Acoustic Guitar Saddle : How to Compensate for Intonation

Acoustic Guitar Saddle : How to Compensate for Intonation

Tix Customs Ph

3 года назад

68,205 Просмотров

Acoustic guitar intonation and blank bone saddle compensation.

Tix Customs Ph - How to make a compensated bone saddle for acoustic guitar.
Short video about making a compensated acoustic guitar saddle from blank bone.
#BoneSaddle #CompensatedSaddle #AcousticGuitarSaddle


#Music #How_to #Repair #Modify #Upgrade #Demo #Musical_instruments #Testing #Installation #Electronics #Electrical #DIY #Acoustic_guitar #guitar_saddle #acoustic_guitar_saddle #acoustic_saddle #bone_saddle #bone_nut #compensated_saddle
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