The TRUTH about SwiftUI (Is UIKit Better?)

The TRUTH about SwiftUI (Is UIKit Better?)

iOS Academy

3 года назад

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Umar Paracha
Umar Paracha - 12.09.2023 12:01

today about swiftui ...after swiftui 5

Isaac8074 - 25.08.2023 05:17

I've done both, but UIkit imo is important to build fundamentals. many companies will require proficiency in UI kit way prior to knowing swift ui. i think apple should add xml functionality in Ui kit so developers can manage apps different from being a UI designer. picking up a reactive framework is way ahead of a beginner starting to learn to code.

Rayzer - 04.04.2023 10:00

(Is UIKit Better?) - yes

Warren Postma
Warren Postma - 16.03.2023 01:38

My understanding:

UIKit : Legacy Cocoa Objective APis derived from NextStep. Has both Code-only and a form-designer system. 90% of codebases out there are using this. Many use Objective-C and don't use Swift at all.

SwiftUI: Declaritive, Reflexive, Responsive, and Code-only. Probably the future.

You will need to know both to be a fully up to date iOS or Mac developer. If you are starting out from scratch, the learning curve on both is HUGE.

The only MISTAKE is to try to learn both at the same time. You'll go insane.

Eric Draven
Eric Draven - 14.01.2023 02:07

SwiftUI is the future. Might as well get use to it at this point. Especially a year after this video came out

neslz kusfep
neslz kusfep - 06.01.2023 00:36

The audio level of the background music made listening a tad challenging for me personally. Thank you for your thoughts on the two frameworks!

Ni7ram - 04.01.2023 21:49

yes i like the camera work and the approach! keep it up brother 👍

Julian Sha
Julian Sha - 23.08.2022 14:41

For me if it’s just about building the app, SwiftUI just feels newer. I’m pretty good in SwiftUI but my concern is that when I look for a job, either they won’t know what framework their developers need or they’ll still be using UIKit.

Roshan Thapa
Roshan Thapa - 01.08.2022 02:27

Just started learning SwiftUI and m loving it... it's making my life so much easier.
Learning Combine side-by-side. iOS development is going to be fun in future.

Nitesh Maharaj
Nitesh Maharaj - 27.07.2022 15:23

I think the mistake that many people make is taking an either or approach to this. UIKit is a mature framework and it's not on its way out as some people are saying. Apple will continue to support it for years to come. SwiftUI is a faster, more modern approach to UI development and while it has come a long way in 3 years, it'll continue to evolve and support more and more functionality in the years to come.

Think about this for a moment, UICollectionView was introduced in iOS 6, which means we didn't have a collection view for 6 years and compositional layout was introduced in iOS 12, which is another 6 years before we got a really nice solution to this problem. Then you have people complaining that SwiftUI doesn't have everything that UIKit has this early in its life - that's a joke.

Both UIKit and SwiftUI are easy to learn, so learn both and use both. You can use a UITableView or UICollectionView and then build your cells in SwiftUI, or you can build in SwiftUI and use a UIRepresentable to host a ViewController in your SwiftUI app. It's like watching Mandalorian, without ever watching any of the Star Wars movies. The series stands by itself, but having the back story from the movies can add so many more dimensions to the story. Therefore, even if you plan to only ever build in SwiftUI, I recommend you build a few things with UIKit just for fun - don't use storyboards or nibs, do everything in code and you'll be surprised at how much better you'll be at building iOS apps.

Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 18.04.2022 11:18

I just go with what ever the API I’m using uses. The documentation is easier to read if it’s in the same language Google APIs uses UIKit so I use it.

Kate Dmitrieva
Kate Dmitrieva - 05.04.2022 20:11

swiftUI is the future of ios development, and that's that.

Nonnnth - 10.03.2022 10:10

Why your face looks like somebody spilled water on a picture printed on paper?

Anh hanry
Anh hanry - 22.12.2021 19:06

SwiftUI is for Apple to use for writing one set of code that can be applied to all of apple products e.g. CarPlay, Watch, Apple TV, and iphone/ipad, desktop , whereas UIkit can't be applied as one platform for all.....SwiftUI is the future of Apple company,.... Simple, no more argument.

zdeneik - 31.10.2021 10:33

Great vid. I like your attitude in general, you crumble things into basis. I will stick with your channel and learn from you, thanks :)

Jack Cotton-Brown
Jack Cotton-Brown - 12.10.2021 09:26

Yo yo! The background music is a bit loud and distracting in this vid, but otherwise, nice to see the new style!

Gennady M
Gennady M - 17.08.2021 14:03

I just got into iOS development 2 days ago for myself and I always go for newer stuff. I like SwiftUI. I don’t find it limiting so far and cross platform is awesome .
- I got handwriting recognition
- Text and object based recognition through camera
- JSON reading
- Beautiful on boarding screen

Oisin Kelly
Oisin Kelly - 17.08.2021 01:38

It’s not about what you have, it’s about how you use it!

Business Momo
Business Momo - 16.08.2021 02:55

Widgets don't work in UIKit isn't it?

Dhayanithi S
Dhayanithi S - 09.08.2021 14:17

Hey! Can you make a video about how to get a job in apple?
