The Value of Fiction - Dot Hack G.U. Volume 3: Redemption Retrospective

The Value of Fiction - Dot Hack G.U. Volume 3: Redemption Retrospective


1 год назад

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@knijohn3581 - 26.12.2023 12:39


I'll be the first to admit I railed on him too hard in this video. We could argue all day about how the things he does are or are not justified, but regardless I can see how people would give him the benefit of the doubt considering his infection. I think a person's overall opinion on Ovan depends heavily on how charitable they're personally willing to be and how likeable they find his general personality.

There is still one game left and it's to be my understanding it's based around Ovan, and I'll be checking out more of the supplemental materials so who knows? Maybe my opinion will change.

@SilentNova_ - 20.02.2025 01:53

I remember the GU games being more challenging over the remaster. Interestingly enough, I’m FINALLY getting around to playing IMOQ and man those games are challenging, and had a far better level scaling system so that you won’t be crazy op

@fearjunkie - 11.01.2025 17:20

Having the third game's final boss be similar to the previous game's superbosses is a fun bit of mechanical foreshadowing/priming the player to understand how the final boss will work

@revoblam7975 - 27.12.2024 18:37

Yata is entirely justified honestly, his reaction is pretty damn accurate to how anyone would react when fucked over like that, The way he got tossed aside by CC2 management for Sakaki (the incompetent buffoon with a bogus method) really did break him, probably more if he knew what was up behind the scenes. Try tricking a kid like that irl and you will get the exact same reaction, especially from an introvert. If anything it's a miracle Pi got him to come back, I would have quit and never touched an MMO again if i was him.

@TeeQueueSA - 18.11.2024 09:58

Cubia's influence is overloading a project maintained by some Nebraskan since 2003, causing the collapse of all digital infrastructure? Damn.

I should log out, and check my email.

@Naruxos07 - 18.11.2024 04:25

I like the Sakaki twist. His motivation sounds childish. He lashes out at others and throws fits like a child. It's almost as if Sakaki is a...

@DavidSantos-ix1hu - 15.10.2024 11:38

Ohh every series in vol 2 had such banger music

@WickdImplse - 03.10.2024 16:00

I really appreciate these recap. As a kid i owned volume 3 and was always curious about what the other two volumes had. I appreciate you for the lore dive and now I’m motivated then ever to go back and finish recode 💪🏾

@rzxd1 - 23.09.2024 18:44

where is part 4 wtf dude

@CHIKUS0 - 16.09.2024 18:37

eh, i think that sure she could have been written better but Aina basically serves as the result of sacrificing yourself and doing crazy things for a single person. in the end, even though they come back to life, they will be unhappy.
That's good food for thought that we don't see often, even if it wasn't executed the best, i think.

@stupogo0 - 14.09.2024 19:10

so something from over a decade ago at this point
while promoting tales of Xillia and the naruto fighting game that came out at the time the games directors were at a NYCC and asked what they'd do if they had to make a game in the style of the other and the CC2 guy just said 'tales of dot hack' i'm sad we haven't gotten more true dot hack since last recode

also feel like the only reason Haseo was able to shrug off the infection attempt was because he had fragments of 6 other avatars in him , oh and I guess main character powers

@bearryder9650 - 09.09.2024 23:38

Looking forward to the post game + vol 4 content. Thanks for this retrospective!

@MutantDropOut - 30.08.2024 10:58


@katmannsson - 14.08.2024 21:29

"...The rest of the players dont seem to mind that half of the game has turned into a war zone" is talking to someone Named AK47

@stephenharper8450 - 11.08.2024 04:04

Man i love this gaming series one of my all time favorites alongside kingdom hearts and others

@stephenharper8450 - 11.08.2024 04:04

Man i love this gaming series one of my all time favorites alongside kingdom hearts and others

@aznmayne6041 - 05.08.2024 21:29

Final fantasy x?

@leonardodelimaferreira8509 - 01.08.2024 21:23

Wait wait wait wait, how the fuck Ovan's avatar can REBOOT THE INTERNET?!?!? Like, I get Morganna Factors, a consequence that allows funky things to be done with the code of the game, create perfect replicas, feed false data, yada yada, but why the fuck is Ovan's Morganna Factor a failsafe that reboots THE INTERNET, wouldn't it make far more sense to reboot just The World, the game not real life?

@LonelyStardefender - 23.07.2024 22:25

I absolutely LOVE how hack GU managed the "you should not obsess and pick the waifu for the rest of your life" better than evangelion

The rebuild movies tried to show how bad things get when you abandon everything for the sake of 1 person

In both franchises,at one point,you get what you wanted...and it sucks

In this case,you got shino,a character that motivated your journey and should be your "prize"...

but ironically,by getting out of your comfort zone and interacting with people that otherwise you wouldn't have bothered under other circumstances,learned to appreciate and love others

And the similarities between ovan and haseo,who each has that same motivation over 1 person leading them through their character progression makes me think yoshiyuki sadamoto(the character design of this trilogy and Evangelion) had a LOT more to do than just drawings

Anyway,6 months late am i right? 😅

@mikhism - 17.06.2024 03:21

As a OG player of all .hack// games from playstation, I can tell without a doubt that the grinding is real because if you really aren't careful, you get ragdolled like a ping pong ball. Especially in the fight with Taihaku (who is incredibly unfair, even more in OG releases) and the surprise battle against the Azure knights. I would agree that Redemption should have been split because story, and maybe extended the first half to give players who HAVE NO IDEA OF THE ANIME to get a bit of insight of what the fuck is Ovan, Shino and the Twilight Brigade about.... Things you ONLY GET in the post game content (barely) of redemption, during the specific quest of the Forest of Pain event. I even dare say the appearance of Phyllo in vol.2 can be highly overlooked because not everyone saw ROOTS, and only those who saw it would be most likely to feel ANYTHING for this random character thrown into the game to introduce the Lost Weapons.

It should have been four games, like the original .hack//, yeah. And it is kind of the reason why they made reconnection???? At least that's why I believe, but at the same time. Reconnection is so ??????????????????, like. I love it but I have enough critisism to say... yeah, not the best out of G.U. and I am a massive G.U. fan, even more that Kite's story.

I do have to say, it is cool that there is so many easter eggs that only people who have played/watched/read the canon material inside of the game, but the G.U. games take too much confidence that players did watched ROOTS. Even in the OG releases (i dont remember if recode had this?), they put full eng dub episodes (I believe it was ep 1 in Rebirth and 6 in Reminiscense) for you to watch and make you want to watch the anime. AND ON TOP OF THAT. between Redemption and Reconnection, there is a CANON OVA from the anime as well. Which is just....forgetable but give some "insight" about things like AIDA or Ovan.... Somehow. Again, kinda forgetable, just a fun little extra episode after Redemption.

I do have a lot to say about these games but I do REALLY recommend playing the first games with Kite because...they are hard and they are very heavy lore that makes many things in G.U. make sense.

@soulsparkxgaming9660 - 09.06.2024 05:32

I can’t wait for your vol.4 video…what a pleasure it’s been watching you’re G.U videos.

@-S.a.k. - 06.06.2024 22:00

So glad you covered the trilogy! When you do the supplementary stuff are you gonna add stuff from GU like the sidequests or News section? Like in GU the PK bounty hunter one you find Natsume, who was a friendly party member in IMOQ, now a rare item hunting PK who stalks Kite, the protag from the last set of games. And Kaotin who attacked Subaru in SIGNS.
Also in the News tab, if you follow Salvador Aiharas' videos to redemption you see IRL Shino leaving the hospital. You can also talk to him in the Towns under the character name Kazubolo
The games have a lot though, like the Terminal Discs explains how the Epitaph Users work and Pi's whole reason for being there.

@bakufan0658 - 30.05.2024 08:23

Ok when is the next.hack guy video I been waiting

@SleonHikari - 29.05.2024 08:56

I might be dumb, but isnt there an xtra few scenes that tie in roots and gives another ending post game? Think it was called the forest of pain?

@shade5640 - 22.05.2024 08:37

Honestly, before watching this series, I didn't know Alkaid was sexualized as much as she was online 😅 I just picked her as the relationship option because the honeysuckle scene was so darn cute

@megasoniczxx - 16.05.2024 14:59

Man I kind of forgot how late into the game you got the Xth form. I mean I get why in terms of the plot but by the time you get it there's so little game left.

@AzureIV - 13.05.2024 08:11

This channel is seriously underrated and requires more views.

@CreamerOfTheDairySquad - 18.04.2024 07:21

Can't wait for vol 4

@Kuronosa - 10.04.2024 00:51

Before we got...whatever weird retcon in the Last Recode Epilogue, there was a theory being floated that Zelkova was one of the big hackers from the original Quadrilogy.

@kagarisa1426 - 27.03.2024 22:41

Boss has super armor
Every boss in DBZ xenoverse 1: join the party

@mysetlist2118 - 27.03.2024 10:24

I remember watching roots before i played GU and i dont remember Haseo really spending that much time with Ovan if anything everyone in the guild got hazed by most players just for being around Ovan and then he just disappeared out of nowhere if my memory is right

@superhatebros - 20.03.2024 13:05

Crazy part is in the extended manga. Haseo Dates Shino for awhile Irl but she Breaks up with him after admitting she let Ovan PK HER and That She still Loves Him. Breaks up with Haseo and he Stops playing The World after that until Vol. 4

@Shadethewolfy - 14.03.2024 10:38

I'm not sure if this is true for every NG for vol 3 or if it was just true for me since I unlocked every LW in Vol 2, but on Last Recode in Vol 3, all my LW started out at level 3.

@ilucasz - 12.03.2024 07:00

The World's devs should be arrested for making a videogame with such real world negative influence.

@GoldDragon20 - 11.03.2024 23:40

Okay so
Alpha from BN3…
And Cubia…

Similar feel.

@ringlhach - 11.03.2024 06:34

It's worth pointing out that Cubia is kind of the Big Bad of the original franchise. For those of us who started there, it showing up was a really neat callback.

@dwylie83 - 09.03.2024 15:40

Can we do it? Yes we can! I have kids so Bob the builder quotes get me all the time
