvaloza - 27.12.2024 07:47

I want to be a pilot but the tuition is too expensive.

@lanarita11 - 27.12.2024 22:32

why didn't the GPWS warning system called out 'terrain, pull up' before they hit the trees, and it only said sink rate?

@granthughes5372 - 03.01.2025 05:05

Love the content.honestly thank you ❤

@kylethompson1379 - 04.01.2025 05:10

The MD-8X appears in a lot of these videos. Not perhaps a good advert.

@ChrisE-p5b - 15.01.2025 21:43

Better Help is Meta Help. No thanks!

@955InfernoS - 16.01.2025 22:22

@MentourPilot what consequences can happen to the pilot if he makes a mistake like in this movie, but luckily everyone survives?

@wizzer19 - 19.01.2025 06:31

Im concerned that you have been promoting products that have been proved to be scams

@CompletelyRandomlyBroken - 27.01.2025 00:53

@mentorpilot I could be wrong but I think you forgot to put this episode on your accidents and incidence playlist. It may sound weird, but I put that on when i'm at work and listen to it on shuffle. I have a lot of stress at work and it seems to help hearing these stories. It's very calming and interesting for me.
So when I saw this video pop up and saw that it was a few months old, I couldn't remember it. I'm sure i've seen it because I watch all your videos when they come out and have for quite some time. But I just didn't know it like I know the others, because it's not on your playlist. I went back and looked through, and I did not see it on the playlist. Would you add it please?

@KathrynMast-m5g - 31.01.2025 17:34

I believe this commercial started out comparing the stress of their target audience with the stress the folks on the plane had?

@barry5643 - 02.02.2025 05:59

An heroic outcome!

@jonathantygart7653 - 05.02.2025 03:00

Do we not have a way now for the computer to update pressure based on signals sent from weather stations at its current location?

@skeltek7487 - 08.02.2025 08:17

Not a pilot here, but... the recomendation of the FAA may cause other problems. Leveling off after a dive may give pilots time to do some vital work, while the aircraft is stabilized at an altitude and 'safely' flying in case pilots forget about time or have different emergencies to deal with.
The FO was already slightly behind with workload most apparently overburdened, calling the 1000 late.
Forgetting to check for correct descend for too long due to distractions may end bad - leveling off after fully focusing on descend for only a short duration will give them opportunity to focus their attention on other things afterwards for as long as needed.
I can't imagine multitasking being safer than doing things in sequence with less chance of multiple mandatory items to be done accidently coinciding.

@virginiafrank317 - 19.02.2025 04:14

In early 1970 I was working at Bradley. One evening, while picking up a drag chute from a B-52E, which was being flown by a flight test crew for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, I slipped and broke two bones in my lower right leg. It happened on the very runway described in this video. I'm probably the only person ever to break a leg on that runway at Bradley.

@IvanDaniel28 - 22.02.2025 03:16

l love the stories w/happy endings!!

@enasniec-neicsnoc9591 - 24.02.2025 05:09

Honestly, with the amount of bad things that happened and how s**t the situation, it's a miracle they managed to land without exploding or something. Flowers to the captain for landing without crashing and flowers to the first officer for his A+ support.

@quill444 - 28.02.2025 01:56

"Empty the control tower, fire everybody, it's raining!" sounds so much like an Elon Musk idea! ✈ 🚧 🎈 - j q t -

@franconianbike - 28.02.2025 20:47

QFE? Thought only gliders use this and only for local flights.

@Harve-the-fur - 28.02.2025 21:57

Imagine having windshear just after take off cuz I have on my RC plane what ended up hitting a dog

@skyguy12345 - 02.03.2025 12:30

so did they continue employment with the airline?

@Futuresolidsnake - 06.03.2025 08:49

These videos are both fascinating and just a bit frightening! I’m really amazed at some of the dramatic stories told with great clarity. Simply top notch presentation and full of relevant information that really helps to understand the situations pilots find themselves thrust into. I got nothing but respect for these guys!

@michaelbrown641 - 07.03.2025 18:35

