Vaccination v excess deaths, correlation study

Vaccination v excess deaths, correlation study

Dr. John Campbell

1 год назад

915,625 Просмотров

Is there a Link between the 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality?

(Western Norway University of Applied Sciences).

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

We primarily study a possible link between 2021 COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Europe,

and monthly 2022 excess all-cause mortality,

(i.e., mortality higher than before the pandemic)

Analyses of 31 countries, Jan to September, 2022

31 EU member states, plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland

All-cause mortality,

increased more the higher the 2021 vaccination uptake

Countries with more covid vaccines in 2021 had higher excess mortality in first 9 months of 2022

Positive correlation between vaccination in 2021 and excess deaths in 2022

A one percentage point increase in 2021 vaccination uptake,

was associated with a monthly mortality increase in 2022 by 0.105%

(95% CI, 0.075-0.134).

When controlling for alternative explanations

The association remained robust

2021 all-cause mortality

Was lower the higher the vaccination uptake

Inverse correlation between previous covid vaccination and all-cause mortality in 2021

(this association became non-significant when controlling for alternative explanations)


EU experienced excess all-cause mortality in the first nine months of 2022

COVID-19 vaccination has prevented SARS- CoV-2-related hospital admission and deaths

Lancet (5th May 2021)

BMJ (13th May 2021)

COVID-19 vaccination has side effects such as myocarditis and pericarditis

JAMA Cardiology (1st June 2022)

JAMA (25th Jan 2022)

A recent study falsified a suspected association between the two diagnoses and COVID-19 virus infection

Journal of Clinical Medicine (15th April 2022)

Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis or pericarditis

Vaccination uptake is the percentage of the total population that has received a “primary course” by week 52, 2021.

The interaction between vaccination up- take and time passed in months since the beginning of 2022 is strongly significant and implies that the mortality increases the higher the vaccination uptake.

Potential reverse causality

Could the excess mortality have caused the increase in vaccinations?

Concerning alternative explanations

We controlled for average all-cause mortality in 2020 and 2021,

divided by the average between 2016 and 2019

Relatively low mortality at one period is followed by relatively high mortality later, and vice versa.

We still observed a significant association between 2021 vaccination uptake and the 2022 monthly increase in all-cause mortality.

Concerning ecological fallacy

We are cautious about making individual-level inferences from our nation-level findings.

Excess mortality, delayed diagnosis or medical treatment

We cannot see that the issues have been more prevalent in high-vaccination vs. low-vaccination countries.

I.e., we do not expect delayed diagnosis or medical treatment during COVID-19 to substantially have induced omitted variable bias.


#physiology #nursing #NCLEX #health #disease #biology #medicine #nurse_education #medical_education #pathophysiology #campbell #human_biology #human_body
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Daniel McInnes
Daniel McInnes - 10.11.2023 10:55


Tina Carmel
Tina Carmel - 10.11.2023 08:52

I live in NJ. I’m 32 heathy. I thank god for my infections disease doctor. Soon as the vaccination drop I ask him which one should I get he said NEITHER! if I get sick with Covid come to him and he will treat me. I listen and didn’t get! I told everyone I was close to what he said some still got it and now having some issues. My mom now has a pace maker for her heart smh 😢 she’s 66 and had no major health problems before the shot.

Gus Johnson
Gus Johnson - 09.11.2023 03:09

Just to let everyone know this paper was peer reviewed and published almost immediately in the Indian medical journal called Asian Pacific journal of Health Sciences. So some countries as Dr John Campbell says, are more open and transparent than others. I think this might indicate where health and technology in the west is gonna go (down) and where in Asia it is gonna go (up).

Jen Sanchez
Jen Sanchez - 30.10.2023 02:36

I'm pretty sure the PCR threshold was used to make the v look effective.

Perry - 29.10.2023 01:51

So Friggn sad.
They create a problem and sell a solution.... they care not who gets hurt. It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Charles Willyard
Charles Willyard - 28.10.2023 19:41

The NBA eagerly await your skills! <3

Joe Bloggs
Joe Bloggs - 26.10.2023 15:45

Correlation is not causation - Statistics 101. The version you have wasn't published as it was still a work in progress. The final version was published by IJPMR Publishing and contains the following conclusion "Furthermore, the study shows that 2021 all-cause mortality was lower the higher the vaccination uptake, but this association became non-significant when controlling for alternative explanations. ". In other words, the association was NOT significant when alternative explanations were considered, so of little importance..

Cesar Nostradamus
Cesar Nostradamus - 19.10.2023 16:35

Reason is only too evident. Everything is predicted by divine afflatus (10) and thanks to an angelic spirit inspiring the one prophesying, consecrating his predictions through divine unction. It also divests him of all fantasies by means of various nocturnal apparitions, while with daily certainty he prophesies through the science of astronomy, with the aid of sacred prophecy, his only consideration being his courage in freedom.

So come, my son, strive to understand what I have found out through my calculations which accord with revealed inspiration, because now the sword of death approaches us, with pestilence and war more horrible than there has ever been - because of three men's work - and famine. And this sword shall smite the earth and return to it often, for the stars confirm this upheaval and it is also written: I shall punish their injustices with iron rods, and shall strike them with blows.


Bomboclaat - 19.10.2023 06:15

Dr Campell was the only guy who told the truth during the whole covid thing

gary sofko
gary sofko - 18.10.2023 03:03

I just Googled this guy. Not a good source of information. Good source of MISINFORMATION. NOT GOOD.

John McClain
John McClain - 15.10.2023 19:57

I will come see you the moment I hear you are accepted in the semi-pro league, you're sure to excel! thanks doctor, you're the best.

Lana May
Lana May - 04.10.2023 14:59

Take care of yourself, Doctor. They are capable to destroy you for your being caring and honest to people.

Lana May
Lana May - 04.10.2023 14:56

People are very false. First they said: “I know this is man made”, “I am not going to have those injectionsss”, then they said: “It is a personal choice”, and then they said: “We do this for health”. The same people, made a U-turn easily. People are liars and hypocrites. Obsessed with the self-harm and lies to justify that harm. I have got no sympathy to those who got damage and who passed away. That’s what they wanted. That was their personal choice.

Lana May
Lana May - 04.10.2023 14:41

The evil rules this world… The evil and lie…

Bubba Fatas
Bubba Fatas - 26.09.2023 19:00

This is not peer reviewed! The reason it wont be reviewed is it is a small poorly constructed study! Nurse John continues his very profitable misinformation campaign!

Steve Lawrence
Steve Lawrence - 24.09.2023 22:45

All you non you honestly think that the conspiracy is to kill people that If you like conspiracy theories its those that dont comply that will be killed first. Also if they didnt get you first time they will through your water.
To gloat is foolish. If anything the tables always turn...

Vernis Davis
Vernis Davis - 22.09.2023 09:04

You MUST see this, it is tedious but very valuable.... remember Pfizer patented the MRNA protocol for COVID-19, etc in 1989......a quarter of a CENTURY, ago! Wake UP, folks! 😮 NOTICE: actual COVID-19 death rate is LESS than 1%! Although this propaganda laden video blares ONE MILLION Covid-19 deaths, the latest CDC update listed 244,000 deaths in the deadliest time span of 2022 -- quite a DIFFERENCE! ....just saying! Propaganda, you say? Balderdash.

Also, note "The CDC estimates that an average of 35,000 people died from the flu each year over the past decade. The annual average of influenza-associated deaths from 1990-91 to 1998-99 was 36,000. The 2017-18 flu season was severe, with an estimated 41 million cases, 710,000 hospitalizations, and 52,000 deaths. This was the highest number of illnesses since 2009."

Sven Nielsen
Sven Nielsen - 12.09.2023 12:49

Question: if people had a lower rate of deaths because of vaccination in 2021 would you not expect a higher rate of deaths in 2022? After all, some of the people who survived the epidemic will die of other causes in later years.

Phillip Ellis
Phillip Ellis - 09.09.2023 11:22

You must stay at least 150 metres away from private property, such as inhabited houses, cabins or private campgrounds. You can also not stay in the same place for more than one night.
