Functions of the vastus lateralis muscle (preview) - Human 3D Anatomy | Kenhub

Functions of the vastus lateralis muscle (preview) - Human 3D Anatomy | Kenhub

Kenhub - Learn Human Anatomy

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The vastus lateralis is one of the muscles of the anterior thigh. It makes up the quadriceps femoris. Watch the full version of this video to learn everything about the vastus lateralis here:

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The vastus lateralis is part of the quadriceps femoris muscle group, which is a large thigh muscle. The quadriceps is the main muscle of the anterior compartment of the thigh that allows you to stand, walk, climb, jump, run and squat. Making you an athlete is no easy feat, so the quadriceps is one of the largest muscles of your entire body.

In order for the vastus lateralis to perform its functions, it needs a nerve supply. This is provided by the femoral nerve. This nerve forms part of the lumbar plexus and arises from the second, third and fourth lumbar segments (L2-L4).

The vastus lateralis is the largest and most powerful muscle of the quadriceps femoris group, so take extra good care of it. Similar to any muscle in your body, the vastus lateralis has origin and insertion points from which it pulls in order to create movements.

In the full version of this tutorial, we will cover the following points related to the vastus lateralis muscle:
- location;
- origins, insertions and innervation of the vastus lateralis;
- functions of the vastus lateralis;

All shown using a 3D model.

To master this topic, click on the link and carry on watching the full video (available to Premium members): !

Want to test your knowledge on the anatomy of the muscles of the hip and thigh? Take this quiz:

Read more on the anatomy of the quadriceps femoris muscle on this article

For more engaging video tutorials, interactive quizzes, articles and an atlas of Human anatomy and histology, go to


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Bryant Vanwinkle
Bryant Vanwinkle - 24.09.2023 05:55

I really do appreciate the video and information.
Thank you so much.

Mohmed Yzed
Mohmed Yzed - 19.08.2023 06:54

Dr Marika Bouchon
Dr Marika Bouchon - 19.08.2023 06:17

I could not find the full video.
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Sunny Beams..
Sunny Beams.. - 25.11.2022 05:11

Thank you so much for these videos

Dimosthenis Mandilas
Dimosthenis Mandilas - 19.03.2022 15:05


Bluesrain cancun
Bluesrain cancun - 08.10.2021 06:40

Great vid

GoodLifeMedicine - 14.03.2021 23:05

It's not "knee extension." It's "leg extension." The joint does not extend.

Eppy Stein
Eppy Stein - 16.10.2019 03:22

How does the fucntion of thr vastus lateralis differ from the function of the vastus medialis ?

Old School
Old School - 04.10.2019 20:33

So this muscle made Usain Bolt the fastest man in the world.

Dr. Baleegh Wsaby
Dr. Baleegh Wsaby - 08.03.2019 21:27

I am from Yemen,,, thank you 🤗💚💛

Dr. Baleegh Wsaby
Dr. Baleegh Wsaby - 08.03.2019 21:24

😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😢😢😢😭😭😢😢😭😭😭😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 l could not get the website 😢😢😢😭😭😭😢😢 الموقع جميل للغاية ولكني لم استطع الدخول لأني قليل الخبرة في الانترنت .... كيف استطيع اكمل الدروس؟🤗 😥

Jon Rowe
Jon Rowe - 29.08.2018 05:08

These videos are so good!

Mark Jones
Mark Jones - 29.08.2018 02:55

Nice work! Does the vastus lateralis also perform hip flexion?

Armands Sodnaks
Armands Sodnaks - 28.08.2018 20:07

Amazing video, keep it up
