Pi Network wallet Balance | pi network mainnet faze | M Farhan Fayyaz

Pi Network wallet Balance | pi network mainnet faze | M Farhan Fayyaz

M Farhan Fayyaz

3 года назад

1,183 Просмотров

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@sunlightn5446 - 13.12.2021 11:34


@shaynenelson683 - 13.12.2021 11:37

Thank you for all the ongoing information mate! I am regularly watching your videos and your content and approach is excellent. Bitcoin momentum is back, although from a trader's perspective, I feel we really need more expert in the field updating newbies/investors on how the community works. I've been able to understand that there are two sides when it comes to crypto and everyone has their opinion when it comes to choosing sides, though I am not kicking against holding, but I see it as an old strategy to make profit of the market as of when the market goes bearish investors/traders looses their investment which is always painful, when you can take advantage of the market by involving in day trading or copying trade alert from a professional trader that do get tips and understand the market and uses strategy to generate signals daily to make profit to grow your portfolio as I've been doing with [ 💬masonexp ] on Tele grm for the past few months, with his program I have grown my initial 0.8 BTC to 6.4 BTC . He's very accurate and always yields a great positive return on investment,

@Sky-lr4lm - 13.12.2021 11:56

👆     👆     👆      👆
Light up the lightning on time every day ⚡,
Not even a second of time was wasted🚀.⏰

@lhw1990. - 13.12.2021 13:27

点亮闪电 点亮未来

@animalsvideos4040 - 13.12.2021 17:26

nice Bhai

@sorajkumar880 - 13.12.2021 17:36

TT coin ke bare mein video

@Picode-Denver1157 - 14.12.2021 01:41

⏰🚀 👆👆👆👆👆
Thank you for using it🙏🙏🙏🙏

@picodejanedang0247 - 14.12.2021 02:01

👆 👆 👆 👆
Light up the lightning on time every day to increase your mining speed. Welcome.⚡🚀

@MuhammadFarhan-7357 - 14.12.2021 07:35

be network aap send me

@hafiztayyab9283 - 20.12.2021 20:06

bhai mainnet kisy khety h
price ko khety h kia?
