Flashing lights
Foul language
so- these are the charaters I made and I don't really know when to make a video about them, anyways here are some info and their names.
Forgotten Empire leaders:
Juris (me): A shapeshifter, and the ruler if the royal ring
Marie: A siren, ocean tribe leader
Ivan: An ice worlock, winter tribe leader
Kyle: A wendigo, mountain tribe leader
Nathan: A sphinx, desert tribe leader
Oliver: A vampire, city tribe leader
Slenderman: A ghoul, forest tribe leader
Still me just different AU forms:
Juris: Original human AU
Zari: Happy life AU
Hailey: Astronomer AU
Yuri: Misanthropy AU
Levi: Psychopathic AU
Juris: Equalizer
Leila: Mischeief
Lilith: Negativity
Camila: Shyness
Roxy: Fun
Izumie: Passion
Aiko: Desire
Stuck in a video game:
Casual gamer
Obey me!
Five Nights At Freddys'
Among us
Complete randomness:
(still me) Spirit less AU
Aracnum: my fictional country {it is a newer ver. of the forgotten empire}
Nicholas: A Russian soldier
Bon-Bon: A plushie
Karasu: A raven, marshal of the royal ring
Caine Cyrus (C.C): A ghost of an american sodier (an interactive ghost tbh)
Oscar: An enchanted bear, spirit guide
Stitches: Broken plushie
Dave: A guardian devil
Angeline: A guardian angel
Ruari: An enfield, spirit guide
Timy: A sleep paralysis demon
Song: Riot
Artist: Hollywood Undead