Watch this video before using Atlas OS Windows (Historical)

Watch this video before using Atlas OS Windows (Historical)

Brodie Robertson

1 год назад

227,881 Просмотров

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marty8370 - 07.10.2023 21:46

Atlas OS is fine if gaming offline only. Just don't connect to internet

Marek Stasiak
Marek Stasiak - 06.10.2023 22:58

Co za durne poglądy z gatunku: "Nie wiem - więc się wypowiem".
Propaganda na temat Windows Defender jakoby był już całkiem niezły! Co takiego? Ten zamulacz nadaje się tylko do tego żeby go wyrzucić!
Co dalej nam polecasz? - Bój się jeśli wchodzisz na strony internetowe! Co?
Dalej jeszcze więcej durnego straszenia. Bla, bla, bla. Szkoda na ten film czasu!!!

TubFragr - 05.10.2023 18:30

What about Tiny10? Is it the same too?

comp wizard
comp wizard - 29.09.2023 21:32

Yes unblock Origen A must HAVE trussed for yrs.

Florjan Basha
Florjan Basha - 29.09.2023 07:26

fkoffpublisher // this would be called an informative video if u added some info // u jst repeated what LINUS have had said...

Justin Ford
Justin Ford - 24.09.2023 04:55

had to throw in the "I use Arch, btw" huh?

Richard Payne
Richard Payne - 22.09.2023 11:28

Re: UAC. So is there no way to run as a non-administrator with UAC disabled? What if I don't want a prompt, just a big fat Access Denied?

CorYSmS_Trip - 20.09.2023 11:04

Thank you so much my i5-8400 is lacking behind but i don't wanna get atlas unless they add windows defender and UAC****

obscenityib - 19.09.2023 17:09

One of the first things I do when installing windows is fully removing defender. It's just annoying, and tries deleting all my tools and programs.

AuretoR⚡ - 16.09.2023 10:07

Cam you help how can i turn on mitigations and uac again after i install atlas ... (I know i can do that from bios but i still need some clarification...) im gonna install the os after i am sure on that

Darin Herrick
Darin Herrick - 15.09.2023 22:19

I used to work in an Intel Lab, and those CPU security mitigations SERIOUSLY impact performance. I always wanted an option to choose whether or not to enable them. Now I have one.

Darin Herrick
Darin Herrick - 15.09.2023 22:17

It's definitely a case of "know what you're doing".

I've said for ages that if you want serious performance for gaming you gotta turn off all that security crap. Suitable for business PC? Hell no! Suitable for grandma? Hell no!

Suitable for a hacker/gamer? Hell yes!

Install your own anti-virus, backup your data, stay away from shady stuff.

Cristian Popa
Cristian Popa - 15.09.2023 14:03

i see your video pointless honestly, this it's not okay but if u use something else should be okay and so on

Divergent Droid
Divergent Droid - 15.09.2023 03:27

I watched because I'm about to install either Atlas or ReviOS. I Have to get rid of windows updates. Every time there is an update it breaks my video card driver and I have to 1st use the amd software removal tool to clean all traces of the amd software and then I have to reinstall the drivers. It's a Pain and it happens it seems once a week. There would be no problem is Microsoft allowed me to disable updates like they used to do. I have used Windows since windows 3.1 and Never Ever has an update actually fixed something that was not working in each OS. All the updates do is install bloat and unwanted features.

SlimShaddy Coetzee
SlimShaddy Coetzee - 14.09.2023 06:56

Revios is better

FireLoop ||
FireLoop || - 13.09.2023 10:01

atlas os definitely is a security risk and 100% not recommended for anyone who doesn't know what they are doin but on the other hand if you know what you are doin and along with a sutable antimalware its honestly really nice . I have been using atlas for over an year now and its served me well . I think its an extreme overstatement to call this a bad advice as Linus clearly mention that it WILL disable windows defender so install at your own risk . As for windows updates well Microsoft is dropping support for win 10 in 2025 anyways and other than some basic ui fixes all ms updates do are either driver related or .NET framework related both of which came be installed using either SDIO or some software like drive booster

SirGouki - 13.09.2023 01:27

The biggest thing you make a stink about is 1) wrong, and 2) useless. Disabling UAC does not some how automatically EVERYTHING on your computer run as admin. What it DOES do, is prevent that stupid thing from stopping you from installing legitimate software. As other comments have mentioned, it's also EASILY bypassed. Further more, you can EASILY see what apps want to run as admin by default by looking at the icon, as it will show the shield. I am not defending Linus here, as with his more recent content, he has proven to be a dirt bag. However, if you're going to "inform" then inform. Don't make a huge deal out of something that's not. I've been disabling UAC since Windows 10 preview edition, and I have never had a Windows 10 computer of mine get hacked, ransom wared, nor infected, and I don't just stick to "safe" sites. If you're gonna do sketchy stuff, if you do your homework and use ublock origin, tamper monkey, and windows defender properly, you'll virtually never have an issue. Even with UAC, as my ex very quickly demonstrated within 1 week of having windows 10, it's going to do NOTHING to protect you. That little "are you sure you want to run this program" pop up doesn't stop a user who's otherwise sure they're okay, especially not from anything like viruses or trojans when all that's stopping it is the user clicking yes. Antivirus, script stoppers and ad blockers function equally as well as they do without UAC, and UAC doesn't do anything on top of that other than alert the user. No if you'd said it disabled DEP, yeah, that could be a big deal, as Data Execution Prevention IS an actual extra layer of security. UAC is just a different version of requiring sudo to execute admin commands as a regular user (or in Windows terms, providing an administrator password from a user account to make changes, but without a password). The biggest joke about UAC is that it REMOVES the requirement for an admin password to do admin stuff, which used to be a thing in windows. If anything, UAC itself is a security issue.

OPR-OMEGA - 09.09.2023 19:21

Can you use the OS and just use an anti-virus for all the virus issues??

dimos kalampakas
dimos kalampakas - 08.09.2023 19:59

it's a good effort, how many problems have we had and it helps in old systems, it needs tests, but even with updates, we had viruses in the past, I don't forget it dont bad atlas ?

MilitantPacifist - 07.09.2023 14:30

Wouldn't meltdown and specter already require a malicious actor to run code on the system to even be able to leak data?
I get that would be terrible for cloud providers but for the average timmy that should be largely irrelevant.

brdane - 05.09.2023 21:27

Perhaps a silly question... if Atlas OS runs with no internet connection ever... what security risk are you taking?

Truck-kun - 04.09.2023 16:34

Thanks for doing your own research and sharing this info with us

[ ]
[ ] - 03.09.2023 15:39

lmao - w defender is bloat and spyware - change my mind

Adam - 02.09.2023 11:56

Just keep the system offline?

qdaniele97 - 02.09.2023 07:00

Disabling UAC will run programs as administrator only if your user is an administrator, if it's a regular user ther will be no difference

Desocrate - 30.08.2023 11:31

I've been disabling UAC directly after install since around 2008, never had any issues.

Alfred Harrison
Alfred Harrison - 29.08.2023 05:12

Kk... this is gonna be a long post, but since ive been in IT and computers for the better part since 1995 (when everyone was transitioning from Windows 3.11 to windows 95 (So I kinda have a dog in the fight here, a BIG one!) im gonna chime in. First and foremost Microsoft is not what it used to be, by far. They have transformed from a "tech" company to an "advertisement" company, they just happen to be an OS manufacturer. What are the implications of this? Well, lets see.. If you look at Linux, who is by and large what MS USED TO BE, and look at the gripes and complaints of people who use Winblows, and compare that to Linux, its pretty apparent that I know what I am talking about. First lets go over the "security "features"" youll be eschewing by choosing atlasOS over stock Winblows shall we?

1. Windows restore points dont work. - They never have. The BEST "restore" point that was ever made was either backing up to an image or using last known good, which is not really an image but its the best and most reliable that was ever engineered back in the NT days. I can count on a single finger the times a windows restore point, which is basically the same thing as GateWay "GoBack" is, just rebranded, I can count on 1 finger how many times system restore has actually helped me - TLDR, ITS GARBAGE!

2. "Windows Defender doesn't work", Well it never really has. In fact its let some viruses bypass it (even with an up to date heuristics and data file) and most of the time it flags legit programs as "malicious" but actually most of the programs it flags are ones that can hurt MS, bottom line.

3. "Potential Compatibility with some Programs.." Well, windows itself has compatibility issues with some programs, so nothing really needs to be said here, its pretty much self-explanatory.

4. "Security implications of modifying stock winblows" I mean, the most secure and stable windows systems out there by and large are modded to remove all the bloatware and telemetry shit, so yeah...

5. "Spectre/Meltdown mitigations are disabled" Well I have no comment here as I dont even know what these are, dont really care tbh.

6. "Remote Desktop is disabled" Well this is a good thing because hackers were using a backdoor to enable unbridled access to a remote PC with remote desktop enabled. There are better 3rd party programs for this any way and I trust those other companies SCORES better than Micro$oft!

7. "Windows update doesnt work (for now)" Ok and? The whole point of getting a trimmed down version of this is to REMOVE WINDOWS UPDATE! Which was hosing many systems for a long long time. I had a computer repair shop and people were constantly bringing in hosed systems that Windows update fucked up. I mean, thanks Microsoft for the business i guess? But since I have a soul (and they dont) id rather people not have to deal with PC's being fucked because updates dont work worth a shit.

8. "You have to wait for AtlasOS support to update...." Ok thats fine, im not gonna be needing to do a fucking windows update every week any way. Again, stay away from windows update!

9. "There are likely to be bugs" In a system that is more robust, stable, and secure than stock windows which barely runs like it should half the time while its spying on me with embedded telemetry algorithms and shipping my data off to MS to sell to the highest bidder? Yeah I think I will stick with ATLASOS over Windows any day!

Mr.Anonymous' Youtube
Mr.Anonymous' Youtube - 28.08.2023 07:17

just make your own content man. you're watching too many LTT videos..

Mr.Anonymous' Youtube
Mr.Anonymous' Youtube - 28.08.2023 07:15

windows defender and any other anti virus can't protect you if you are being targeted...

Mr.Anonymous' Youtube
Mr.Anonymous' Youtube - 28.08.2023 07:13

that's not the focus of their video... you're just a hater...

Ayman Ibrahim
Ayman Ibrahim - 28.08.2023 06:38

I used a version of these "lite" Windows 10 on a 2nd generation intel laptop , something called specter something, absolutely garbage, no improvement what so ever, I am using an HDD, so it was as slow as using regular windows 10, someone said to use an SSD, but that would also make the original W10 run quicker, which defeats the purpose of.using a " lighter" windows without spending, Was a pain to setup, and while you can addd security, it is not worth it, even though I had no personal info on that PC, I just wanted to use it for emulation and some windows programs as I run with MacOs.

The NT version of Windows, which removes most stuff, is is your safest bet for low end hardware.

Kyle Reeping
Kyle Reeping - 27.08.2023 21:37

Me who has been disabling UAC since literally it has existed and have been perfectly fine. This guy is screaming "wolf" when in reality none of these things are a huge deal. Don't click sketchy links, don't install sketchy stuff. Not that hard. I swear if you're afraid of running windows without any "protections" you shouldn't call yourself a geek. Internet connected windows existed long before every single one of these protections existed..... Every one of these protections is "protecting stupid users from doing stupid things." It's really, really not hard to not need them.

Scuup - 27.08.2023 07:17

Hey im a fan of your videos , especially this one I was thinking of getting Ghost spectre but had a little suspicion. I have a i7 11gen cpu, nvida 1660ti , 16gb ram, 240 SSD, 1TB HDD. I would like to get better performance out my pc but don't know if I should get it tweaked or a whole new custom OS because I've had this pc for 2 years.

J K - 26.08.2023 23:30

has brodie considered the fiscal benefits of trooning out like big antho..emily? if you want to bring this channel to the next level better call dr nosenberg

0xInternal - 26.08.2023 21:20

Windows defender isn't good at all, hell it thinks my own program is a virus

BulukEtznab - 25.08.2023 23:38

I feel you about LTT being a cool source for news about developments in Technology - but, after I've seen and heard about the changes, that have occurred after their CEO-change and how much they focus now on money-making rather than quality-content (both can be done, just not in the frequency they are pushed to do so now!) these days.

Gamers Nexus has made a whole video about this after thorough investigation, that I highly recommend watching there.

It's really sad seeing the quirky guy (LInus) letting his Life's Work basically being undermined, if not even "destroyed" in a way even...I remember him talking about the pressure and responsibilities getting too much for him to handle and he must see, that the current development isn't where his original idea of the company was going.

I just hope he is in good professional hands if the trust that they built over decade(s) is now being undermined, deteriorating and lost...from what I saw in his videos about making that choice/decision, I would be pretty concerned about his mental health deteriorating further in the wake of these events. Because "Toxic Positivity" won't save change Reality, no matter how many charming dudes and gals they have presenting the less and less reliable information and sloppy testing methods, despite all these cool machines they got to "go professional" a couple of years ago (which I was very excited about , too and thought: "yayyyyy! now we'll have some independent and competent testing channel.").

But, what Steve from Gamers Nexus unveiled was extremely disconcerting and just disappointing and sad for me to see. And I can see that there is no mal-intent behind GN's investigation. They show the actual Transparency that I would wish to be shown from LTT, too. Owning their mistakes, implementing better Quality Control Processes for their content and testing...but so far, it's all just framed by excuses, that are so obviously Hubris-based, that it's "Cringe Galore"! - Any tech-savvy enough person will find the contradictions and false/mis-information parts and data/images taken from older sources obvious once the experienced facts don't match up with the claimed "testing" in their videos.

And this non-Integrity Environment is toxic in itself on the long run and just seems to be slowly or with "exponentially acceleration" turning into a giant money-making scam for whoever is the driving force behind it.

If Linus is in with that, his character would be in question and probably the money and success would have corrupted him, too - which sadly happens a lot once certain personalities don't need to care about making a living anymore. Then they switch into "Decadence-Mode" and everything that doesn't impede their money-flow becomes a "toy to play with" (almost like Sociopaths really).

That would be really sick and disappointing, but it's nothing impossible sadly since this is one pattern, kind idealists can be "corrupted" if they trust the wrong people (been there myself in my 20s and paid a very high health-related price as a consequence). But it's still really sad to see it done on such a scale where it affects far more people than I did, for sure.

There's so much "💩 hitting the fans" these days, that I don't have the Nerve to follow yet another "Drama" like that really....but we'll see where this is going. There have been CEOs, that showed very great integrity in the past - let's see if the new LTT one is one of them, shall we? 🧐🤔

Cheers folks and have a great one anyway...

DiscoCat - 22.08.2023 19:50

Wow, you really called this ha...

Bill Lindich
Bill Lindich - 22.08.2023 01:42

Just for the record, I don't have a blog or a channel or a douchey beard and nasal delivery, but I DO have AtlasOS22H2 and it's been a total fucking dream and I would NEVER go back to stock Win10.

See, I liked XP and 7 because they gave you the freedom to manage your own system. Like you actually OWNED IT. Windows has been slowly turning PCs into iPhones, where everything is locked down, you're guaranteed to get killed by a borked update, and endless bloat and spyware eventually brings you to a screeching halt - all in the name of "security," of course, even though the only bad actor who ever destroyed my installation was MICROSOFT, not some cartoon-character hacker.

For those who like to control their own machines, and are willing and able to manage their own security, AtlasOS is an easy alternative. All this hate is ridiculous and makes me wonder whose payroll you're on.

Akashic Records
Akashic Records - 21.08.2023 20:59

Intel found out there was a security flar in the CPUs for over 25 years!.There is a serious security flaw in billions of Intel CPUs that can let attackers steal confidential data like passwords and encryption keys.

Kimera - 20.08.2023 18:09

This vidoe aged like fine wine, considering the latest developments.
I do enjoy some level of entertainment but entertainment should not translate into incompetence.

Kristopher Kaplan
Kristopher Kaplan - 19.08.2023 22:15

Anyone installing any power user os like this understands the risks, they have re-added these things in atlas os currently. I believe with the option to disable them. But even without these features enabled, this is a godsend for a disconnected emulation pc.

LeeVoolHM - 17.08.2023 10:51

Yep.. that's an arch user 4sure..

Edwin Jangao
Edwin Jangao - 17.08.2023 07:19

I installed linux mint a couple of times and it failed me till I decided Atlas and it works. Its very light on my pc.

OWEN - 16.08.2023 17:57

One of the massive draws to Linux for me as a long time windows user was things like the AUR. Of course there’s probably some bad eggs on there but it’s a lot more trust worthy than most other places on the internet. As well as just security through obscurity.

StrikeBlitz - 16.08.2023 05:55

This a video aged great @gamers Nexus

Ignacio Suarez
Ignacio Suarez - 16.08.2023 02:17

after watching this looks like atlas is the way to go with everything disabled.

Jesus Eduardo Rivas Santiago
Jesus Eduardo Rivas Santiago - 13.08.2023 08:58

i never use UAC in my life never had a problem

HolyFenrir - 12.08.2023 22:44

Defender? Seriously i disable it on ever windows system ever.
