The Truth About The Movie Roots / Alex Haley Lied / Theatrical Hoax / Emotional Scamming

The Truth About The Movie Roots / Alex Haley Lied / Theatrical Hoax / Emotional Scamming

Kurimeo Ahau

1 год назад

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otownboy 87
otownboy 87 - 16.01.2023 17:39

Alex Haley definitely was a "CHANGE" agent. They wanted to us force integrate us, then indoctrinate us, and lastly confuse us. What comes next is chaos, which is why our neighborhoods having turned into the "ghetto" and ghetto mindset. Lack of culture and understanding, and where you're from is path without direction

Marie Ford
Marie Ford - 30.10.2023 23:19

Another damn good video!! I am happy that you were courageous enough to broach the subject of how Alex Haley plagiarized lies that he stole from some white folks, he made millions from these lies and was sued and died penniless. Most black people don't know & don't care to know the truth about Mr, Haley and his fictional story about his roots.

The House of Kings
The House of Kings - 22.10.2023 06:48

Fuck that.. Im going to start doing small skits of what really happened here like you said! People need to know the truth.. Feelings need to be hurt.. Minds need to be challenged.. and narratives need to be changed..

Moondogmagic - 29.08.2023 23:39

This is sad, but it did inspire people to do their family genealogy.

superman4ever101 - 29.08.2023 19:54

After watching this I can't believe my school didn't say nothing about this. I'm 32 and I'm learing this now. What a shame I'm about ny school. And what hurts it was a all boys predominantly black.

I'M DONE! - 13.08.2023 21:05

And fun fact is that white irish were slaves too back then not just blacks

Shavonne Friedlander
Shavonne Friedlander - 12.08.2023 20:06

I'm glad the truth came coming out. Too many of our people are destroyed. Because of the lack of knowledge. Doing the research opens up the truth. We gain power against the enemy.

Mr Spencer
Mr Spencer - 29.05.2023 23:16

My Grandmother Gifted Me This Book Back In The 70's. When I Asked My Great Grandmother were we African She gave me Such a mean look and asked who told you that devilment? Then she said with Vigor we not from no Africa.....Flitter! Flitter Was Her Curse Word.

Andre Advocate
Andre Advocate - 11.05.2023 14:59

It was a primary source for the book that became the movie.

Tasty Pies
Tasty Pies - 21.04.2023 19:14

Wait. Roots wasn't official American history. It was based on Haley's family background as told through oral tradition. The tombstone of his great-great grandfather Chicken George wasn't lost through time.

Bronze Woman
Bronze Woman - 14.04.2023 17:35

I was disappointed when I found out Alex lied about the Africans saying they were his relatives. I did ancestry test and you cannot find any Africna relatives, but you find Black American, European or Indigensous DNA.

Kathi Kalinowski
Kathi Kalinowski - 10.03.2023 07:04

I can't wait for my granddaughter to get up for school. I can't wait to tell her how they lie. Them lying ass hating mf’s. FYI you explain this stuff in a no two ways about it style and you my human brother deserve a Pulitzer except F that fake ass prize. You are a light bringer. Way shower. Beautiful soul.

Kathi Kalinowski
Kathi Kalinowski - 10.03.2023 06:54

It's like how they did the bible

PrettyBrownEyze913 - 08.03.2023 14:34

The Great Brainwashing !!

Supreme Ali
Supreme Ali - 06.03.2023 20:22

Another Kurimeo masterpiece

Beraiah Honorable
Beraiah Honorable - 01.03.2023 04:31

Man you did a great job on this. The lie must STOP! This is flat out propaganda to the uneducated. I would say they wanted to traumatize a whole new generation. (For a profit$) Just goes to show you these actors will say anything for money.

Gnarls - 26.02.2023 21:08

Dude, you are confusing Roots with The African.

Woman cat
Woman cat - 23.02.2023 05:02

Baba Gregory mentioned something about Alex Haley thank you for the info keep up the awakening of the people

cartmen1652000 - 14.02.2023 00:24

Yahwilling the blacks are the Israelites from North East Africa. We came to West Africa escaping Roman Persecution. If you attempt to erase the history of blacks you are actually attempting to erase The Most High Yahuah's history. The roots story may be fake but our plight our slavery was real and it was prophecied in Deuteronomy.

Brother Zion
Brother Zion - 10.02.2023 05:37

We the "descendents of slave" don't need your fu@king sympathy or your validation of our history. Do you believe putting out this garbage well cause us to forget our heritage? Well your badly mistaken and naive. We will receive justice and bl@@d from all nations that participated in our demise & while your @ it, tell us how you dog ass Indians participated in the slave trade as well. Show us the books 📚 pictures 📸 artifacts,, documents and witnesses regarding that part of your history?? The Spaniards enslaved you Natives as well. But you Indians didn't make for good workers and died off because you were a weak people. You Indians thought 🤣 that you were above us and equal to "Pale Face" but they took all your land and damn near wiped your people out. I advise you to watch your self son before you trip & fall..
