How Tomato Sauce Is Made In Italy | Regional Eats | Food Insider

How Tomato Sauce Is Made In Italy | Regional Eats | Food Insider

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protovack - 24.09.2023 18:55

I live in western WA state in the USA--we have a climate similar to the Mediterranean during the summer, and so our garden and activities look remarkably similar. I just spent the whole second half of the summer doing basically this exact same thing with a few variations. I grew mostly Roma tomatoes, I think they are the best all around tomato. Not too much water, lots of pulp, split resistant in case it rains, doesn't fall off the plant easily. A very durable fruit with desirable properties. Not the best tasting tomato out there---that prize goes to "Brandywine" IMO, but still good.

SO AMAZING - 24.09.2023 04:05


Szabó Márton
Szabó Márton - 19.09.2023 20:48

wasnt it an aluminum pot?

Volcanoman - 18.09.2023 06:52

Interesting video. I wonder though, why the traditional method involves boiling, instead of roasting the tomatoes? I personally have made tomato sauce from my garden tomatoes both ways, and much prefer the result after roasting. When roasting, you develop a depth of flavor that is caused by a couple of factors. First, you are evaporating water (I generally remove slightly more than half of the tomatoes' weight in water during roasting - anywhere between 50-60%, though I aim for somewhere in the middle), and therefore significantly concentrating the natural sugars, glutamates and less volatile aroma molecules native to tomatoes in the material that remains behind (some of the more volatile aroma molecules are lost, however the tradeoff is worth it). You are also inducing roasted flavors to the tomato flesh itself, as once the water levels drop and some of the flesh can experience temperatures in excess of 100°C, the sugars start to caramelize while Maillard reactions eventually take place. Boiling, on the other hand, causes water from the tomatoes to leave and join the liquid in which the tomatoes are boiled, taking some of the tomatoes' aforementioned sugars, glutamates and aroma molecules with them (as when you scoop the tomatoes out of the liquid, you leave behind a great deal of potential flavor - indeed, some of the volatile aroma chemicals that you would lose in the roasting method are lost in the boiling method anyway). And you will not get any deep roasted flavors - the sauce will be fresher and more acid. I suppose some people prefer that kind of tomato sauce, but to my palate, the roasted version is far superior.

I should mention though that I have a similar device to the mechanized sieve depicted in this video, that I use to make my own sauce. Mine is hand-cranked, not motorized, but otherwise the principle remains the same - tomato pulp, juice, skin and seeds go in, and only the pulp and juice make it into the sauce (as they can be forced through the sieve by the corkscrew). Everything else is separated, and generally goes to my dog, as a part of his meals (along with other, more normal dog foods)...he devours his meals in the autumn with exceptional relish because of this extra component, called by some "tomato pomace" (and actually, I'm not the only one to feed it to dogs - it is actually a component of some commercially-available dog foods).

Bryan Trujillo
Bryan Trujillo - 15.09.2023 05:20

So just salt, sugar, and a basil leaf? That sounds kinda…bland… right?

Nick M
Nick M - 14.09.2023 05:26

They're making tomato PUREE, not sauce.

Andres Salazar Autos
Andres Salazar Autos - 12.09.2023 23:14

Imagine what would be of modern Italian cuisine if the Spanish hadn't brought tomatoes for Mesoamerica in the 1500s

Ben Sokolow
Ben Sokolow - 11.09.2023 21:35

So all I need is that special machine that seperates the skins and seeds :O

Kristina Romanova
Kristina Romanova - 08.09.2023 00:55

Do somebody knows for gow long this tomato sauce can stay in the jar?

Kimber Brown
Kimber Brown - 07.09.2023 22:09

We put in Bulgaria only straight bottles not in horizontal. We scare of cracking of jars.

Kimber Brown
Kimber Brown - 07.09.2023 22:07

You have no hygiene. We dry ends of jars with clean towel and end of bottles and boil caps in hot water. Put dry got water drops and then put caps. And boil.

Kimber Brown
Kimber Brown - 07.09.2023 22:02

I love Italy but i put the tomato on same table. Not down.

Escena Endo
Escena Endo - 05.09.2023 21:30

Wow! Pretty similar my own recipe, although we're all Mediterraneans so it's no so rare.... Very nice :)

Mexi Cant
Mexi Cant - 30.08.2023 15:11

Want to get a closer look inbbetween her legs? As for grandma goes y'all need to include her in.
This film gets 3 jalapenos 👎👎👎

Priscilla Dórea
Priscilla Dórea - 27.08.2023 00:18

I am impressed how the tomato, a fruit from the Americas, became a brand in Italy

Annette Trovato
Annette Trovato - 25.08.2023 19:28

What do you call the large metal strainer that they used to take the tomatoes out of the boiling water? I've been trying to find one like it in London, Ontario, Canada to no avail.

wassupMannn - 22.08.2023 17:49

Pretty sure that wasn't a tea spoon of sugar. 😅😂

Chris Daldy-Rowe
Chris Daldy-Rowe - 21.08.2023 08:11

You could put the sauce bowl up a bit higher to stop all that unessasary splashing sexy Momma Mia you sausey thing you 🍅🫒

Al - 21.08.2023 03:15

So no other seasoning or herbs are added? Or is this put in the pan before adding the sauce.

moises martinez
moises martinez - 20.08.2023 18:41

That motor that separated the seeds and pulp is a game changer

Shut up Full SEND'S ONLY
Shut up Full SEND'S ONLY - 16.08.2023 06:14

My nonna was the same way... great video

A voice of reason
A voice of reason - 14.08.2023 21:03

No garlic?

Abbey Ng
Abbey Ng - 13.08.2023 05:21

Im from philippines and I love tomato sauce pasta, how do we in touch with them ?

Fascinating Video
Fascinating Video - 13.08.2023 01:00

they dont really do this

BEENLiT - 11.08.2023 10:57

I want to speak Italian now

idk anymore
idk anymore - 11.08.2023 05:01

Fascists always have the best tomatoes

Mickey The Red
Mickey The Red - 09.08.2023 23:32

As someone who cans tomatoes, this is fabulous! Cook first! For those who do not know, the skins on tomatoes are terrible in sauce. Like onion skins they don't break down. Also, no one likes seeds in their sauce either. Doing it their way saves an entire step. I put my raw tomatoes through a similiar machine then cook it down. No more, this is the way to go. removes the extra water at the same as you cook them! BRILLIANT

Shane - 09.08.2023 07:44

It's hilarious that tomatoes are so heavily associated with Italy considering they are native to the Americas.

ACDC831 - 09.08.2023 04:31

Can we imagine Italian cuisine without the colonization of the Americas? Tomatoes, chilies, potatoes, corn was only found in the Americas. The real fortune found here

Mrkzio1760 - 07.08.2023 15:38

Why do they boil the tomato first why not put the tomato as it is?

CrownRightsAdvocate - 07.08.2023 15:07

Italians really think we dont know how to make tomato sauce... Laughable

John Jimmy
John Jimmy - 03.08.2023 00:22

Do they make that separator as an attachment for a KitchenAid mixer? Asking for a friend.

Demetra Petrou
Demetra Petrou - 02.08.2023 22:09

Conclusion:… if you want United with love families, make tomato sauce ‼️❤️
Thank you

Matt Vincent
Matt Vincent - 30.07.2023 03:29

looking at this video,makes me just want to drink the sauce..

Robert Hurley
Robert Hurley - 27.07.2023 20:14

There is nothing like eating food that has been prepared just like it was by your mom or grandma. It goes way beyond the taste.

Papa Saa
Papa Saa - 27.07.2023 07:59

Nice cutting, but the subtitles could've been better to follow.
Thanks though.

Kay Cey
Kay Cey - 23.07.2023 15:41

The men in mafia and the women in cottege business. Lovely Italian family.

Sancho Perez
Sancho Perez - 20.07.2023 02:51

Reminds me of the care and love required to make a good mexican salsa with roma tomatoes. Italian cuisine would not exist as we know it without the contribution of the Americas!

Black Flag
Black Flag - 19.07.2023 15:12

So electric machines is the traditional way of making tomato sauce?

The Censored Chef
The Censored Chef - 19.07.2023 06:16

I'm growing San Marzano tomatoes this year in the US because of this video. Thank you!!

Deanna Spencer Spencer
Deanna Spencer Spencer - 18.07.2023 08:17

All Stores Please lower the price of all Military and Local for all brands of Tomato Juice Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now Pray

LogicPak - 17.07.2023 21:17

italian cuisine is boring and overrated, bland.

Deschutes Maple
Deschutes Maple - 16.07.2023 22:37

I'm so sick of this Italian cooking supremacy crap being rammed down our throats all the time :-(

Reaper500 - 16.07.2023 15:35

Now thats pretentious.
Using "Antique terracota bowl" because it wont "change" the taste of the sauce, but put the tomato through a machine then put them in coke bottle.

Jorgen Von Strangle
Jorgen Von Strangle - 03.07.2023 22:24

Smash! Smash! SUHMASH!

Drexpz - 02.07.2023 10:28

You use a 60 years old recipient so it doesn't alter the tomatoes flavour but then you use any container you can find to fill them with tomato. Like God, I have used those bottles and everybody knows they keep their own flavour for so longgg

Deanna Spencer Spencer
Deanna Spencer Spencer - 02.07.2023 02:52

All Stores Please lower the price of all Military and Local for all brands of Tomato Sauce Products and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now Pray

THI MUG - 01.07.2023 01:15

intresting fact, tomatos or Tomatl originates from mexico and is the ofspring of 2 difrent gins in south of mexico, moste if not all mesopotecan civilatation have been cultiving it for around 700BC and iven older is the pottato for around 1000BC AND WAY OLD THE BLOODY TAMAL THAT WAS FOUND PETIRIFID 8000BC

YawnWrk - 30.06.2023 07:17

This is the pomodoro I've been searching for 🙂
