Monster Hunter World: ICEBORNE | All 14 Weapons Explained! - Which Fit Your Playstyle Best?

Monster Hunter World: ICEBORNE | All 14 Weapons Explained! - Which Fit Your Playstyle Best?

Boomstick Gaming

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Sentrie Gun
Sentrie Gun - 25.09.2023 03:38

As a lance main, i just love becoming an unstoppable pain train! you cannot escape and i can block what is usually unblockable!

tengku luqman hakim
tengku luqman hakim - 23.08.2023 20:52

I love bow. Sure, it's maybe not a meta or cool like other weapon. But for me, bow is the coolest. The combo with dodge make it seem like a 'dance'. And that weapon have me sold

Ivan Soldic
Ivan Soldic - 21.08.2023 21:51

How to explain hammer: big hammer go bonk

Oni Slayer
Oni Slayer - 21.08.2023 19:45

Do these weapon changes affect all weapons or just the ones you unlock in iceborne

Klomba - 17.08.2023 19:02

a tip with the slinger ammo with the hammer, when charging the slinger ammo can be used to stagger the monster which allows for an opening for a big damage combo such as level 2 uppercut into full big bang or max level stationary charge into golf swing.

EverRunic - 15.08.2023 04:34

Is this the beta test version they’re playing in this video???

MegaAwesomeAnnie - 12.04.2023 18:32

No Banbaro's were harmed in the making of this video... oh wait :D

Cephey Cerberian
Cephey Cerberian - 04.03.2023 16:10

Bro your gameplay is so good.

SatiivaIndiica - 01.03.2023 16:21

I'm pretty sure you can't use clutch claw with a insect glavie drawn.

Qladstone 權鳶石
Qladstone 權鳶石 - 26.02.2023 20:29

I tried a few weapons (sword and shield, lance, light bowgun, heavy bowgun, gunlance, hunting horn), and liked the heavy bowgun the most in the end. It got the tankiness I wanted with the shield modifications, able use all sorts of different ammo types depending on the situation which makes fights interesting switching ammo types on the fly, and I get the feeling of being a hunter hunting the wildlife with the large hunting rile. It's also super easy to capture monsters with the tranquilising ammo available that you can just buy an unlimited supply of from the shop instead of having to craft them.

The main challenge is having a whole bunch of radial shortcuts used up for the different ammo. I have two radial dials devoted just for quick access to the ammo types. And you have to save one item and shortcut setup for each heavy bowgun use because they each use different ammo. Sure it's possible to just stick to a few ammo types but it's more fun to have access to the full range of ammos types that a heavy bowgun supports and use them based on the situation.

Donovan Mitchell
Donovan Mitchell - 16.01.2023 16:23

I use 3 weapons the charge blade, long sword, and the sword and shield

Zapario - 28.12.2022 03:36

Bro is a master of all weapons

Brachydaddy - 06.12.2022 20:38


Brian Bisono
Brian Bisono - 06.07.2022 18:44

I play CB as my main weapon and looking for another weapon to try. Lance seems good

Deathwish 40K
Deathwish 40K - 17.06.2022 19:35

a display of how to fight only the Banbaro with all the weapons.

MetalNick - 17.06.2022 09:17

They're worthless. End of explanation.

Sire Houston
Sire Houston - 16.05.2022 09:39

So far the actual best description of each of the weapons. I usually insect glaive because it seemed interesting when I first started, but I've been wanting to learn the other weapons now that I've started taking on the master rank quests. About halfway done with them, and insect glaive just does not do enough anymore damage by myself

boriS - 10.03.2022 23:46

Banbaro getting bullied

LordPhoenix HD
LordPhoenix HD - 21.02.2022 20:01

So if you are monter hunter world playing charge blade is all about POWER my fellow hunters

grnCookie - 14.01.2022 13:48

Insect Glaive dragoon dive, my beloved

Git Gud
Git Gud - 18.12.2021 09:59

i use long range mostly 😂

Twin Archer
Twin Archer - 13.12.2021 08:25

My playstyle is: fast movement, (must be able to move quickly/get out of the way fast), good damage (if I hit it during a combo and it dodges I still want big damage), some sort of get out of jail free card (a good dodge), must be Mobil (as stated before I like movement), I like hit and run tactics (hit a bunch than move away but I do count avoiding/blocking damage as "running" because it fuels the same purpose )

I have decide between these weapons:
The switch axe, it has the damage I want, attacks fast, has a get out of jail option, but doesn't have much mobility.

The hammer, it has the damage I want, it has mobility, attacks fast, but doesn't have a get out of jail option.

The Lance, it has the damage I want, it has mobility, but it is limited, attacks fast, has a get out of jail option, but as stated before the mobility is not the best, you are confined to a small space, running away is difficult, but you have a shield and damage is consistent.

The Insect glaive, has the mobility, has the get out of jail, attacks extremely fast, but damage is not the best unless full combo hits.

The longsword, has the mobility, attacks fast, is close to the damage I want,has multiple get out of jail options, but attacks fling you around a lot.

Sword and shield, has the mobility, attacks fast, get out of jail free option (shield plus fast sheath), but the dumbest relies on combos, combos make you move around a lot (not as much as long sword but enough to notice)

Based on what I have said what do you think I should use, also tell me your experiences with the weapons and how they are played and I will take that into consideration. If you have questions for me I will answer them the best I can.

SHADO_lancer117 - 13.12.2021 00:24

I wish the charge blade s&s mode got more love

Patchwork - 11.12.2021 01:06

Alternate title: Banbaro gets beaten up by deranged Hunter taking to himself for 20 minutes

Winter Sotero
Winter Sotero - 15.11.2021 13:43

Switch Axe:being like Deidara of Naruto cause : "ART is an EXPLOSION!" 😎

Winter Sotero
Winter Sotero - 15.11.2021 13:40

GS, LS, CB and NOW im addicted to SA! SA explodes everywhere weather on land or while in Clutchef clawed to a Monster😎

Brother Kiev
Brother Kiev - 30.10.2021 21:00

I’m sorry… did you just give the charge blade 4/5 on complexity? The weapon renowned for its 100+ page weapon guides?

Ether - 01.10.2021 02:24

Hammer go bang bang

AyoungPrince - 28.09.2021 06:36

I'm always bouncing around from weapon to weapon trying to find the one I'm most comfortable with but I've never tried the hunting horn, heavy bowgun, or the lance. Just curious on everyone's opinion on the three and if I should give any of them a try.

Bence Nagy
Bence Nagy - 26.09.2021 15:38

I use the bow
Yesterday i l Legolas'd a rathian

Huckleberry - 22.09.2021 21:47

If this game had shooting wepaons I'd be all about it. Melee weapons can be fun but get boring after a while. Just starts to feel like loke to much if the same thing! A nice happy bland of both would be nice to see.

JKA - 15.09.2021 03:01

Those poor Banbaros.

Aiheki - 05.09.2021 03:51

Boomstick: Oh, you also get a whole new attack!

Me: Are you going to show it?

Boomstick: ...

Iron Disciple
Iron Disciple - 16.08.2021 18:35

You forgot to mention that the hammer is the one that most benefits from the clutch claw. Becoming a spinning sticky hammer. Very satisfying when the monster leaves from one location to the next and right before he starts moving you manage to clutch claw it and your hunter flys like never before taking you with it until you hammer it lol. I'm a Flying Hammer Main.

G M - 14.08.2021 03:06

Outstanding video. Thank you

ItsFrostbyte - 10.08.2021 07:48

I just started MHWI a few weeks ago and I went with the Great Sword because I felt like a badass and wanted to use a big heavy weapon that feels satisfying.

I might pick up the Hammer and Charge Blade or maybe even the Switchaxe but I feel at home with my Defender Great sword.

Garrett Wilson
Garrett Wilson - 29.07.2021 19:29

I've always been a great sword and hammer main myself.

Lucien Schlut
Lucien Schlut - 29.07.2021 17:03

Fellow hammer main are you there?

kevin chung
kevin chung - 25.07.2021 11:14

As a sword & shield main i can tell you that this is the most mobile plus protective weapon. I always love to move around monsters to find good strike spot, and when i gonna be hit by them I raise my shield. Sure the shield itself can’t compare to shield in lance weapon class, but the mobility and able to use items while draw weapon really help me in other ways.

However sword & shield may be a little complex so make sure to practice it in the practice field before moving on.

Gyuuu - 24.07.2021 06:11

Just bought MHWI master edition
Thanks for the info 😂😂👌🏻👌🏻

Gabriel Adonai
Gabriel Adonai - 23.07.2021 01:00

rewatched the videos, to check how to guide a newcomer friend, just realized how much love you put into it, the order of the weapons is the inverted order of the base game video

Kole 17
Kole 17 - 19.07.2021 19:30

What would you recommend for someone who is brand new but also loved the combat of the Witcher 3? I am having a hard time choosing!

Erengoon - 08.07.2021 01:54

Yo what armor is the thumbnail bro that's sick

Anrijs C
Anrijs C - 06.07.2021 20:07

I'm already a longsword main and I'm watching this because it's MHW lmao

SeeNoWeevil - 06.07.2021 02:23

What a fantastic video

Synergy - 29.06.2021 17:33

Love how with the bowguns is saying “I don’t care how powerful of a monster you are, the second amendment can beat your ass”

Musica - 08.06.2021 23:24

mid to end game HBG difficulty should be zero.
