Stellaris - The Ultimate Ironman/Multiplayer Exploit

Stellaris - The Ultimate Ironman/Multiplayer Exploit


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@naleek12 - 29.08.2017 00:59

wohooooo !!! Cheatsy stuff for free !!!!

@ybodonobody - 29.08.2017 01:07

just to argue semantics, this is closer to a save file edit than it is an exploit. an exploit is stealing a worker from a citystate then instantly making peace in Civ V, this is going into the files and telling the game to spawn a ringworld.

@Froltzz - 29.08.2017 01:23

my friend's reaction to seeing this was hilarious, what are these stupid exploits...

@justinwilburn688 - 29.08.2017 01:26

Isn't this simply a hack?

@frankp8763 - 29.08.2017 02:05


@RoseRegent - 29.08.2017 03:17

ha.. did this it bugged out the game and deleted all my created empires

@dr.garretsshow - 29.08.2017 03:20

Who alters the game files?!?!? That always goes wrong damit why people want to break the game and their PCs ?!?!?

@hevnervals - 29.08.2017 04:11

Tounge smacking

@kibitokay - 29.08.2017 05:08

the most ridiculos part is that it works on multiplayer lul how paradox just how u failed so bad....

@rocy9789 - 29.08.2017 05:24

i would like to know how to get the 5 gaja worlds from the fallen empires around me instead of the ringworlds.
this would be a more sneaky variant but it would still gurantee close habitable planets
and i think they had super production buildings too

@rendstung1665 - 29.08.2017 07:16

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@Helman114 - 29.08.2017 08:37

Aspec, the Vandril of Stellaris. :D

@Strongbeef_Hoofstomp - 29.08.2017 09:18

The Blorg_Slash_Fics.txt killed me

@ironblaster98 - 29.08.2017 09:35

Classic sins of a solar empire txt edit haxx

@AshtraskaPanthera - 29.08.2017 09:54

Wooooow. That is one hell of an exploit....

@TheSkyShaft - 29.08.2017 10:13

Welp, nows the time to give paradox the big middle finger for their dlc policy

@Penningtontj - 29.08.2017 12:49

I wonder if they fixed achievements in Ironman so they work for all/at all?

@griff9288 - 29.08.2017 15:54

Aspec, what about my democracy/influence exploit?

@FreedomFighterEx - 29.08.2017 16:26

What is not fine about this is how it also work in Multiplayer mode.

@Gilder-von-Schattenkreuz - 29.08.2017 16:45

This falls under Modding.
Not under Exploiting.

After all you require to actively Change a Game File.

Its true that its a Bug cause the Game does not Detect the Change thus not realizing this as an Modification.
But its clearly not an Exploit cause its not an Weakness inside the Game.
But an Active Modification of a Game File on your Part.

@skypeon4555 - 29.08.2017 17:06


@MaximusCircus - 29.08.2017 17:41

Is it fixed already?

@MGAGAMR-zq9ko - 29.08.2017 20:07

holy shit it is already fixed.....

@whatsmylife1235 - 30.08.2017 03:14

It's been fixed

@Archgeek0 - 30.08.2017 06:41

Whoo, that's nuts. Crazy rough bootstrap, though. Are you utterly boned if you don't sell that first ship? I couldn't help but notice it claimed you had +1 minerals to begin with.

@Mrcool2oo3 - 30.08.2017 18:26

Well shit...
I found this exploit a month ago,
I'll just have to find another exploit
Once 1.8 comes out

@icyknightmare4592 - 31.08.2017 00:18

I just played around with this a bit, and found a way that might be slightly easier than using the fallen materialist spawn. If you use the spiritualist spawn (fallen_2), you get 2 gaia planets with full FE buildings, including t6 agri processing complexes, and no tile blockers. This also spawns the gaia holy worlds. Also, you can change your spawning world type to be gaia in the preset code, making your home planet gaia (3 gaia planets in home system) and 2 other nearby worlds as well. By the time you need to colonize a non gaia planet, you can just gene mod off the gaia preference as needed.

Although, this may be a quick way to die if there's a spiritualist FE nearby.

@Spartan878455 - 31.08.2017 01:24

Wow as a modder I have known about that you can change the system a empire can start with in their files but this well done sir. Also you can do the same with tomb worlds change your plant class in the files.

@lucaefor2471 - 31.08.2017 02:35

Biggest exploit is the huge $$$$ price for a "grand strategy game" that ships with an AI so piss poor it makes Donkey Kong look like a chess computer.

@IxGxNxI - 31.08.2017 19:07

Did devs fix checksum? For some time it was possible to play ironman with mods, if they didn't fix it then the exploit falls under that category as it modifies the checksum, but the game does not verify it when enabling multiplayer/ironman.

@csongor242 - 01.09.2017 00:51

Here's another exploit: if you buy defensive armies on a planet and land assault armies before they're finished you can have double amount of armies defending a planet then the game normally would allow. Great way to suppress unrest and to make very powerfull fortress-worlds.

@stanislasdemontmarin9319 - 01.09.2017 14:01

Doesn't seem to work anymore, it corrupted my file and i do not have my custom made empires anymore
anybody gets this ?

@CassCassCassime - 01.09.2017 17:44

Game developers hate him! You won't believe this one weird trick to breaking the meta on a monthly basis! Click now for more info!

@CelestialCaesar - 02.09.2017 03:36

Leave it in Iron Man, take it out of multi-player. Seems fair. Hell, make a joke achievement from it.

@zachsoanes6417 - 12.09.2017 04:07

Still works .. hahaha best iron man start I've ever had. If it wasn't for spending thousands of minerals for clearing the ancient ruins this would be so so so broken.
Also I changed my city background to fallen. And I love it
Thanks aspec never even thought about modding the files.. xD

@LongGameShort - 15.09.2017 00:09

Aaaand fixed
"- Fixed an exploit where initializers not meant for player empires (such as Fallen Empire ringworlds) could be used as home systems through text file editing"

@Lee-cf9gf - 23.09.2017 13:46

ASpec - The Balance Destroyer

@FishPasteMan - 08.10.2017 10:36

I don't think this is fixable for single player, but I still hope they fix it for multiplayer.

@kokobedima - 05.11.2017 01:08

i fcked up my savings :C

@MaximusLight - 05.01.2018 07:12

Normally with any game that you can modify the files in you will be able to hack and edit your way into god mode with a bit of background in what you're doing.
I mean I realize this is surprisingly accessible and requires a low amount of background knowledge to do that seems to have wide ranging application and works on all bases of the game, but I mean for instance you can save scum most games with an iron man mod by just saving a copy of your save game to another location then copying over said file and restarting the game without saving by ending the process and there not a lot that can be done about that.
Heck you could probably ninja some code in to hack yourself in more crazy situations if you don't need a compiler, even more so if you can and do use one. You just risk needing to clean install said game if you mess up.
Makes me wonder just how crazy exploit-y you can make it if you try. like lets say writing an event chain that happens on day 1 or 2 of the game that only activates for a specifically named empire of your choosing that grants you all technology and max resources, tradition trees, and the most OP starting situation you can think of like even more ring worlds and all completed megastructures in your immediate area.
Or you could make the game nuke anything you want (literally) by selecting it from a right-click menu with a nuke giff and a sheep bahhing in the background for kicks and giggles if you really no what you're doing.

@aprilpower1158 - 02.03.2018 19:36

How do I edit out ships of another empire? I am currently at war with an overpowered Awakened Empire and I want to delete some of its ships.

@gkr2189 - 04.07.2018 14:58

Looks like you've come down with a serious case of ring world there friend.

@edwardjosh7449 - 28.08.2018 22:07


@theautisticveteran2466 - 13.01.2019 12:02

Nice way to help the devs improve the game.

@cybercheats787 - 16.02.2019 16:06


@wildcats1369 - 13.05.2019 10:06

still work in 2.2?

@peterpott2535 - 17.04.2020 21:44

That's meanwhile no exploits anymore it's now a origin

@SayShawti - 08.07.2020 00:09

How do I close it

@Kafson - 16.08.2020 20:06

Good old times

@GNParty - 23.08.2020 01:01

Which version of Stellaris does this work?
Is it possible to use this in 2020?
