Swapping between Frames with Tkinter tkraise()

Swapping between Frames with Tkinter tkraise()


1 год назад

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@sunnypepple6571 - 12.11.2023 22:27

Can it be further enhanced with dictionaries aside instead of using indexes?

@sunnypepple6571 - 12.11.2023 17:00

The situation did not address between 5 to 10 windows. In what way would we handle 5 windows?

@hansedbertelian9520 - 17.08.2023 18:21

hey thank you for ur lesson, can i ask? what if we have 3 frames? is it the same?

@Not_A_Lazy_Dev - 30.03.2023 04:29

so tkraise() is used to put the frames on top of each other and not to put them below each other

@samuelaniogbu5089 - 18.03.2023 23:17

Hi, thanks alot for this tutorial. It really helped me get through a solution I was trying to implement. So I'm done fixing up my code and I have a new problem at hand. The first window I created has entry widgets to which I assigned self.stringvar() variables. The second window contains radio buttons which were linked to a booleanvar. Now after subclassing the first and second windows as shown in your tutorial, how do I get the values from widgets in the first and second window in the main window. The form I designed has a submit button in the bottom frame. However when I click on that button; an error is thrown telling me the mainframe has no named entry and radiobutton attributes. Can you help me with this? Thanks

@mahadhameed2515 - 05.12.2022 19:55

