How To Send DMs On Twitter / X

How To Send DMs On Twitter / X

Trevor Nace

1 год назад

17,877 Просмотров

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@TheBestowersSlave - 19.09.2023 21:27

Facebook gave me this message when I enetered my correct password:-

Choose a way to confirm that it's you
Your account has two-factor authentication switched on, which requires this extra login step.
Or, enter your login code
Enter the 6-digit code from the authentication app that you set up.

Now, I have performed all the steps you just mentioned in this video and for last one week I am daily repeating it with no positive result. One of Facebook FAQs suggested that i should check out my Facebook application installed on mobile but that is also asking the same authentication thing, CAN YOU HELP PLEASE?

@bhaskardeb2014 - 21.09.2023 21:07


@mickeyflanagan4019 - 04.02.2024 21:42

Is there a way to send an auto "Thank you for following" message to new followers?

@BABYCRUMBS - 29.03.2024 08:55

Do you have to be subscribed

@guineydenis - 04.04.2024 10:45

Very clear and concise explanation also great graphics.

@FhynhahBuatsi-vn3sg - 06.04.2024 10:26

The person I want to dm is not showing up when I search the name in order to select and write directly to him. Please help.

@foreignkelvin6267 - 13.05.2024 14:41

Great video

@ruiz212 - 11.09.2024 18:04

Clear and concise. Thank you

@dumhello - 29.12.2024 06:23

This is not working. I have two X accounts. I followed your instructions on both accounts, but I cannot send DM's to either of them, from either of them. What's going on?

@adeshthakur9328 - 13.01.2025 07:27

Thanks for help me ,so how to use dm for specific group of person whose priority as health and wealth and takes the any product for value for money
They take first priority quality of product and not money
So how will help x app to searching that specific group of people in dm feature of x app
