Masterclass: AI-driven Development for Programmers

Masterclass: AI-driven Development for Programmers


1 год назад

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Erik Landvall
Erik Landvall - 15.09.2023 18:58

Has anyone ehre ever heard about "outsourced code work to asia" ... AI will have similar affect if used incorrectly

Brendan Chatt
Brendan Chatt - 11.09.2023 18:52

Hi mom

DropShotPat - 11.09.2023 07:18

so what about google's AI Bard?

Jessica Creel
Jessica Creel - 08.09.2023 06:55

I would argue that "deterministic AI pseudocode" isn't a thing. If it's deterministic, it's not "pseudo". You need to know just as much to negotiate with an AI as you do to code, and if you don't need to negotiate, then what you need is not pseudocode, and it isn't deterministic - it's plain english.

0f8 - 05.09.2023 03:14

Bro you are awesome 😎 I love your content ❤ and your narrative style is fun and entertaining while I learn super valuable skills thank you ❤

lstavenhagen - 02.09.2023 14:28

What if chatGPT goes down, tho.... Er.... What do I do? Like, is there a support number or ?

Unicorn 1
Unicorn 1 - 02.09.2023 07:17

I predicted that English will be the main programming language about 20 years ago, it looks like we're getting very close now... the question is, then what?

zain royan
zain royan - 30.08.2023 15:57

oh my Bjarne Stroustrup, that CTRL + V changed my life for the better

Thomas Slone
Thomas Slone - 29.08.2023 20:31

oh wait don't take those man

po ni
po ni - 26.08.2023 22:55

la fa a fanculo

CircuitClips - 23.08.2023 05:54

i looked away from the neuralizer pen😭

Thejus S
Thejus S - 22.08.2023 23:02

This... This is... 😮

Argus Waikhom
Argus Waikhom - 21.08.2023 20:20

A while ago, he mentioned his go-to tech stack to build a website in a video. I can't find the video. Let me know if any one of you guys knows the video.

Murderface - 20.08.2023 23:46

"Masterclass" is so over-used.

enkephalin07 - 17.08.2023 17:32

I disagree that ChatGPT's output can be any less deterministic than an RNG seed. In fact engaged it in a debate on the issue. ChatGPT held it's ground that its output is non-deterministic on the grounds that not all of its potential inputs could be predicted. This is like saying the trajectory of the Earth is unpredictable because you didn't bother to sum all the forces acting on it.

GPT's repeat output can be predicted by taking the initial prompt into its (non-deterministic) context. I'm not sure if the initial prompt also modifies the probabilistic values it selects from; iI'd guess so, but either way those values are non-deterministic.

Juan Diego
Juan Diego - 12.08.2023 03:52

looking at fireship talking about AI right after studying react the old way is giving me anxiety because it renders all of my effort useless.

Anuroop Shivdasan
Anuroop Shivdasan - 10.08.2023 09:41

This whole video is many ads put together to hide the fact that there is no real solution to the superiority-inferiority complex 😂

Spero Larres
Spero Larres - 07.08.2023 01:37

Ctl + V for paste is a "pro tip"? Who says? In Windows, when did Ctl + V NOT paste clipboard contents?

Why are SO MANY comments praising this "pro tip"? Are they bots? Reading some of them, I guess they're just being sarcastic.

I initially thought the pseudocode functionality was impressive. Trying it out for a vue.js component, then feeding the result back into chatGPT to generate real code, was not impressive.

You get a pretty generic component, that doesn't do anything useful. I did change 2 of the hardcoded values in the pseudocode, and sure enough, the generated code had the edits that I had done.

But, so what? This is a slightly more flexible scaffolding system than whatever comes out of the box with Visual Studio. Or, put another way, it's like a giant Snippet. Or, put another way, it's like Emmet, but used for outputting a generic component instead of a plain vanilla HTML page. Or, put another way, it's like using a template with something like CodeSmith tools, but with a lot less power than CodeSmith tools is capable of.

Overall, I'm very impressed with ChatGPT for generating code within limited contexts. I havent' gotten into github pilot commenting/explaining existing code, or writing testing code, but all that seems extremely useful.

But, between the Ctl + V NON revelation, and the pseudocode that has almost no value-added, I'm very suspicious of this video.


Well, I thought I'd just try something harder, and asked for : "what is vue.js pseudocode for a component the reads employee data from a database, and shows a sortable, pageable list of such employees? Assume an Employee database table with fields id, FirstName, LastName, Department, and SupervisorId, where SupervisorId is the id of the Employee's supervisor."

I got back a whole file with an actual vue.js component. Very useful, even not what I asked for. I then wrote:

"this isn't pseudocode, it's actual code"

which returned pseudo code. It has lines like:

pageSize = 10 // Number of employees to show per page

It's not clear to me whether it's worthwhile editing pageSize in pseudocode, and then pasting the whole shebang back into chatGPT, or just asking for the component code directly, but specifying the page size in the original request.

I think where this needs to go - to be useful - is some kind of guided specification process, where the ai can ask common details for various components needed within a given page, and then the immediate output can go into your code base, but a visual rendering + pseudocode can go into an archived repository.

If you needed a similar page, in the future, you'd first identify it visually (maybe after searching with tags representing the component types), THEN you could hack the pseudocode, before feeding that back into chatGPT for translation back into actual code.

Frankie V
Frankie V - 06.08.2023 22:41

This is by far my favorite video of yours. A+.

668771 - 06.08.2023 15:17

Until we don't need to download stuff or do anything AI won't work. I would like my own AI system, but it should be as easy as downloading a program and clicking start. Done. I should then be able to get my AI to do anything, build anything, discover anything. WE ARE NOT HERE YET. You need to be a master coder, programmer, engineer to create you own AI right now. I want my OWN AI, that does what I want, buys and sells stocks, wins gambling sports bets, cooks food, and works for me. Let me know when we get there.

Xen - 06.08.2023 08:42

I have access to copilot-x via invite beta. and the thing that still sucks, that I thought it would somehow know ... would be my entire existing codebase. And it's just as a dumb as a regular fresh GPT session...

Prajjwal - 05.08.2023 14:37

This shit is cool but overwhelming

Max - 02.08.2023 02:18

This is indeed a good time to be a software engineer even though - to quote an openai engineer "our main interest is to make coding tasks obsolete with ai" - 😂😆

Der kleine Kapitalist
Der kleine Kapitalist - 31.07.2023 18:01

I am already a 10c developer. Will it make me 100x?

Ozzy Knox
Ozzy Knox - 26.07.2023 00:55

Load of crap. Everything is still in the future. Total waste of time this video.

dxan5k🔰 - 17.07.2023 00:53

Anyone interested to create an self aware AI? SomeONE like bagley from Watch Dogs Legion.

Josh emm
Josh emm - 09.07.2023 23:27

Is the fax machine thing sarcastic? Maybe do a video on how relevant fax machine were .

Spencer Parkin
Spencer Parkin - 07.07.2023 01:25

Not at all interested in using AI to do my programming for me. Where's the fun in that?

Ashish Dha
Ashish Dha - 06.07.2023 18:57


Nikita Petrich
Nikita Petrich - 06.07.2023 08:41

Could you please stop making fun of Christianity (Bible)? There are also sincere Christians who do not do business with it but lead a godly life.

Joe Cater
Joe Cater - 06.07.2023 02:31

i tried to coach GPT to create a webpage from html css and JS.. I failed.. It sort of did ok.. until the page got slightly more complex.. and then it sort of got stuck. obviously out will come code dedicated AI and much better Ai too.. so its just really a matter of time. Hopefully be a long time before joe bloggs no programmer can just start making apps though. But who knows..

I did notice gpt had a tendancy to code with js dom manipulation in JS right off the bat unless specifically told to work with html, css and js separately.

I've spoke to devs and they are resisting this big time.. they just dont believe that it will cause them to have to adapt.. but unless big gov swoops down and curtails this tech.. it will. And so.. we'll just have to learn this stuff asap..

Andro Wax
Andro Wax - 05.07.2023 21:52

"Machines are never going to be as significant as we think they will be"
-Someone from late 1900's

Char - 01.07.2023 03:42

Shout out to you for putting Joel Osteen as the false priest/preacher.

K. Ol
K. Ol - 29.06.2023 19:09

this make progi a lot easy but need for python extension mean pyAss python with assembly

Gomace - 28.06.2023 22:43

With AI, we will become exponentially better at doing things, which is kind of crazy. It's helping us make it better.

dz k
dz k - 28.06.2023 09:57

AI cant make apps for you , if you dont understand how to code its useless, better learn to code by yourself than asking AI

Carriage Returned
Carriage Returned - 25.06.2023 21:43

CTRL+V tip is for who? ppl that live under a rock?!))

Call me Void
Call me Void - 25.06.2023 06:39

Programming is not just writing a code, thank you for confirming it at the end of your video.

Yashin Shekh
Yashin Shekh - 24.06.2023 20:28

yes please stop making video about framework now on 😅

Ratish Panda
Ratish Panda - 23.06.2023 22:56

Love the create your own pseudocode tip! I'd heard of SudoLang before, but it didn't somehow didn't click that anyone can just make their own and then describe stuff to chatgpt to convert into another language with that!

Hinnawi - 22.06.2023 04:05

CTRL + V didn’t work on my MacBook Pro. ChatGPT must be broken on this computer :(

Xing Yang Lan
Xing Yang Lan - 20.06.2023 06:48

This is an abstraction for english sir

LIFE WITH RILLA - 19.06.2023 08:02

Okay this pseudocode idea is a bit too chaotic 😂

Ghaith Mbarki
Ghaith Mbarki - 18.06.2023 22:54

I'm very impressed with AI chatgpt
But honestly I'm not worried about my job (that I don't have yet), since I've seen it make up random garbage and trying to gaslight me into thinking it does anything meaningful
Like I'd run the code, say it doesn't work and even give it a test case, just for it to give me the exact same code and fake execution results

Ali Imam
Ali Imam - 18.06.2023 16:20

Should I learn development? What you guys say 😢
