Space Engineers - Capturing A Military Transporter Without using A Ship

Space Engineers - Capturing A Military Transporter Without using A Ship


6 лет назад

16,611 Просмотров

How to capture a Military Transporter in Space Engineers without using a ship.

Get rid of warhead before initiating thrust dampeners.


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Leo Nielson
Leo Nielson - 02.01.2023 07:21

I did something similar, but in my case I used the admin tools to make it so that the turrets couldn't target me.

MrBallPython - 13.02.2022 20:08

Honestly cargo ships are too easy to steal. I pull off 90% of my cargo ship heists with nothing but a grinder and welder.

Allan Widner
Allan Widner - 21.01.2021 10:07

So I'm building an orbital base inside an asteroid, doing my thing, have my production, storage, and a handful of solar panels out front while I bore out the place for the base. I'm a one-,man faction, but the night before picked up a second player, because we figured we were both noob enough to have fun learning not to be noobs. I go to bed with the hole half dug, leaving him fiddling around building a tiny space hopper. Next day I log in for about 20 minutes on my lunch break from work, and gt an excited faction chat "guess what I got" - followed by a bunch of incoherent typing, while i realize something is causing explosions all over my production blocks".

Turns out the noob had managed to pull off just this stunt, but didn't grind the weapons down before hauling his prize back to base. Before we got them shut down, the thing destroyed two large cargo containers (dumping a ton of ore and components) and half my solar array, and seriously damaged a refinery and an assembler, and mildly damaged my surface to space shuttle I had used to get off the ground with enough components to started the base in the first place. Poor guy was beside himself figuring I would be mad - after the panic had settled some, I was more amused than anything else - told him, part of the game, just salvage what you can, we can recover, I would help but I have to get back to work....

WeiserWolf - 08.01.2021 23:30

Ctrl+Z near a ship will enable relative inertial dampeners, it is more easy to navigate around the ship.(R/N this comment was written in 2021)

Pepe305 - 28.02.2020 23:03

I find strange that none of the guns fired at you. this seems like fake news

McMerry - 16.11.2019 05:20

My question, is there a way to turn all the ship the our property or we have to grind re-build all??
