I Tried 5 Popular DPS Rotation Addons for World of Warcraft (WoW)

I Tried 5 Popular DPS Rotation Addons for World of Warcraft (WoW)

Arcane Intellect

3 года назад

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erokon1000 - 08.09.2023 17:05

How u use Hekili?
I try it, and it show me stupid shit.

HanzoFPS - 05.09.2023 20:04

Hekili's the goat

Lenny L
Lenny L - 20.07.2023 18:56

excellent video _ Thanks

Dark Naga Adventures
Dark Naga Adventures - 14.07.2023 17:37

I love the methodology. Might be worth doing an update for DF since Author support shifts over time.

Lukasz Baliga
Lukasz Baliga - 08.07.2023 21:08

I tried hekili it ain't good I do better dmg without it

SaNtA Game
SaNtA Game - 02.06.2023 13:32

2.2 k ? its more than mos of my team

Ghetto - 26.05.2023 00:12

having your wife test was incredibly clever

Nunya Argo
Nunya Argo - 11.05.2023 04:25

These are handy addons, because I play a lot of classes and I'm not exactly the best player, so it helps me know what I'm doing and learn a long the way what I'm supposed to be doing.

Daris Alendar
Daris Alendar - 21.04.2023 23:46

Can you do an updated version guide please ? !

Paraskevas Psarrakis
Paraskevas Psarrakis - 20.03.2023 12:33

i think this works better on long casting speccs/casters and not spammy ones like Frost Mage where actually following the mod lowers the dps by you being slow to track what to press.

Talthan - 08.03.2023 02:18

Im low vision and with alot of things going on i get overwhelmed. mostly i need a prompt in case i dont see or because of tunnel vision dont notice something i should be doing. thank you for the video

Anthony - 02.03.2023 17:16

Dude this is so thorough, concise, and well structured. Thank you so much.

Rafik Zidane
Rafik Zidane - 23.02.2023 16:35

Love your content bro 👌

Jaspaul Sandhu
Jaspaul Sandhu - 02.02.2023 01:23

Really solid information here. Like the way you analysed each of them. I started using Hekili in BFA to help with tracking my Feral bleeds & snapshot timings, and it's been great. I do sometimes think it's wrong, and defy it's recommendations (it doesn't like spending Apex Predator procs), but it's a phenomenal tool for keeping a track of when to hit the buttons for good pandemic refreshes.

K J - 24.01.2023 14:26

I feel like I am doing something wrong when I play WoW. I press the right buttons in the right times, but my dps is still lower than it should be.. When I look at logs, there is a small delay in my abilities/spellcasts that I dont know how to fix. I tried spamming the shit out of my buttons, I tried pressing them once when the gcd falls off, but nothing seems to help :/

Bubblehulk - 15.01.2023 20:06

Friend told me to install Hekili and I saw a huge increase in DPS. Did my first raid and mythic dungeons ever last week with demonology warlock and I was NOT hitting my buttons fast enough AT ALL. Especially with all the free procs. This add on helped me a ton! I’m starting to learn how to rotation should work and probably won’t need the add on in another week or two.

Mel - 15.01.2023 01:25

I'm coming back to WoW after a 10-year hiatus. I want to understand more, this time, about the hunter class than I did 10 years ago. I love the idea of a rotation guide to help coach me on which spells needs to be cast and the best times for casting. Thanks so much for making this video.

Azraenore - 10.01.2023 14:25

This is so useful for a guy like me that shuts his brain very often while playing xD

PerfectInSight - 05.01.2023 21:34

thank you :)

D K - 02.01.2023 18:59

thanks hekili is still updated

Drunemeton - 24.12.2022 08:57

Superb video. I really appreciate how you break down the testing, then break down the tests. F.A.C.T.S. isn’t cheesy at all. It makes perfect sense.

Kudos to your wife for helping test these out. That was truly an eye opening jump in DPS for just the type of player these are for.

Your PCMD - 22.12.2022 22:22

Wonder if you would do an updated video on these as MaxDPS core is updated frequently, however, the class additions are not. Case in point, Druid hasn't been updated in over a year.

Eyeeric - 19.12.2022 09:20

This was great! I tried adding hekili but it’s not popping up for me on my UI. Gotta figure that out, then will try conroe!

Eyeeric - 19.12.2022 09:20

This was great! I tried adding hekili but it’s not popping up for me on my UI. Gotta figure that out, then will try conroe!

Kato_Vek_Volir - 09.12.2022 15:59

The Dracthyr stand beside you! Nice vid. I'm a new player :3

Z, Queen Of Random
Z, Queen Of Random - 03.12.2022 07:22

Great guide, thank you!

Eric - 28.11.2022 20:19

Very nice video. Thank you!

Johan hallway
Johan hallway - 17.11.2022 18:19

this video is so much help

theoneknight - 16.11.2022 11:36

WOLK needs this

Lori k
Lori k - 10.11.2022 17:41

I got a message from the Conro guy and he says he will be updating the addon soon. I am so excited.

Lori k
Lori k - 04.11.2022 18:16

Thank you for this breakdown on the Addons. For Dragonflight, (should be called Dragonglide) I have found that Conro is not being updated. And Maxdps is slowly being updated but is slow in responding during combat. I used Conro and loved it's ease of use. But have switched to Hekili and use the Spelllash for the actionbar overlay. There are still some bugs in Hekili for WoW 10.0.0 but since the author seems to be updating the addon I anticipate the bugs to be fixed.

C.C. Wong
C.C. Wong - 22.09.2022 17:28

Thanks for doing the research for me haha

Demons Soul (Phased Reality)
Demons Soul (Phased Reality) - 22.08.2022 12:07

Yea the results are very obvious to me who is around 95th - 98th percentile dps.
The more skilled you are at your class the less impact these addons will have.
They are for all purpose and intentions made for the average "casual" player.
And they will actually lower the Dps output of a skilled player even if optimized and followed to the teeth.

Sebastian Gonzalez
Sebastian Gonzalez - 26.07.2022 18:45

Love that you did this! Just coming back to the game

ooanticsoo - 06.07.2022 22:43

Where does hekili get it's rotation from? It shows different from some thing that I see on wow head and icyveins

metalunic - 28.06.2022 14:11

For me as an occasional player, with almost every class at times, because it's just fun, hekili is super helpful... I'm only a bit confused with the shadow priest from time to time, what the addon suggests... Great video, big thanks!

Kommando Ch.
Kommando Ch. - 25.06.2022 22:58

Great video!

Bobby Ashley
Bobby Ashley - 17.06.2022 23:28

I use Hekili because I don't like surprises. In any addon that puts ability Icons up, if you only have one or two the next one that pops up is usually a surprise. Hekili calculates on the fly and shows up to five possible Icons. This is handy because there are no surprises if things don't change and you can already see what the next and next should be, so you are thinking ahead. That doesn't limit you. If you need to cast a different spell / ability due to a, say, different player's screw up, that's ok go ahead and cast it Hekili will pick it up and calculate a new best rotation to get you back on track. It's about doubled my DPS from when I didn't know which spells / ability to use to reduce cool downs and enhance damage. Use it enough and soon the best rotations will become second nature to you, but there is always "that guy" that's going to mess up and Hekili helps you compensate and keep your cool. I freakin' love it. The only draw back is when Hekili suggests a spell / ability that is on a cool down that already been used it still will highlight it, that's OK because with up five icons you can see and use the next one and get back on track. I'd turn off the Slotted Icon (use) from equipment since I only use them when I need to in an emergency. Hekili will see them and calculate their use in a rotation, that gets annoying because I don't like to take up an action bar slot when there are actually too many spell / abilities and utilities that are better.

Hoopdedo 27
Hoopdedo 27 - 14.06.2022 04:03

max dps depends on the amount of eemys nearby since you were attacking 1 target it will put the addon into sigletarget mode but if there more training dummys near by it will automaticly switch to aoe

Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson - 12.06.2022 14:53

man i always struggled with some classes cause i was too stupid to play them correctly and I didn't know chad add ons like these exist , thank you very much for the video.

M3diocrity Gaming
M3diocrity Gaming - 17.05.2022 06:22

This was incredibly helpful. Thank you.

top memer
top memer - 09.05.2022 01:09

finally i have the confidence to learn the shadow priest rotation :) thanks for the video

Narsiph Spearheart
Narsiph Spearheart - 06.05.2022 12:13

I destroyed the like button ^^
I am constantly switching characters since I don't have a main (Allthough I know rogues in and out) so this helps a lot! Thanks.

Stay crunchy

M4XC4V413R4 - 03.05.2022 02:02

The only thing I couldn't agree was you giving MaxDPS a lower score on the updates part. If the addon is working as intended you're basically "punishing" the dev for being a better programmer that didn't need 50+ updates in the last 12 months to have his addon working like the others did.

sergioTT97 - 29.04.2022 17:15

You videos are FLAWLESS!!!!

Nine - 24.04.2022 05:10

conro looks like the overall best one here. extremely simple out of the box. great video, thanks a lot!

Bruno Cornejo
Bruno Cornejo - 11.04.2022 08:39

Great info thx bro

Yassim Chenard
Yassim Chenard - 07.04.2022 17:14

Ok im 10 monts late but if you need a addon to dps then dont play WOW ffs.....

Alvaro Rodriguez
Alvaro Rodriguez - 19.03.2022 18:31

Informational with nice presentation and also, there is more than Ovale????
