Alaska Prepper | Late Night With GREY |Thursday At 10:30 PM EST

Alaska Prepper | Late Night With GREY |Thursday At 10:30 PM EST

GreyMan Prepping

3 года назад

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@WinkTartanBelle - 16.07.2021 07:17

Missed your live by literally one minute! Oh well. Had a hard day. Such is life. And now I have the freaking hiccups. 🙃

@pantrymama4036 - 16.07.2021 13:29

Missed live.. we had no power.. last night.. didn't want to go start generator in the rain.. lol

@nettieprepper6933 - 16.07.2021 14:48

Great show!! Thank you Grey and Rudy!

@nettieprepper6933 - 16.07.2021 14:55

Finally got my name changed! lol

@maryd4239 - 16.07.2021 17:10

Hello my brothers! Thanks for the great info! God bless you both!

@franke.3098 - 16.07.2021 17:31

Compare prices.... I've used SD Bullion & Money Metals & JM Bullion.

I've purchased most of my Metals from JM Bullion... they just have better prices when comparing.

Open 3 windows & search each site for what u want & compare.

@djo5080 - 16.07.2021 18:35

Regarding the phones takking pictures on its own. It definitely not a lie. I got a new phone where the camera is quite loud when it turns on. I can hear it do it all the time either using the phone or not. Its random. They really do track and picture you.

@jeffsams2834 - 16.07.2021 18:51

Sorry I missed the live show, Grey. I was relaxing, waiting for you to come on, and dozed off.

@smallhomestead2897 - 17.07.2021 00:24

I missed the live show because I've been so busy. Great show.

@michelerucker3755 - 17.07.2021 03:14

Democracy is when a lamb and 2 wolves vote on what’s for diner😂😂😂

@deborahscott1889 - 17.07.2021 17:54

I'm new to you're channel.. I seen you were on The Alaskan prepper.. CHANNEL.. 😎🎙🎙🎙
