UI/UX Design vs Product Design

UI/UX Design vs Product Design

Relab Studios

2 года назад

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E & EM Tech
E & EM Tech - 16.08.2023 07:10

If we design machinery, such as robot (or three-wheel cart and so on), which will serve people deliver things either in indoor (such as in restaurant or hospital or hotel) or in outdoor (deliver things to consumer's house), what is it called?

Yann LC
Yann LC - 14.08.2023 04:22

what is the point of waiting for you to write on screen ?!

UIFry - 11.08.2023 08:03

his video simplifies the distinctions between UI Design, UX Design, and Product Design, offering clarity on the unique roles each plays in creating successful digital products. It highlights shared topics like design thinking, user research, and prototyping. This resource is valuable for aspiring designers and product professionals, helping bridge knowledge gaps. Kudos to Alvin for shedding light on these crucial aspects of the design and product development process! 🌟

epicmaster - 07.08.2023 21:06

im still confused, so a product designer is like a UX designer with an MBA or economics degree?

Codex BS
Codex BS - 07.08.2023 04:45


Rat - 14.07.2023 00:56

I desperately needed this video I couldn't find a clear and concise answer thank you for this!

Daniel Wanjiku
Daniel Wanjiku - 02.07.2023 15:05

Thanks for such important insight. I subbed immediately. If i may ask, Where(Sites) can i get free or affordable courses & certifications that are industry recognized both in the US & Internationally for Product Designer jobs?🙏🏽

Noelia Fernanda
Noelia Fernanda - 08.06.2023 20:49

Visual design and Interaction design (IxD) like parts of UI....???? 🤔🤔

Noelia Fernanda
Noelia Fernanda - 08.06.2023 20:45

Product design has approuch only in digital products.???? 🤔🤔

akinyemi emmanuel
akinyemi emmanuel - 08.06.2023 00:09

Thank you for making this video, It really made me understand the differences between them...since I have been struggling to understand It.💪🤲

Meenal Bankoti
Meenal Bankoti - 30.05.2023 15:10

Thank you for such concise and clear distinction between these streams. Very insightful and helpful 😊

Tobi Medase
Tobi Medase - 19.05.2023 15:06

Thank you for the detailed explanation.

Amalendu Kole
Amalendu Kole - 29.04.2023 21:16

Thanks, man.

Jhean Villajuan
Jhean Villajuan - 27.04.2023 22:09

It’s a complete video, that I was looking for information. Very helpful

Asuku Abigail
Asuku Abigail - 19.04.2023 19:59

is ux/ui design integrated in product design

Janisse Valenzuela
Janisse Valenzuela - 18.04.2023 00:02

Can you make a video about the difference between a Product Designer vs a Product Marketing Manager…. I’m debating which of the these two careers is best for me?

Janisse Valenzuela
Janisse Valenzuela - 18.04.2023 00:01

What masters degree should I get if I want to become a Digital Product Designer? Trying to figure out which credentials I should obtain

Janisse Valenzuela
Janisse Valenzuela - 17.04.2023 23:57

Just to clarify, does a product designer encompass all aspects of the product design such as the UI Design, UX Design, and UX Research & Marketing? And the other titles are like specializations within the field?

Angga Risky
Angga Risky - 19.03.2023 16:40

mangat bro

Ale F
Ale F - 18.03.2023 13:01

I have a question: as a senior/lead ui-ux designer I start the conversation with the client from the brief and then suggest best way to go, from prototypes approach for testing towards handover to devs, mentoring juniors, training people in accessibility and looking after the best process for the team-cross collaboration. So what would be the best title for it? It isn't head of design cause we don't have a big team but I am working with the client and other head of departments about best approach depending on the problem and the more efficient way to deliver. Is that Design ops even if it is design strategy? Or is it Design strategist (looking after client design management + ui/ux overview of process + design ops)? thanks

FR G - 13.03.2023 06:46

From my experience, product designer and UX/UI designer are mostly just a naming thing. I would argue that in the industry, UXUI needs to consider business needs and goals as well. Without business requirements, UI is meaningless and we won’t get paid

Magda Reyman
Magda Reyman - 05.02.2023 16:49

How one can be a UX designer and not think about business goals, product scalability and consistency? Quite $hitty one I guess?

Alessandro Filetti
Alessandro Filetti - 02.02.2023 22:14

Which program Is the best for you for create an object in 3d software?

Reny Mathew
Reny Mathew - 24.01.2023 15:38

How about few more thoughts like in software world we have reusable code; in non software product world can we have reusable design (parts to be easily recyclable) and servicable ( fixable end user vs use and throw which is not environment friendly) this can help reduce electronic waste.

Jay Man
Jay Man - 12.01.2023 05:34

What would you say I major in for me Undergrad that’ll prepare me for this especially down the road as PO or PM. The VA is paying for my degree and I figured comp sci would be the way to go?

Michael F. Buckley
Michael F. Buckley - 09.01.2023 13:54

This video is the most succinct and accurate description of the difference between UI/UX Design and Product Design I've ever encountered. Great job!

Herbert Dougan
Herbert Dougan - 05.01.2023 02:34

This is so helpful

Stephen Chikezie
Stephen Chikezie - 03.01.2023 16:35

Thanks for making this video, I really appreciate. I'm thinking about heading into product design, I'm new to all of this tech stuff and I'd like any advice or help. Thank you

Kanika sachdeva
Kanika sachdeva - 26.12.2022 04:47

Do I need to become a UX designer first than a product designer? Can I become a UX researcher and then take a path to product designer?

Alina Matiushyna
Alina Matiushyna - 06.12.2022 01:48

Thanks a lot for information ) What are the music on background playing?)

Emmanuel Alade
Emmanuel Alade - 10.10.2022 01:16


Meskerem Arega
Meskerem Arega - 08.10.2022 11:56

It is good to add maintainability(easy to maintain business rule changes) and reusability (how the product can use legacy product features)

MrKodsine - 08.10.2022 08:56

This video us aligned with my understanding as well 👍I would add that the Product designer should build more domain/industry knowledge about the product compared to the UI/UX role. And, they should have more ownership of their work and see it as a long-term commitment, not just a one-off design exercise

s milli
s milli - 30.09.2022 19:26

can you do a video on typical daily tasks for ux ui designers in their jobs , i have just done a course and not sure what will be expected of me when i get my role.. how are the tasks distributed etc

Takaz - 30.09.2022 13:06

good content ❤

Stanislav Dovidenko design
Stanislav Dovidenko design - 30.09.2022 11:17

how did you mix video and ipad drawing on one screen?

s milli
s milli - 29.09.2022 22:23

i was looking for ux ui roles , most of them ask for adobe creative suite knowledge , i am good with ui design tools but not with adobe suite.. when and what do you amazing ui designers use suite for ? whats are your main tasks ui designers do on suite ...thanks a lot ..

Jhony - 23.09.2022 03:04

that marijuana

adsphoe - 19.09.2022 12:15

Nailed this. thank you. I was actually doing this for a while but not really knowing. a mix of all 3 but expecting all 3 in some shape or form for each project/product. I have help design component ideas for front end content teams, carousel ideas, log in and checkout experiences. There are parts that throw me then i realise i action other parts with out even thinking. Thanks for making clear easy dots point for people out there.

R J - 05.09.2022 15:21

Excellent job explaining that!

thenna chea
thenna chea - 26.08.2022 16:30

Great breakdown of the differences between these three!

David Fitcher
David Fitcher - 25.08.2022 17:56

WHat do you mean by Adoption?

Little fiona
Little fiona - 17.08.2022 07:18

Great and nice!... to share your Experiences about UX/UI and Product design.

Rishabh Nadkarni
Rishabh Nadkarni - 14.08.2022 13:46

by now we're just splitting hairs. practically all these topics are interchanged between experience designer and product designers. sure, UI is a separate sub-function. But in the end UX guys and product guys could basically be doing similar jobs. its just very confusing when people say these things. As young designers entering into the industry we really are unsure of what to call ourselves. in my opinion, a UX designer and product designers should be combined into just one role. UX design.

Vivek - 10.08.2022 12:31

Thanks for clarifying and roles and responsibilities of different designations. This helps.

Have a question on what if the designer who is not good at UI and who is already doing the role of a product designer? Is it an advantage or not? Your thoughts plz

Nayama Mielle
Nayama Mielle - 06.08.2022 05:07

Finally a video that explains the difference so clearly. Thanks!

green apple
green apple - 27.07.2022 08:54

I've had discussions about this with other designers who insist it's all the same. Someone I know who works in one of the FAANG companies told me they're transitioning to calling the UI/UX Design role Product Design instead. It's kind of a bummer that people don't use definitions in practice.

Ki - 19.07.2022 15:03

Hi, tysm for doing this video, I’m about to go to uni soon but I have been debating wether to do a graphic design course or a Digital Experience and Interaction Design, I actually am not so sure what exactly are the differences between the two, could you please help me?

Gb J
Gb J - 16.07.2022 05:37

Great info thanks. Just thinking out loud, If I could add to the UX side, UXers probably also tackle equitable/accessible design as big part of what they do.
