The ONLY Starborn Power Guide You Need | Lvl 1 vs 10 Analysis, Ranking & Tiers | Starfield Handbook

The ONLY Starborn Power Guide You Need | Lvl 1 vs 10 Analysis, Ranking & Tiers | Starfield Handbook


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UncleMumble - 09.09.2023 21:14

EDIT: Upgrading Sense Star Stuff to a B+ overall (S for stealth builds), the stealth community has spoken and I'm willing to upgrade SSS's status. I still think Void Form is the superior stealth skill but for anyone who doesn't like having to manually scan for enemies SSS is a solid pick, but it's still not even close as good as some of the other powers and that's why I can't justify putting it any higher.

What Starborn power do you think is best or worst? The video rankings are my personal opinion after hours of testing but I'm sure you'll have different opinions, which is totally cool, share your thoughts!

I've seen some great suggestions on additional use cases for powers and would love to hear more! I'm sure some more niche uses of powers would make them rank higher for more specific playstyles (SSS being a prime example).

Also great callout from a couple people on how precognition shows walking paths of NPCs. Definitely useful but easily outshined by many other powers.

Huge shoutout to @LXTROUBLE for timestamping while I was away, you rock!

Bobby LingLing
Bobby LingLing - 11.10.2023 10:40

Stop Spoiling the game

NZ Bassist
NZ Bassist - 11.10.2023 01:58

How do you rank up the powers?

RedPine 20
RedPine 20 - 11.10.2023 01:42

Phased Time is F tier for me because it's bugged. Instead of lasting a few seconds, every time I try to use it, it lasted a few minutes. Sitting through dialogue and door animations in slow motions is horrible. It also messed with gravity - I sometimes couldn't fall or jump, I'd just up terrain if I walked into it. It was very uncomfortable.

I doubt this is the experience of most people, and hopefully the bug was fixed by now, because slow time is otherwise one of my favourite power types.

DOIPI96 - 11.10.2023 01:02

If I missed one in one of the ng+ cycles can I do an extra one to get that to max level?

iV_Dominic_Vi - 10.10.2023 18:03

If phase time bugs out just save the game and reload it. It will keep you in the phase time when you load back in except it will work properly and you can play normally again

Kyle Weiss
Kyle Weiss - 10.10.2023 17:44

Dont worry about the starpowers if you play on xbox the quest will brick somewhere around 8 or 10 anyway.

Susanna - 10.10.2023 09:48

This is an Awesome guide! Thank you!
Really needs to be in a table format... If I do one I'll upload and provide a link. 🙂

Steven Peterson
Steven Peterson - 10.10.2023 03:26

poor Andraja! Reporting you to Social Services :D

Mouse Tenacity
Mouse Tenacity - 09.10.2023 23:36

It’s not the XP dump that keeps me from seeing the power notifications. It’s the immediate attack as soon as character control is returned. I’ve had to redo more than a couple temples because of starborn shooting me before I could move. 😅

TWObitERROR - 09.10.2023 23:21

Thanks for a solid video! An overview of your rating of all powers at the end would be helpful, similar to how you're rating skills :)

Superb Trilogy
Superb Trilogy - 09.10.2023 22:08

Hot dog these starborn powers look cool as heck. I been wanting to move away from my normal jetpack/run and gun manuaver

onezerotwo - 09.10.2023 22:07

So... at least some of the powers automatically upgrade or I'm sleep-playing Starfield -- I did like 10 temples originally, then in NG+1 did like 4 of them because they're so fucking frustrating, and I'm on NG+5 now and haven't done any more, but a few of my powers are level 4.

VirtualFlightReality - 09.10.2023 16:44

Oddly, I have all 24 powers, but it says I have 3 temples undiscovered.

Escrypha - 09.10.2023 10:26

Powers can also be added to the favorites menu, so I don't personally have a problem with switching between 'em as needed.

Was about to defend Precognition and Sense Star Stuff, but most the comments already have. No sense in adding to them.
All I can say is thanks for bein' open to critique. Cheers!

liltwonn - 09.10.2023 04:53

Lol bodies everywhere!! Keep up the good work

EdwardtheTree - 08.10.2023 20:46

sense star stuff being in D- is literal blasphemy. That is my number one used skill and it isn't even close. Wallhacks are a GODSEND in this game, especially when trying to take a stealth approach, but even in situations where you go in guns blazing it's still a great tool to have, since you can instantly know how many enemies you're going up against and exactly where they are.

I just wish it worked on robots...

Martin Thoustrup
Martin Thoustrup - 08.10.2023 17:30

Glad your edit upgrades SSS. It's amazing to clear out camps and to see where enemies are to plan your assault

SyZyGy7 - 08.10.2023 16:58

I didn’t even know this was a thing

Joey Anunti
Joey Anunti - 08.10.2023 13:33

Personally i think phased time needs to be even higher. Something to note is that it helps control recoil. I have a drum beat with one inch punch and be explosive rounds. I CANNOT control it's recoil. So much so i think the gun is worthless. When u use phase time however, the recoil is very very manageable and let's me dump insane dps while it's active.

Firebrand - 08.10.2023 10:58

GREAT video, very comprehensive. It's just a pity that I basically play the entire game hardly ever using my Starborn powers, lol. If they removed the mechanic from the game and just kept the story aspects of it, I'd probably not even notice it!

Forsparda - 08.10.2023 09:54

gotta hard disagree on the sense star stuff ive gotten lost to many times in ships trying to rescue the captian to not find that power a personal S tier

Thailand Dan
Thailand Dan - 08.10.2023 06:14

Great video... I have been using personal atmo, void form and star stuff way more regularly than I thought I would. I occasionally will see that I have a bunch of enemies grouped up behind a wall... then switch to antigrav and come around the corner with a shotgun and delete the whole group.

I think Bethesda did a great job with these... maybe a handful that seem redundant and a a handful that need a tweak or cost reduction.

•Scraps• of Wishender
•Scraps• of Wishender - 08.10.2023 05:30

alien reanimation for xp farm

Steven X
Steven X - 08.10.2023 04:33

Phase time is basically having infinite Jet from Fallout 4, so it's hard for me not to see that as one of the best ones. Gravity Well is the power if you want to use a lot of grenades for sure though, group them up and then boom, I can see that being a fun gimmick build.

SilverGoat 2006
SilverGoat 2006 - 08.10.2023 03:10

Do you have to get the powers every ng+ to level them up?

Derek Atom
Derek Atom - 08.10.2023 01:15

I had a playthrough where none of the temples were available. All scanner anamolys were replaced with civilian outposts and there were no distortions on the scanner.

Tyrone - 07.10.2023 18:17

Quit comparing starfallout with Skyrimfeild.

The Makr
The Makr - 07.10.2023 07:27

Seems like you could have access to some pretty good powers on NG+1 without needing to go to +10?

Bryce Guilbert
Bryce Guilbert - 07.10.2023 04:25

Gravity field is supper useful when doing ship boarding, that little space every one is stuck in (especially in cockpits) makes it a cake walk.

Alex L
Alex L - 06.10.2023 20:40

Much appreciated breakdown. I didn't know there were so many. Why do you have a towel on your back?

Bartek Ogryczak
Bartek Ogryczak - 06.10.2023 18:43

See Star Stuff (the wall-hack power) is very useful for stealth.

Skoly - 06.10.2023 18:07

I was able to get Parallel Self twice on NG+--I got the temple for it first and then I took Barrett there and got it again. I actually really like Parallel Self--I play with long range weapons mostly and have another sniper with me it really useful.

V. - 06.10.2023 16:18

Note about void form: if you want to steal items from containers, opening the container's inventory doesn't take you out of void form. You could just got to the UC surplus on the Well, cast void form and rob the guy of all the weapon racks, then sell to the TA for easy early game cash, especially on a NG+ cycle.

Anthony king
Anthony king - 06.10.2023 14:22

I can’t get supernova. I have all the other powers and just started my first new game. I did every single mission in my first play threw, did all factions, did everything. Still can not find supernova

Ferrell - 06.10.2023 11:52

I only use utility ones , void form - personal atmosphere - void dash. And also skipped the ones you got after getting the artifacts from killing hunter and emissary. As I didnt get any more pop ups cause I didnt go back to the lodge. I think amp + personal atomphsere is unbeatable for speed running

Troy Campbell
Troy Campbell - 06.10.2023 09:54

Precognition also shows the paths

Luka Nogalo
Luka Nogalo - 06.10.2023 07:11

Dunno why but now that I ´m NG+10 I have phased time X but everything else on II. I stopped hunting for Temples in NG+3. Dont know why phased time is on X. But I think its pretty decent the effect lasts longer than its recharge, so you can cast it again as soon its worn off

Kevin Lee
Kevin Lee - 05.10.2023 23:51

Awesome guide! Im on NG+6 and this gives me even more momentum to get all powers at X

Pablo De Bella
Pablo De Bella - 05.10.2023 19:36

At first I was enjoying the getting powers process, but after a while it became a chore, and to think I have to do all of them 10 times its a nightmare xD

ONI - 05.10.2023 14:05

Wtf? I've been playing for days now and didn't even know your basically the space dragon born.

Dr Swinehart
Dr Swinehart - 05.10.2023 12:00

Earthbound can be useful for when boarding a ship in zero g, you can be the one with magnetic boots

Kevin Hornsby
Kevin Hornsby - 05.10.2023 11:57

Man, who is going to play enough times to rank all these up. 😅

Cbblade 36
Cbblade 36 - 05.10.2023 11:39

Sense Star tuff is good for a sneaky stealth and/or sniper build. I'm using this power more than any of my other powers at the moment because I like to pretend to be stealthy the first half of attacking a base.

Mike Griffin
Mike Griffin - 05.10.2023 11:28

I have all the powers but I only use Gravity Wave. A Starborn pops up, I knock him over and shotgun him to the head. Gravity Wave is OP at rank 1, not D tier.

DarkLord tK
DarkLord tK - 05.10.2023 10:13

Solar flare, sunless and phase time are the only abilities I actively use everything else is either irrelevant or situational

Jeff Wike
Jeff Wike - 05.10.2023 06:31

It's possible to get more than one rank per run, at the very least for Parallel Self.

BergHesein - 05.10.2023 05:04

Can someone explain why tf Vlad doesn't give me any temple location after sigma temple

Skiller - 05.10.2023 05:01

I have never used powers. The game is already easy enough on very hard, except for ship battles.
