S Korean students face key college exam

S Korean students face key college exam

Al Jazeera English

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@MrSzeklerdude - 13.11.2014 15:45

best test takers, least socially adept. 

hm.... I wonder if there's a correlation 

@jmverville - 13.11.2014 18:35

They're portrayed as some of the 'top performing' in the developed world, but the overwhelming majority of the will eventually transition into 60 hour work weeks and make the same or less as most other people in the OECD, and they'll be living in crammed urban settings with hellish commute hours and tiny apartments, which helps them maintain one of the highest alcohol consumption per capita rates of OECD countries. It quietly becomes a life of workaholic functional alcoholism. Awesome. 

@timingmile7030 - 14.11.2014 04:05

I think its good that at least there was an effort to try to help the students but there needs to be a real change in the education system and not on a local level like a school.

@eidius1989 - 14.11.2014 06:25

what a hellish life... do these people even live?

@khushithakur1024 - 06.04.2024 22:32


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