The REAL Reason For The Female Space Marine Debate And Why It Won't Die

The REAL Reason For The Female Space Marine Debate And Why It Won't Die

The ArchCast

1 год назад

52,137 Просмотров

"Why cant they just play sisters of battle!?" it's because that was never the point of the female space marine "debate" warhammer 40k has always had female characters aplenty, it's about getting Games Workshop to bend

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@onpatrolforthejuice - 25.06.2024 01:58

It all just reminds of me of when I was a kid and I was playing Indiana Jones and my sister wanted to play to so I said "OK you be short round' and my mom says " Why don't you both be Indiana Jones." And even as a 6 yr old I was like "that makes it not make sense"

@langgalea4330 - 17.06.2024 19:48

I say give them what they want; gigantic tittied space marines. And xenos too. And then they will complains its sexist. Then you turn them into chad uber men. Then, we are simply back at having male space marines. Full circle

@HelminthCombos - 03.06.2024 11:15

just wait GW will say theres always been Fem Spacemarines

@Ng-zg4dq - 03.05.2024 06:04

Something else ruined by j3ws

@Subninja2012 - 02.05.2024 19:04

It’s about a group needing the knee bent even though they don’t care the space they are in.
Don’t relent to these heretics.

@andreychernyshov5775 - 25.04.2024 21:22

Without even seing that "Bright" movie I can confidently guess what "the problem" was. It sad "Racism bad" about real actual racism and did not say "All this other completely normal stuff is now racist". Did I get it right?)

@ANDELE3025 - 25.04.2024 17:57

Remember, if anyone deploys a female Marine or Custodes that isnt lore accurate daemonculaba with its resident t1w1 Warpsmith next to it upon whose removal from within coherency it is destroyed with a "your army only" Deadly Demise 8d6 (Psychic), that is -10 VP per turn for each such model.

@azaraba9716 - 24.04.2024 20:14

Hopefully this is in preparation for purchase by Disney.

@keeratijirananutwinyu8339 - 16.04.2024 15:52

isnt fulgrim female 😭😭

@HolyknightVader999 - 03.04.2024 10:34

Why not have the Chaos do it, that's my question. I can understand why the Imperium won't, even if geneseed could work with females, it's the tradition, the example set by the Emperor, he didn't make female Space Marines, so the Imperium won't do it. But Chaos lives to fuck with that, so I can imagine some traitor legions do some cloning experiments and create female astartes as a prank or an experiment, either as a way to give the big E the middle finger, or a way to breed super-humans who would be super right from the womb.

@Fyrijou - 03.02.2024 20:51

The ones saying they want female space marines think that they would be like fansrt Sisters, badass, beautiful and full of dramatic emotions when in reality, they get their sex drive cut off, get brainwashed to be as monotone in emotions as possible and be pumped up with so much testosterone that they just become men without the meat and balls between the legs.

@miell60 - 01.02.2024 21:05

If GW releases a press statement telling these people (i mean this literally) to go f*** themselves we are never making female space marines i would sign a contract with them to give a small percentage of my yearly income to them. Thats how annoyed i am at this, and how hard this situation is tickling my spite button.

@Mystic_BooTz - 24.01.2024 00:24

Ya know dude... I really like your content. The siege of Vraks was amazing, and I'm gonna give you all the credit it the world. But the FSM fight is so old. If GW was gonna make FMS they would have already. This video just feels like your attempt at politics. Which I had shit on you once for over. Do the lore, leave the culture war bullshit at the door. GW isn't going to rewrite 30 years of lore for the sake of inclusion. GW isn't Disney, the same way Wizards of the Coast isn't Warner Bros.

Chill dude, youre mad about an already settled debate.

@effinjamieTT - 14.01.2024 13:14

These people just can't stand it that we have something we enjoy. They've ruined Star Trek and Star Wars, I just so glad GW continues to tell them to Fuck Off!

@CharlesRichelieu-hv7sn - 06.01.2024 15:07

Fuckit, 40k already has been ruined. Just shoehorn in female space marines, 40k is already dead

@timomarkson - 06.01.2024 01:55

Easy way to end, this is to look our history, in World War I, World War II. Why didn’t we have females on the front line?
If you put the females on the front line where we getting our next generation of space Marines from or do these people think males now in the 40 millennia to children, if not, the best place for them would be at home, giving birth to the children for the space marines and the Guardman.
If you start putting females on the rotor and then losing them because procedure to make a space marine fails, who is giving birth to the next generation .
This is the deep dark future where they know without trillions of people. They are all dead. The human race will die so why would you put your most valuable thing on the front line .

Does this mean that the second and the 11th primarchs was killed because one of them was female is that what next on the list when we give them female space marine because we always had them the Emperor killed them off because he didn’t like the second or the 11th primarchs.

If they have that insanely want females, space marines these people why don’t they go the easy way are you free the printer design their own and then print them as it won’t be copyrighted by games workshop they will get it very very cheaply , or is it a better idea to get games workshop to sell them for $50 each

@RavannaNest - 08.12.2023 17:20

The reason I want female space marines is mostly because I don't like the Sisters of Battle, and really don't like the Sisters of Silence. I honestly don't see anything wrong with there being some Space Marine Chapter that had to fill their ranks with females out of a necessity, I think that'd be cool. He'll, who said their aren't Female Chaos Space Marines?

@destryfreshwater4947 - 27.11.2023 23:19

Damn, that was stupid.

@James-ne1nl - 15.10.2023 00:01

Ok but why are buck naked?

@nigen - 14.10.2023 20:07

so... something dawned on me.... Gene seed access can be regulated, space marine numbers, limited.... but create male and female space marines.... you just made a super race that can BREED.... why the fuck would THEY serve humanity, they would seek to replace them. Big E probably was trying to take the jurassic park approach to making his super human killing machines.

@blankadams3120 - 11.10.2023 04:52

"You will not be missed" You sure about that? A hobby that can easily run into the thousands of dollars? And, you won't miss me? How did that work for comics? For movies? Cause, let me tell you, I have no problem dropping your sorry excuse for a non-fan centric hobby into the gutter and just never think about it again. And the new people you're trying to court aren't going to spend money they don't have to get into a hobby they don't actually care about.

@jordancampbell875 - 29.09.2023 06:56

No female primemarks or Custodes or spacemarines.

@Silence-qm3ku - 15.09.2023 17:30

I wonder what would you do, if GW announced female Astartes. They could easily made up some lore about Belisarius gaining access to geneseed made from genetical descendants of the Emperor and making his own pseudo Primarch... a girl Primarch. He got away with new chapters from traitor geneseed, he can do anything writters tell him to. What I wrote is obviously nonsense with current state of things. My point is GW can easily change all rules if they want. They could make female astartes if there is money to be made for them. So I wondering what would be your reaction to official annoucement of female space marines? Would you just quit the hobby out of spite or simply accept the new reality of girl angels of death?

@stillpixel9233 - 24.08.2023 21:57

personally, I think if people really wanted fem-marines they can either make em themselves or just buy the sisters of battle to show there is a demand. instead they just whine, and that doesn't do anything. companies provide a demanded service, that demand is shown through money, if there's no money to be made then the service will not be provided. honestly, I really don't care about fem-marines, people hould just do what they find fun and this whole debate is just stupid.

@Coolvanity81714 - 21.06.2023 02:56

If Female Astartes were to become true then they would be great for Salamanders and Dark Krakens, a Salamanders successor chapter. Ultramarines...maybe but ultra mar is roman inspired so maybe Salamanders and dark krakens would be the only chapters to accept their sisters.

@brothergrimaldus3836 - 22.05.2023 19:54

It's not about finding solutions, it's about ruining what you enjoy.

@jwb_666 - 13.05.2023 14:35

Female Space Marines come out of the production line.
Magus: Burn them, slaneesh got into the geneseed again

@steveo9284 - 24.04.2023 11:02

For the lolz; death by snu-snu.

@serarthurdayne9490 - 30.03.2023 08:26

Woketards: “Space Marines are Nazis!”
Also Woketards: “We want female Space Marines!”

Why are they so in love with Female Nazis?

@gavinadams4572 - 22.02.2023 19:35

The average woke fake geek on twitter who want female space marines probably dont know about the sisters of battle/silence.

@slurpeeman86 - 19.02.2023 05:50

The Shirky Principle: Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.
If wokeists want a change make them give you hard and fast measures of success and acceptance thresholds. If they want more than the agreed goals, deny any extension as their alleged solution has demonstrably failed.

@D0ct0RCh4NDR4 - 18.02.2023 20:39

This is possibly the most hysterical and overwrought example of gatekeeping I’ve ever heard.

@wesleythomas7125 - 18.02.2023 00:40

Looks like the average Blood Angel to me...

@ianwalls4380 - 16.02.2023 05:12

I would have just guessed it's one of the last things the little creatures haven't infiltrated and destroyed. So naturally it's been getting under their skin for a while.

@drakee9493 - 13.02.2023 17:24

In the grim dark future there is only woke and feminist modern society demands.

@balazsvarga1823 - 13.02.2023 14:21

Space marines are the best, they seethe and cope.

It also owns the chuuuuuuds. It is about the message.

I mean there can be a splash of muscle girl coomers there too.

But if they do go through? Embrace it. Make your pinup Pinkymarines the most problematic german-styled anime girls you can and always give them -4 strength, and make them rue the day.

@Matterian - 13.02.2023 09:08

No one is complaining that Orks do not have women. Are we going to change the lore about Orks being only male???? Leave the fucking IP ALONE!!!

@XBullitt16X - 13.02.2023 06:32

The sister of battle literally exist, but noooooooo its gotta be the posterboys. Its always about "The platform TM" it never was about female space marines. They want to control, just as they have taken control of many other IP and product, I see our line of thinking is completely spot on. Gatekeep the fuck out of 40k, friends.

@kb9oak749 - 06.02.2023 22:08

They are like a swarm of locusts destroying everything and then moving on to destroy more IP and more business. All designed to hammer the message "We are in charge, do as you are told." into the soft mushy skulls of Normies.

@codykrueger796 - 06.02.2023 19:37

Exactly, they use outrage as their weapon

@darkfilmsmocing4293 - 04.02.2023 09:06

I'm new to the hobby but I prefer AOS instead of 40k. Even if I wanted to collect and paint minis for 40k I probably do Orks or sorry for this but Tau Space Marines, cause I saw some cool concepts and would love that. But Stormcasts have both male and female and are perfect, lore wise and all. Female Space Marines just don't work lore wise, and we shouldn't let these people who can't see why they are wrong make these changes upon our hobby.

@shaneatkins213 - 02.02.2023 10:25

Remember workshop go woke go broke

@Dekking - 02.02.2023 03:03

Can you shut the fuck up, you're just rrrrriding a dead horse. You dont even make real war hammer content, you contribute absolutely nothing to the rRrrrreal hobby. War hammer doesnt exist as lore, it exists as the tabletop game. Can I glue a sisters of battle head on a space marine model? Yes? End of debate. Get a life you grrrRrRrrifting fuckwads.

@robertgingles350 - 02.02.2023 02:44

More "woke" BULLSHIT!!!

@roguecarrick816 - 01.02.2023 20:21

Can't help but wonder if someone in marketing at GW smelled the BS and made sure sisters not only were in the recent trailers but taking point either by being front & center or having more to do. You want chicks in power armor? We have chicks in power armor. & they do way more shit in the lore than the astartes do simply because theirs WAY more of them. They have better people skills than the marines frequently and their faith not only let's them do stupid shit but excuses weird story lines the astartes if X then Y for result Z approach. In a story set on a hive city a couple sororitas in their war gear are the big stick of the story. Their hellaciously well equipped while at the same time not triggering the escalation to theater scale engagement that an astartes does. Theirs a reason astartes are called the angels of death. Sighting even one of them in your vicinity should absolutely terrify you. Because the area your in just became a mass grave. Even if 98% of the occupants aren't aware of it yet. Sororitas wandering around in full kit isn't a cause for to much alarm, could be a drill or a parade. Or just ecclisiarchy sanitation. Astartes? Sighting astartes anywhere but a chapter homeworld should be absolutely fucking terrifying. Your world is either about to or is currently in the process of, burning with everyone on it. It'd be like looking up to find the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding down your street. Recent trailers make me think at least someone in marketing has realized sororitas are a really useful narrative tool for grounding other characters like guardsmen. Their armored well enough to stick around, personable enough to have interesting dialogue, and their organization opens them up to have background with other characters you can't get with a marine. 9' of transhuman super weapon that arrived yesterday in a metal box from orbit in the middle of a firefight is going to be significantly more forced in any character interactions that don't involve a bolt gun than dominion Theresa who lives at the convent two levels down and teaches the street urchins the emperors prayer in her free time.

@OrpheuAqueronte - 01.02.2023 05:49

Look forward to Amazon and Henry's WH series...

@oldhatAN - 01.02.2023 05:11

The entire thing is about making GW and the hobby community bend to their will. They don't care about the hobby. They just like to exert power and make people do what they want. The rest of is is all rationalization.

@Melvinshermen - 31.01.2023 20:53

The short version of it simple. The sister of battle is Female space marine. In same way a cow is Female and bull or steer is male cow

@nodot17 - 31.01.2023 17:01

Screw female space marines
When's Brothers of battle :p
