FINAL FANTASY 7 REBIRTH - Tifa and Cloud Full Romance

FINAL FANTASY 7 REBIRTH - Tifa and Cloud Full Romance

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@glp - 07.03.2024 01:35

This is a supercut of the relationship moments between Cloud and Tifa. It's not just flirting moments per se, but moments that enhance and amplify their connection. Hope you enjoy! Full Aerith romance coming tomorrow!

@user-ex8se5bv6i - 23.06.2024 20:04


@user-ex8se5bv6i - 23.06.2024 19:53

Who's Team Tifa

@Mukation - 04.06.2024 19:10

Honestly the potential romance is the LEAST interesting thing about Cloud, Tifa and Aerith. They bond so god damn well and have such great chemistry and dynamic, they support and build eachother up in different ways.

Cloud and Tifa are eachothers "rock". When she saw the dead man at the exact same spot as her father had been found dead by her, she went into chock and hyperventilated and the moment Cloud put his hand on her she, she stopped. When he completly opens up about his mental issues, she doesn't jugde, she doesn't comment, she just encourages him to speak his mind and supports him, even encourages him and tells him he's doing better, when he is freaking out about how he now remembers Zack and had forgotten him.

Tifa and Aerith are just so fantastic together, they just get BFF vibes so hard, they click, they love every moment they're together and they get to have their little supportive talks. Aerith invites cloud on the "date" in Kalm and what does she do, she gives him shit for hurting Tifa, eventhough she didn't know what they had been fighting over. And Tifa is so supportive to Aerith, she knew what she was doing in Gongaga, gave her space and the moment she saw she came out of Zacks house, she came running for her to support her. Even joining in on giving Cloud shit for being an ass about Zack.

And Aerith and Cloud are great together, she forces him to be social, he always wanted to, but he's so introverted, yet Aerith keeps pushing him into being more social and open to bonding with all the people around him, who clearly care for him. And he is constantly reasuring her whenever she is in doubt and lets her vent, like on the beach when she talks about how she can get scared by her own "evil" thoughts about what she'd imagine she would do to Hojo if she ever got the chance and he just tells her they're just thoughts and she isn't evil. Or how he says he doesn't mind if she want's to take out her anger on him over how she was robbed a "normal" childhood in Nibelheim etc.

They're all just fantastic, the potential romance is litterally the least important and least interesting aspect of their relationship with eachother.

@yaichan879 - 30.05.2024 22:29


@tamannashaikh2865 - 30.05.2024 18:36

Anyone notice that Cloud doesn’t seem to have his past memories of Tifa forgotten? He even remembered the color of the dress👗she wore during their water tower moment.

@MissZockerLoewin - 28.05.2024 19:05

I was wondering what Cloud saw in Tifa's wardrobe 😂

@jacobumar5678 - 18.05.2024 00:41

😃 Wow 🤩 What Romantic 🥰 Cloud Strife 🖤🗡️ And His Girlfriend Tifa Lockhart 🖤🥊 Has A Crush 😍 In EachOther 😀 Best Video Game 🎮 Couple 💟 Ever

@Flm04 - 16.05.2024 18:08

Never in my life i wanted to strangled a person so much except twice for cloud in kalm and gongaga reactor 😢

@LordMalice6d9 - 14.05.2024 00:13

I thought Rebirth was a vast improvement over FF7: Remake.

@mexmexican8619 - 02.05.2024 06:12

I love Tifa so much

@aeoligarlic4024 - 30.04.2024 13:37

I was happy about this video until i found out that aerith's route has 2 hours and 30 minutes worth of time. My dissapointment is immeasurable.

I guess the cleriths win eventually bc they're so sure of their high possibility of reunion and love beyond death...

@juminsalim4146 - 30.04.2024 08:53

Not so romantic at most time. Cloud been treating her like an old friend. Notice his face expression and his voice tone. First dialogue under the mako tank ended up plainly. They talked about the well scene and her dress, cloud answered blue with a littLe bit green. And thats it ???
Second dialogue in the junon inn, we got asked about emilio who we wouldnt know obviously so the only answer we can answer is we only know tifa from nibleheim. So again, not really a romantic moment. And ended up by tifa actually testing cloud’s memory…….
Third, during the condor seeing quest where they took a photo together, i cant help but notice cloud’s cold and disinterested gesture even tho he was standing next to tifa who supposedly his childhood crush. Then the way cloud shocked looking at tifa’s swimwear, beat me here as a guy who wouldn’t lol so really nothing much here.
Fourth, where tifa asked cloud a cocktail, he tragically reject her by saying he ll have one next at the new seven heaven because thats what he promised barret. Shit that was so bad. I feel it for tifa 😢
The gs date cant really say much as it is optional. But a small detail here, cloud having dream about aerith then wake up to have tifa checking on him doesnt feel right at all. Meanwhile aerith will make so much more sense.
Fifth, the dialogue in gongaga again man felt so plain and friendly, like how you discuss about dishes from your childhood memory. Really bring nothing to the table at all. The gongaga scene was deep, that is the only very romantic moment of cloud and tifa during whole game, talking about their childhood and how they are bound to save each other from then.
Sixth, the dialogues in tifa’s house, cloud just sound so happy he can meet tifa again by fate. Again cannot sense anything romantic here 😢 Then notice this after he remembered bits of his memory in mount nible when tifa warmly trying to console him by holding his hand, he just push the hand off and say thanks 😅 proceed to wanna tell aerith about it. Adding to that he calmly expressed his feeling to aerith about his childhood crush for tifa, and worry about aerith getting mad at him right after.
Then all of sudden they give us a gs kiss scene. 😅😅😅 that is why ppl been saying this a pure fan service thing because it doesn’t actually fit in to the story as a whole.

@js3232 - 23.04.2024 02:13

Those poor Aerith shippers...this is canon and even the devs know it 🤭 best couple ❤

@julehyggeoghurlumhej - 22.04.2024 17:43

hehe freaky kiss

@ETHomerin - 20.04.2024 17:17

If their arc of what's implied in the Under the Highwind scene was sped up to happen on the mako shores in Mideel after the lifestream memory sequence, then what happened under the Highwind could be something even deeper, like Cloud opening up on his feelings about never knowing his dad but believing his mom the whole time that he was a great man and loved them, leading him to believe that something dreadful had to have happened. Cloud could make a promise not to leave her, and that were he to disappear, it would only be because something happened that he didn't want.

@euan0914 - 17.04.2024 10:17

The thing that shocked me most was not the kiss, but the carriage in the sky wheel is called a “gondola”

@renegade637 - 17.04.2024 05:16

You do realize going any further into Tifa's house is optional? I would not call opening up her wardrobe romantic.

@QueenRG3550 - 16.04.2024 07:26

Cloud ❤ Tifa
Zack ❤ Aerith
It's end game. FINAL. PERIOD

@alyss4192 - 13.04.2024 13:50

Cleriths keep saying Cloud only loves Tifa because Aerith's dead. 

No, I say the other way round, 

Cloud can't fully express his love to Tifa because Aerith's dead. 

Imagine your sister just died, which one do you think makes more sense, banging your gf the day after or shut yourself and mourn?

Right, suprise Cloud still has a heart,

he learnt compassion after spending time with eveyone, everyone not just Aerith or Tifa.

@elixirtatico - 12.04.2024 16:59

best couple ever

@jim220481 - 10.04.2024 11:45


@jim220481 - 10.04.2024 11:36

Barret: “where have you two been?” Aerith: “o-o-on..on a date!” Tifa: “WHAT?!”

@FancyAnimations - 08.04.2024 19:42

Excuse me, is it Movie or video game?

@alyss4192 - 03.04.2024 08:05

I like Aerith since she sacrifice herself for saving the planet and ngl she's fuggin visually attractive.
However, someone like Cloud, I suppose, is more of an act-of-service person rather than words, his gestures and expressions are much more honest. Hence, when I watch his interactions with Aerith, honestly she just loves forcing her sweet words on others, and Cloud being an apathic individul he just avoided any emotion conflict. He does care about her ofc since she seems weak and he has crazy hero complex 😂. Even with Tifa who is sooo strong he insists to protect her, moreover a weak one....

Before this, the flower scene also was strong indication how He felt about Tifa. Like I said, he's more of an act-of-service person, ofcourse it's easier to give flower to whom he cares than directly telling her... And lastly here, we see him went for a hug and a kiss before saying out loud he loves her

@Thecommander248 - 02.04.2024 17:37

It's kind of funny that Tifa never noticed that the unnamed grunt was poking his nose into everything, climbing the tower and going into her room. A SINGLE memory of the grunt acting suspicious or weird and the whole illusion would have fallen apart. Mind you, Cloud was only 15 or 16 when he went back to Nibelheim. He wasn't exactly the most social or composed guy, especially back then.

@RyanOstrowski-eh6ft - 02.04.2024 10:04

she gets really close to confessing, Cloud sees this and tries to kiss her but she turns around because of a loud firework near them and he kisses her cheek

@Luc42 - 31.03.2024 10:10

"Lovers used to give these when they were reunited."
—Aerith, giving Cloud a yellow flower

"When did you get so thoughtful?"
"Guy can change. Has been five years."
—Tifa and Cloud when he gives her the yellow flower

"Just promise me one thing. When we're older and you're a famous SOLDIER, if I'm ever trapped or in trouble, promise you'll come and save me."
"I promise."
—Tifa and Cloud's childhood promise

"Well, it seems this old friend of mine's in a tight spot. Long time ago I said I'd be there for her. Made a promise."
—Cloud Strife

"Is Tifa like your girlfriend?"
"No, it's not like that! More like... I don't know how to explain."
"But she's someone special."
—Aerith and Cloud

"Did you find what you were looking for?"
"Thanks to you I did."
"Good. Now never let it go again."
—Andrea Rhodea and Cloud Strife, about Tifa

I know you can technically choose Aerith in both games, but canonically this makes so much more sense. Tifa has always been able to bring out a side of Cloud that no one else can. That vulnerable, sweet side. He shows concern for her that he doesn't show for anyone else.
But more importantly, Tifa can tell which parts of Cloud post-SOLDIER program are him and which are not. Aerith loved Zack Fair, not Cloud Strife. Yes, the new Cloud has parts of Zack in him, but he isn't Zack.

@StrifeAiray - 29.03.2024 13:44

The Cloud x Tifa kiss is a moment I've been waiting for since technically 1997. I was born two months after the game was released. Obviously, I didn't play the game until sometime later in life, but I've waited for this moment like everyone else 😢😄

@Astreya96 - 26.03.2024 02:01

The relationship between Tifa and Cloud is simply much more natural and intense than that between Cloud and Aerith. It's not that forced. My problem with Aerith is that she always forces herself on Cloud and I hate that.

Tifa and Cloud just fit better together and I like how the developers portrayed their relationship and romance. I hope for the developers that they didn't just introduce this thing for one game, but that they can take this relationship with them into the sequel and expand it even further. Maybe something more will happen than just a kiss. 😊

But it would suck if you were able to earn this relationship in Rebirth but then neither Tifa nor Cloud knew anything about it in the sequel.🤨

@user-ct3nk9iu9x - 25.03.2024 15:43

"Those we hate, those we love, those we fear-Jenova would become anyone to fool her prey."
Hmmm. So you do love Tifa.

@cherry_0870 - 25.03.2024 01:11

Tifa was Cloud’s soulmate
But I just hate the fact that all the Clerith fans keep saying Aerith was Cloud’s soulmate
( Like uh-huh… you wish…..but it ain’t happening bruh…)

@yayab6378 - 24.03.2024 12:51

Love it!

@carlosdiaz300892 - 22.03.2024 23:06

Shinra soldiers are worst at shooting that the stormstrooper of Star Wars

@RyanOstrowski-eh6ft - 21.03.2024 01:44

tifa and cloud are such a perfect couple 🙂

@Brecken140 - 19.03.2024 13:03

We finally got here...finally😌

@cgnvirtue - 19.03.2024 11:12

Ugh, I literally have never shipped in my life and I ship Cloud and Tifa so hard. Hate to admit it but I am so invested in their relationship 😅

@TonyKanameKuran - 18.03.2024 21:24

"This was his (Cloud) decision. To become a SOLDIER, he’d do whatever it took. If there was a path, he’d walk it. If there was a door, he’d open it.
After all, hadn’t he declared as much to Tifa? This was his choice, and his alone. He would become exceptional. A SOLDIER. A hero. Someone special to Tifa."
- Excerpt from "Two Thousand Gil to Become a Hero" FFVII Rebirth World Preview

@paulugalde3058 - 18.03.2024 05:50

When even Aerith ships Cloud and Tifa...

@dadefantasy - 18.03.2024 00:12

A me è capitato Red XIII 🤣
