You Think You Are Smart? There Are 9 Types of Intelligence!

You Think You Are Smart? There Are 9 Types of Intelligence!


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Lion - 04.11.2023 00:59

buen vidio chaval saludos

Dummy - 07.10.2023 17:34

I do not know if this is faithful to the theory but this video is wrong on so many levels, it is esentially asking what you posses knowledge/are good at and if it is one of the 9 randomly selected you're considered intelligent? Like no if we were to use this videos example thered be too many types of intelligence to count not just 9, I guess you can group things like coding and chess and such into logic with simmilar examples on the other types, but being good at chess does not mean youre good at coding since magnus carlsen (the best chess player of all time) would destroy Terry Davis(best coder of all time) in a game kf chess, or even the best mathematician of all time.

Michael Keefe
Michael Keefe - 25.09.2023 08:57

These are applications of intelligence and not different types of intelligence. Thus a person can be nature-smart and understand how to protect the environment, but this doesn't mean this person will have the intelligence to see all of the impacts of their decisions. An important aspect of intelligence is knowing what you do not know. This is an intelligence trait important no matter which type of Gardner's "intelligences" a person belongs to. This can make a person less intelligent regardless of their area of focus and it implies a more abstract level of intelligence and traits that encompasses these 9 types.

Anon Ymous
Anon Ymous - 24.09.2023 17:47

I guess there's cartoon smart too.

CosyBibi - 10.09.2023 12:31

This looks (and sounds) like some sort of 50s American social propaganda program

Gari Crewsen
Gari Crewsen - 09.09.2023 06:10

Looks like "smart," and "intelligence," need specific re-defining.

Frank Mollegaard
Frank Mollegaard - 31.08.2023 16:54

Yes. An intelligence type for each identity type. Can't go wrong.

RandomMe93 - 27.08.2023 10:49

I think everyone has this types of intelligence in them just difference in scale

Jason Gill
Jason Gill - 24.08.2023 10:29

Everyone is better at something than someone else is the basic premise of this pseudo-intellectual BS. The things that make you unique have value, duh. What a scheme, what a fraud to try and label everyone in the world in 9 categories under an academic pretense

Ethribin - 19.08.2023 13:30

I think theres 3 types if what most people call "intelligent" or ""smart"

1) intelligent: this is pure intelligence and potentual of pattern recognitions, using data and understanding. It has the highest cieling. This is were geniouses are.
Intelligence though doesnt mean you can find solutions, know things or are right.
It is pure potentual and does nothing by itsself

2) Smarts: this is about finding solutions, especially at a moments notice. It contains a lot of analysis and thinking outside of the box. This is where most specialists are found.
Being smart though doesnt mean you can understand things, nor that you have the data to draw the right conclusion.

3) knowledgeable: this is purely about holding knowledge. Pattern recognition and memory are the biggest here. Pasing on information to others, especially in a way that gives them new insights and realizations, are also mainly here. Teachers and Professors are found here.
Being knowledeable doesnt mean though you draw proper conclusions from your data, nor that you can filter good from bad data. It technically doesnt even mean you understand the data you have. Just that you have it.

To often, we call people "smartt" when they are knowledgeable.
Or we call an animal "intelligent" and compair it to us, when its smart.
Or we dismiss someone for being a know-it-all when they actually are very intelligent and are trying to fill the potentual they have.

The 9 types mentioned in this video approach something similar.
But personally, I think all it does is point out types of talent/skills/specializations, and has nothing, zero, zip, to do with "intelligence" or "smarts".

Zrigunte - 08.08.2023 14:00

To accurately taste food...the composition in it...what type of smart is that?...

Danny - 08.08.2023 05:25

Sounds like something a five year old would come up with

Kevin Chastain
Kevin Chastain - 01.08.2023 19:12

The problem with most of these studies is that they are used to manipulate people for
the purpose of those that have made themselves appear to be our leaders. Instead of
guiding people to their best in life, these ideas are used by the people that form the
dark triad of humanity as one more tool to enslave their fellow man.

bornToDie - 30.07.2023 23:27

I thought this video would be about which parts of the brain drives different forms of intelligence. The classification of intelligences they have shown is not much scientifically involved. More like 10th graders perspective

Nik - 28.07.2023 10:14

I agree with those, but I think that they give an esteem of intellectuality (knowledge and cognitive ability) in the specific subject, while IQ; EQ; creativity, analysis, understanding, process development... Those are more suited ideal to evaluate the cognitive condition of the mind which enables and regulates the development of those intellectuality types

VinsPlayer - 26.07.2023 10:15

I think the concept of nature smart is stupid. Minimizing the impact on nature can be achieved with mathematical intelligence combined with some personality traits.
I also think life smart is simply a combination of word smart, mathematically smart and people smart.
And emotionally intelligent would be a better name than self smart.

And as somebody who makes music, I'll say I'm not sure whether musical intelligence would count as it's own kind of intelligence. I'd say it's kind of a combination of mathematical intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. One really good example is Shpongle, who has music that really satisfies your intelligence, affects your emotions, and feels like it takes inspiration from some greater being.
Also spiritual intelligence is something I think exists, though many of you probably don't agree, since it's "pseudo-science". I'd say it means your ability to get "divine inspiration" or "open your third eye". If you want to get really pseudo-scientific, you could say a shaman would have a lot of spiritual intelligence.

Richard John
Richard John - 25.07.2023 04:37

*Logic and Reasoning
*Expression and Creativity
*Empathy and Understanding
These are the facets of intelligence we display, each on a spectrum within our psyche, some traits are more developed in individuals than other traits.
Some come naturally others as skills we develop.
The greatest of this set of intelligence types is Transference, this is the ability to transfer skills and knowledge from one aspect of the intelligence field to others, for example the use of mathematics in art or the ability to put words together into a musical form, the list can certainly be expanded.
We all display all of these intellectual qualities and through nurturing or nature we develop some, all or one of these, the others are there, but dormant... like people who sing really well in the shower, but can't perform on stage.... practice is what make us better at our intelligence sets, not withstanding that individuals will have natural phobias or may be cognitively or socially as well as psychologically disadvantaged positively or negatively in one , some or all the traits; e.g. Autism, Cerebral palsy, sociopaths (who are more often than not, good at all the sets)

Od4n - 11.07.2023 00:45

It would have been smart to have a complete story. Back to the Council and the bridge? Music at the opening of the bridge was the only connection, and it's the least helpful in the given story* presented. I as a parent can cobble this mess together, but minor miss the point and are just entertained by the drawing style of the video. 2/10

polka23dot - 09.07.2023 22:12

This is very stupid video.

Ross - 05.07.2023 06:59

“Please be teach smart” that a trap statement, if I argue successfully for IQ/EQ then I’m being pedagogical in this context.

DANIEL LAI ZEKE Moe - 24.06.2023 09:53

Im number smart. ;>

Work count
Work count - 20.06.2023 16:35

Well, Number smart found out that the bridge was overbudget. So convinces self smart to fire music, word and life smart.

The bridge also used non green materials despite nature smart opposition to save cost.

Dave Crow
Dave Crow - 19.06.2023 02:27

Most of the video was too easy.. In fact it was rubbish.. Smart psychology is about making bad luck.... Positive for you, the protests are hostile... SP would make the protesters want, need the bridge... SP which I have used for years can give you a good life.

meridian21157 - 13.06.2023 19:09

This has been debunked! Stop spreading pseudoscience!

Midon Educational Services
Midon Educational Services - 24.05.2023 21:49

what about (Tech Smart)

Ernest Williams
Ernest Williams - 22.05.2023 22:22

I think the abilioty to teach is definitely a kind of smart

Judi Pierry
Judi Pierry - 19.05.2023 01:43

The smartest of the smart just sit back and enjoy the clever video, says hmm…🧐 and carry on about their day.

Kewin Karlsjö
Kewin Karlsjö - 18.05.2023 10:23


Random Cat
Random Cat - 16.05.2023 15:22

Seems verry underdeveloped.
Each category is rather unpricise, jet somehow overspecific.
Life- word- and selfsmart seem to be subcategories of peoplesmart
Picture- and numbersmart also seam to group well with each other.
Nature- qnd body- seem to be somewhat in the middle.
Spacial and interpersonal are promising however. I'll be thinking about this for a while...

Rachel Udeh-Jackson
Rachel Udeh-Jackson - 11.05.2023 22:06

IQ levels come first, and then it’s filtered through the different categories of intelligence

Aditya SM
Aditya SM - 21.04.2023 08:19

seeing this i felt like im the jack of all but master of none

JACK MARLEY - 31.03.2023 17:30

I know what y'all doing bro, excape the matrix y'all.

Sab ke liye
Sab ke liye - 23.03.2023 10:27

Wonderful pictures and stories..🎉 it makes me undertand the concept so easily...

Psc Nitro
Psc Nitro - 20.03.2023 18:56

Yes im smart😂👌

john markey
john markey - 18.03.2023 02:54


Kushbu Lakshika
Kushbu Lakshika - 06.03.2023 05:39

Thank you for your lovely explanation. This video helps me lot to complete my assignment.

Earwaxfire909 - 02.03.2023 16:21

How can one differentiate between categories of intelligence and categories of education? If people are educated at a young age in a specific set of subjects our minds grow in those areas. There are basic talents too. But like general physical talents, non-specific intellectual talents can be directed to specific complex tasks. So perhaps these definitions of intelligence are not so useful?

Kitty Kins
Kitty Kins - 26.02.2023 10:06

I really think that he should add teach smart to the theory because knowing something and be able to effectively share and help someone understand it is a totally different skill. Compared to the 9, it is almost a blend of the 9.

Jaen Boston
Jaen Boston - 26.02.2023 02:06

As a middle school Language Arts teacher, I would teach these types of intelligence in the beginning of the school year. There was a two fold purpose. First, to familiarize these young adults that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. If you weren't a good reader/writer or mathematically inclined, your strengths and intelligence may be in another area. This would raise the self-esteem of those who thought success was predicated on English and math. They learned early that everyone can make contributions in this world. The second purpose was about knowing thyself and others. Every year, I accomplished my mission of making my students better readers/writers and speakers and listeners. It may have been called language arts but I looked it as communications class. The students learned the skills necessary to become better communicators using their strengths and/or types of intelligence best suited for the situation.

Ilya B
Ilya B - 19.12.2022 06:26

wow 8 out of 9 check, developed most of them around high school time

NFP - 14.12.2022 22:01

I think I have 3 dominant intellegence

The Dude
The Dude - 14.12.2022 10:54

9 types... what a joke

HI 👌
HI 👌 - 28.11.2022 12:08

There's definitely one for sports or athleticism, I always have been good at any sports with little to none practice but I remember this kid at school that in any sport any physical activity even if it was something that nobody hadn't tried before he could become an expert in a couple of days and make it look easy.. time pass by and I got to knew he's family, humble family he's dad was very old so I couldn't tell if he got it from he's dad side but from he's sister to he's little brother all athletic. Until this day, they are over 30 and still all of them are athletic and compete in multiple sports..

Chris Medina
Chris Medina - 27.11.2022 08:17

This is incomplete without “Street Smart” . Doc missed that one !

13th Raven Purple
13th Raven Purple - 24.11.2022 16:04

Great work THank you

Kushal Nandan
Kushal Nandan - 09.11.2022 19:52

im the jack of all but master of none

Ronald Anthony L. Alcorano
Ronald Anthony L. Alcorano - 09.11.2022 14:27

I imagined having a grading system with this theory as its theoretical framework
(In short, I hope students were evaluated, not by their overall intellect in all subjects, but by their category of intelligence)

france black
france black - 25.09.2022 04:18

Every individual is unique ❤️❤️
