How Does Profile View Work On Tiktok? (EXPLAINED!)

How Does Profile View Work On Tiktok? (EXPLAINED!)

Digital Unraveled

2 года назад

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Negro Suave
Negro Suave - 18.10.2023 17:07

I have a question. I’m blocked by a person that I still see views my TikTok profile. Multiple times since I’ve been blocked. Anyway they are doing this by accident?

Malik Khizar
Malik Khizar - 26.09.2023 19:26

If i repeat again and again.will it show again and again

Emily - 23.09.2023 07:14

Sooo, hypothetically, if someone viewed someone else’s profile with that feature turned off then turned it back on after the the some person was like 99% sure the other person knew about it what would be a good excuse????? Especially if the person had a pretty uncommon name and you went to the same school as them. All hypothetical of course 💀😂🫠 🥴

Also sorry for the terrible grammar, this totally hypothetical situation is stressing me out lol

Eternal Anxiety
Eternal Anxiety - 20.08.2023 03:36

im over 5k followers and im always appearing offline, can i stalk in peace?

like is mine permanently on or off?

Anam Ijaz
Anam Ijaz - 19.07.2023 16:13

Then what is meaning of 7/7

Jared Eyler
Jared Eyler - 24.04.2023 03:07

I’d like to know why someone who viewed my profile showed up in my views just a couple days ago, is now gone from the list a couple days later? and I only have 20 followers.

Unknown - 13.03.2023 09:50

Social media getting federal

Quiet Guy
Quiet Guy - 04.03.2023 05:46

So if i turn it off people won't know when i visit their profile right?

daniel reyes
daniel reyes - 23.01.2023 03:11

Does it show how many times someone viewed their profile?

SubjectNumber001 - 17.01.2023 16:28

If a contact’s page pops up on my for you as a suggested follow. Does it count as a profile view without me clicking on it?

Savy Mark
Savy Mark - 18.07.2022 01:28

If someone keeps going back to the top of the list does that mean they viewed my profile again ?

Ricky Causor
Ricky Causor - 16.07.2022 10:20

so if a person views it and then a couple days later comes back to the top did they view it again ?

Oddy II
Oddy II - 21.06.2022 03:13

A lot of ppl view my profile but they don’t follow im new idk what it means 😂

Mikey Smith
Mikey Smith - 18.06.2022 18:13

If I have profile veiws turned off but veiw someone else’s profile will it show up that I have viewed there profile

Zacapa 1980
Zacapa 1980 - 16.06.2022 02:49

I am NEVER turning that crap on!!!

wendy smal
wendy smal - 12.06.2022 15:20

I have 2 profiles but i can only see one's profile view. The other one does show it. Don't have the option to switch in on. Why

Courtney - 09.06.2022 02:20

They’re adding it on instagram

spicy cheese
spicy cheese - 03.06.2022 14:00

I don't have this feature, but let's say someone else does, and they have it on, and I view their profile, will it show that I viewed it, or do we both need it on?

CrOniik-_Rize !!!
CrOniik-_Rize !!! - 30.05.2022 22:33

What if someone keeps going back to the top of the list? Does that mean they keep going back to your profile?

Teague Faller
Teague Faller - 05.05.2022 04:41

what if you view a profile more than once

SweetFamilyLife - 04.05.2022 16:04

Well this could make for uncomfortable situations.🤣💀

April Foster
April Foster - 02.05.2022 17:49

Eck. A girl whose obsessed with my man looked at my profile. Lmao

April Foster
April Foster - 02.05.2022 17:48

Okay y’all so I turned it off and viewed my friends profile and it did not tell her. Once I turned it back on it still never told her!! ❤️

Droopy - 02.05.2022 03:49

So if I turn it on now it will not show the last 30 days before that

Christian - 29.04.2022 19:46

💀💀💀….. people finna be secretly stalking other people they finna get catched😂😂😂 dats y, i always say i mind my own business

Erikiss - 26.04.2022 04:10

if i look at someone's account while it's off and then turn it on can they see i looked at there profile?

Derek Young
Derek Young - 24.04.2022 01:26

I figured it out, I deleted the app and just re downloaded it, it worked

Jayden Klein
Jayden Klein - 18.04.2022 00:23

does the past 30 days thing start from now or before the feature was added?

Carlos Equihua
Carlos Equihua - 16.04.2022 02:07

If I turn it on (become visible to others if I view their account) & then turn it off will they no longer be able to see if I viewed their account within the past 30 days because I turned it back off ?

High Moon
High Moon - 15.04.2022 12:04

Does it still show ppl who deleted their account on the “visitor list” ?

Ramil sj
Ramil sj - 14.04.2022 18:05

if i dont turn it on but i do view other peoples will my name pop up in their list

firex148 - 09.04.2022 22:42

I dont have this feature on my tiktok (yet), does that mean im safe when viewing other tiktok profiles?
