Altair PollEx with Altium Designer - Hardware Design Checking

Altair PollEx with Altium Designer - Hardware Design Checking


2 года назад

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@nikostheodorou1096 - 21.12.2023 15:32

Hello! How should i adjust the settings manually, for each design that i implement through altium? Is it the same DFMI file for every pcb or should i export a special one for every pcb?

@andreagiudici926 - 11.05.2022 09:05

It looks to me that dfm is the same as the design rule check of altium itself.

@dreamofmirrors - 16.04.2022 18:03

Does this have the capability of live DFA/DFM? If you get to check your DFA AFTER the placement/routing is done you may have to redo parts of the layout.

@silasagbaje - 09.04.2022 00:10

WOW! Thank you for the insight.
