The Easiest Way to Improve Your Relationship | The Gottman Institute

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Relationship | The Gottman Institute

The Gottman Institute

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Janet Pattison
Janet Pattison - 17.09.2023 22:16

So a “bid” is a request. This can be male or female… If the nonverbal bid/request is not seen, or ignored, the ante is upped, & there’s more on the line bc the requester feels ignored. As in ‘how could u not see or know that I needed help?’. Frustration follows. And the next “bid” is verbal, and irritated, but the clueless one, doesn’t get it, and wonders, ‘why the anger?’ And the “bidder” responds, ‘you never help me.’ Desire to connect, to be available, to be present, comes first, before anything can work well.. Many ppl don’t really want to connect in their marriage, but are in a game of pretend. By Pretending they can claim devotion to something greater than himself… the marriage, when in fact, the real devotion is to one’s sense of freedom, irresponsibility & non-commitment, while getting the benefits of marriage….. a family, regulate sex, a clean house , meal prep, laundry clean, & kids taken care of…..

Stephanie Cleveland
Stephanie Cleveland - 12.09.2023 19:01

The idea of labeling someone a master encourages one to compete with people outside the relationship rather than connect with one’s partner. Also some people sigh when they are sick and tired of dealing with you, have asked you to GO AWAY and you won’t! Stop trying to convince someone to be in a relationship with you by hinting that you do what “masters” do. Learn to take no (and don’t stalk!)

Anna Gray
Anna Gray - 11.09.2023 23:59

Do you have guide for neurodivergent partners? This guide seem to only work for neurotypical partners. For example my exasperated sighs are not any bid for attention they are expression of sensory overload neurological issues and pain that they cause. Last thing I want at that moment is attention :)

Dorothy Simpson
Dorothy Simpson - 06.09.2023 23:41

Sorry, but I got tired of constant "bidding".

Lauren Garcia
Lauren Garcia - 24.08.2023 09:47

We have been together for 25 yrs and never sat on a couch like that😢…separating …

iqbalchandra dewangga
iqbalchandra dewangga - 14.06.2023 06:09

shit gay

LAtttiful - 30.05.2023 02:37

My problem is when he makes a bid for connection in the middle of unresolved disputes or just when I need time to shift my mood. When I finally try to warm back up and make a bid, he's annoyed and rejects it. I told him my fear of being stuck with someone who isnt relationship minded/stuck in a loveless and unhappy relationship. Whenever i see signs or hear some things he says, I want to run.

May Aliu-Otokiti
May Aliu-Otokiti - 24.05.2023 23:23

Imagine being an adult without enough manners to know when to put the phone away

SnorgonOfBorkkad - 10.05.2023 19:32

Why was there a gay male couple in an example? Education should not have political propaganda embedded within it. I think they call that "praxis" and it's gross.

Betty-Ann Pilgrim
Betty-Ann Pilgrim - 22.03.2023 20:43


Anu Mathews
Anu Mathews - 16.03.2023 11:44

It just won’t work when you are the only one worried and wants to make it work.

Diana - 15.02.2023 01:11

Some folks are so busy bidding for all the attention that they refuse to notice incoming bids.

Schquirl 8811
Schquirl 8811 - 08.02.2023 11:10

He always ignores me. Stonewalls me if I try to express with words. What if I'm a master in the relationship because I do all the work and he literally destroys I have been an idiot and fool for more than a decade.

Me Me
Me Me - 12.01.2023 02:49

Thank You!!

Board games and Bass guitars
Board games and Bass guitars - 06.12.2022 22:26

This has got to be the most common sense andobviouse thing I've heard, still good though for people who don't grasp this basic concept

Happy Human Affirmations
Happy Human Affirmations - 20.10.2022 22:06

would be curious to know Gottman's view on those with Autism and bids for connection. I have found my partner needs very clear statements of what I need/want him to do and he does not pick up on subtle cues

Sabertooth Wallby
Sabertooth Wallby - 24.07.2022 05:24

Ignore partner at all times

Glenn Zarmanov
Glenn Zarmanov - 23.07.2022 14:45


Baby Love
Baby Love - 03.07.2022 21:09

Idk what caused her to just be distant. However I know my past and social behavior annoys her to the point she Will never trust me and that’s what I’ve accepted what I have done. No matter how are you make it work. Trust is the key 🔐 to any relationship , mechanic, doctor , platonic ,etc

Ryan Frizzell
Ryan Frizzell - 02.06.2022 02:42

Thanks. Now I know more about the easiest ways to improve my relationships.

jack - 23.05.2022 18:20

Thank you i really needed to hear this

fishar-caramel فشار بالكراميل
fishar-caramel فشار بالكراميل - 10.05.2022 10:28

Abusolutely right 👏👏👏👏

G D - 24.04.2022 07:46

Interesting that at the end they were showing what looked like a rom-com on the screen instead of a sport's game.

Stephen Cohen
Stephen Cohen - 23.04.2022 16:54

Bidding? This dynamic is way bigger then most of us care to believe. I started a conversation with my lovely wife on this subject and it has generated some interesting discussion! Thanks for putting this information out there!!!

Nelson Williams
Nelson Williams - 23.04.2022 14:48

All thanks to the greatest of all time Dr Ase coven he help with his spiritual powers to restore my broken marriage. I meet him on his face book page.. Am greatful!.

Nelson Williams
Nelson Williams - 23.04.2022 14:48

All thanks to the greatest of all time Dr Ase coven he help with his spiritual powers to restore my broken marriage. I meet him on his face book page.. Am greatful!.

Nelson Williams
Nelson Williams - 23.04.2022 14:48

All thanks to the greatest of all time Dr Ase coven he help with his spiritual powers to restore my broken marriage. I meet him on his face book page.. Am greatful!.

Emotionality - 17.03.2022 17:35

I love how you mention the seemingly small, insignificant crossroads in the beginning of the video - those are the things that can snowball into resentment. Great video!

Teoman - 13.03.2022 09:03

If only my wife could understand English. This video is a game changer but only I can understand it. We live in separate houses right now. Besides she refuses to show interest.

Catherine Potter
Catherine Potter - 04.03.2022 23:11

Are you ready for NEXT LEVEL Love? 💞

Check out www love next level .com!!

Otter Pop Culture
Otter Pop Culture - 03.03.2022 22:47

I think there's more naunce to a relationship than just leaning into bids. It definitely is a start but very subjective.

Annelies Van Poucke
Annelies Van Poucke - 25.01.2022 13:26

my partner constantly makes bids (sighing is a big one), but when I "accept" them, he turns away/gets angry/... (no, nothings wrong, why do you bother me all the time, etc) ...this does also not encourage me to make any "bids" myself...

ThegamingRelish - 08.01.2022 12:53

I find it hard to communicate with my girlfriend. Sometimes going out for a meal together is uncomfortable because we both just sit there in silence even tho we both just had fun at the water park before hand. I want to hear from actual people who have had bad communication and then managed to turn it around. Need a bit of hope

Aussie Beer Money
Aussie Beer Money - 11.12.2021 10:27

bids for 'attention' perhaps

val club
val club - 07.12.2021 22:39

Observation does not make healing.

Craft Paint
Craft Paint - 11.11.2021 20:22

1. Women get used to you.
2. Stop appreciating you.
3. Tell you you're the one that ruined the marriage because you're the man so everything is your fault.
4. They leave you.

Guys, you have a better than 50/50 chance of ending up like this, do you want to go through with it?

Auburn and Grey
Auburn and Grey - 10.11.2021 07:20

Bid for connection? In my receiving experience the sigh/huff is a sign of annoyance, complaint or frustration with the other person in the room.

Adam Kump
Adam Kump - 13.09.2021 05:15

I can’t get over how “make” and “break” were placed on the wrong sides...

majasteinchen - 21.07.2021 12:25

I'm Christian and I LOVE this video!
God created us as we are and wishes us to share our love. This also counts for gay/queer love. It's the same emotion hetero people have. God doesn't devide people, he brings us together.
Furthermore, we humans have no right to judge one another. We ought to give love and respect.
Dear gay, queer, hetero people: Keep spreading the love. Don't listen to selfrighteous people who are full of themselves. Love is love! 💕

Sean Avery
Sean Avery - 04.05.2021 16:03

This is great and seems to be a healthy way to nurture all kinds of relationships.

Christopher Graves
Christopher Graves - 13.04.2021 04:46

Simple but great insight!

Terri Werning
Terri Werning - 01.03.2021 08:05

Makes sense!

Julio Banderas
Julio Banderas - 03.12.2020 11:32

Very nice! But what if your partner has Fear of commitment and ADD?

Shanna___ - 19.10.2020 06:31

The Gottmans should do matchmaking

Brenden M
Brenden M - 24.09.2020 03:29

I get that we should turn towards our partner. But how much Turning Towards my partner is enough? I feel like my partner always wants me to turn towards her every minute of the day. Basically I have 2 jobs, 24/7/365 with no vacation. My first job, is my actual career where my focus is needed every minute throughout the day. Then after work, I come home & my 2nd Job starts, giving attention & my wife's needs every minute, but I hardly get a break for my own self or sanity. My wife thinks I hate her or thinks she's not good enough, if I don't fill her up with attention 24/7. But yet, I married her & love her, so obviously I don't hate her. THIS, is why we argue.

Alan Funt
Alan Funt - 09.06.2020 04:58

And what happens when you just dislike your partner and don't want to be with them anymore?

I am Sapphire
I am Sapphire - 29.05.2020 07:39

So hold all the way up... The gay couple had to be depicted as masters? Ugh... The Internet and its sick agenda. Off of this I go
