Are Hypercarries Still Viable in Genshin Impact?

Are Hypercarries Still Viable in Genshin Impact?

Vars II

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@VarsII - 19.08.2023 18:10

In case you're wondering why there's no mention of Lyney, this video was made before 4.0 came out. I'll be making a more dedicated video on mono element comps though because I'm excited for the trend Lyney will (hopefully) set!

@VonTachyon - 17.11.2023 17:54

If they ever bring in another ascension level for 90-100, I hope all the characters get a third ascension passive. It would be really nice.

@vio7336 - 17.11.2023 16:45

the difference between the two is that one super strong unit is a bigger flex than 4 different character's off field reactions going off at once. Whether that be in coop or in one shot comps the only person seeing your quick swap comps shine is you doing abyss for the 1240912049th time.

@talongrein2111 - 17.11.2023 07:03

hyper carrys have always been viable its just more investment an grind/saving to dump all your primos on your desired 5 star farm good artifacts compared to dendro comps

@urazoe8240 - 17.10.2023 21:10

We all like BIG NUMBER. but if it works it works and if its fun for you then thats all that matters. Now if you dont have fin playing your favorite char then maybe, just maybe they arent really your fave and your just horny for them.

@RaskaTheFurry - 15.10.2023 18:36

An idea... Dont nerf, but buff underperforming characters.... BUT as you buff them, they should be the very next event banner and it needs to be announced beforehand, even the buff. So we can theorycraft

@DYhalto250 - 07.10.2023 11:09

Semi related this shows me they need to adopt the fgo method of being willing to buff characters via quest / story interludes.

@anyaaa2801 - 06.10.2023 06:42

Neuvi <333

@westerwald3923 - 03.10.2023 13:39

This didnt age well with neuvilette. Tho his kit was unexpected

@piece-kun4168 - 19.09.2023 17:27

Realy sucks to enjoy only hyper carries huh?

@EmblemSnake - 18.09.2023 06:47

at least Diluc has his simplicity going for him. Like other day one 5 stars his cons are kinda ass but the simpleness of his kit makes sure that it doesnt take much thinking to get the most damage out of him. Diluc is still my fav 5 star

@Bill-uk6of - 15.09.2023 07:16

Bro how do you know use rates I get that in league you can see them, but in genshin you just cant ,and no anemo carries arent worse than other carries they have amazing AOE and they can fight for extended duration and deal good damage in their window , also they deal the majority of the teams damage not like hutao were yelan and xingqiu will deal an ok ammount of damage and they have the numbers, the problem with all hypercarries is 5 star weapons or gacha 4 star or battle pass , high artifact investment and their teams needing certain 5 star to become better or certain buffers for max damage , so no hypercarry are still good and damage per screenshot shouldn't be looked at, instead damage per second should

@nguyenhoanglan9081 - 10.09.2023 00:19

It seems something you missed is that hypers are benefited more on dmg buff through their insane multipliers (or motion value), and they are capable of carrying the rest of the team dmg if given enough resources. They are also better in vertical investment, where a 10% increased in dmg of a hyper through artifacts, weapons, buffs, etc., means somewhere between 7-9% dmg increase of the entire team's dmg, while on contrast, those 10% can only bring a 2-4 % increased in team damage of a quick swap team. If a hyper are given enough resources, they could brute force through contents that they aren't suppose to clear, while in contrast, playing quickswap of say, taser, would be easily countered by an electro lector.
The main downside of playing hyper is that you are restricting yourself to 1-3 teams, because hypers can't fit anywhere, and they need better investment of a specific artifact set, so your other artifact sets are bad. And if there's a content that you can't brute force through, you would have to use an entirely different team if you want to clear it.

@denpaonice1442 - 07.09.2023 01:25


@fauziee7179 - 06.09.2023 09:29

Your like the sunnyv2 of genshin
I ❤ u man

@rolrol5568 - 05.09.2023 01:44

Broooo whattt, you're a FFXIV enjoyer. I swear to god this is like the 4th video you blessed with Masoken's genius. Happy to see my people enjoying both games.

@Splatd01 - 02.09.2023 15:18

As someone who only has xiao and itto it is rough if you don’t have the specific supports they need sometimes.

@shrimpchris6580 - 02.09.2023 12:25

Noelle is super overlooked, but actually goated for a hypercarry slot. Her ascension passive benefits both her damage and her utility, and her numbers aren't too much worse than It's but come with a slew of benefits. Besides healing and shielding, she gets an extra shield in the event squishier supports take a strong hit, works with a large variety of sets, her horizontal range is massive giving her insane CC, she extends her own buff duration on kills, and doesn't lose infusion when she swaps.

That last one is huge because you can swap off to supports regularly not only to reapply buffs, but you can consistently proc favonius passives for supports that use it and funnel them into her which means even with near 0 energy investment, I struggle with it less than most hypercarries in the game. Currently I use Yun Jin, Gorou, and Mona with her and they all benefit a ton from favonius weapons as well.

@ashemabahumat4173 - 01.09.2023 20:25

I just wanna punch harder, reactions be damned. An actual usable character that does work, with phys def/res shredding on rotation

@lavenderlemonade6758 - 01.09.2023 18:14

I preferer hypercarry. I don't enjoy the game when I have to play a character who's company doesn't spark joy. Being able to bring whomso ever is at the blorbo table atm makes me happy.

@drextrey - 01.09.2023 10:11

As long as Bennett exist, Hypercarry will always be viable.

@FBl - 30.08.2023 08:58

Quick swap ftw. Hyper carry teams are boring.

@traplegend5065 - 29.08.2023 21:02

Yoimiya gaming

@GameBreaker1055 - 29.08.2023 11:49

In theory, the beauty of Genshin is that there never needs to be a buff directly to a character, because they can be buffed through Weapons and new character that just synergize really well with them.
If there was a weapon or a support that gives a massive damage increase in shields, suddenly Geo units and Xinyan can become strong.
Add a weapon that steals enemy armor and Noelle's damage could explode.

Alternatively, they can also add enemies that are easier to deal with with certain units on your party.
Like an enemy that takes increased damage for a short period after using a very powerful attack for which you would miss the window if you had to dodge it, but would probably just kill you otherwise. Suddenly shielding units (and Beidou) become more powerful in context of these enemies.

They could also bring forth more events that focus on Co-op as a whole bunch of different units can be viable for that.

Point is, there are different ways to buff or add importance to weaker characters that don't force you to adjust their own numbers.
Hoyo not going for it is on them

@gatraidris - 29.08.2023 04:34

Too bad my eula still cant clear floor 12 with all the buff she get.

@ricardocordoba5354 - 28.08.2023 18:42

Hoyoverse games are made for 10 year olds, yes hyper carries are viable alongside any comp you want to make work

@Nekufan1000000 - 28.08.2023 03:17

I'm gonna just slap my personal experience with this on here. I've got an Ayaka freeze team that I'd say is hypercarry. I focus on keeping the enemy frozen while Ayaka does 90% of the damage, Yelan is Sub DPS, Diona shield, heals, buff, battery, Sucrose because anemo. I've had Ayaka since her Sumeru rerun and I've been EXCLUSIVELY building this team since. However, I also pulled Nilou, Nahida, and Nahida's weapon during that rerun, so I also messed around with a budget bloom and hyperbloom team. I want to point out that I have spent months of resin on Ayaka, getting her a decent crit rate, attack, crit damage spread. It's not perfect, far from it, it still needs work, but it's decent. Her team is all max ascension, Ayaka herself is level 90.

My hyperbloom team is Nahida, Kuki, Kokomi, and Sucrose. I have maybe used a days worth of resin on each of them compared to how much I've farmed for Yelan and Ayaka on my main team. Most of them aren't even 80/90. Kuki is level 70. Koko is level 60. THIS HYPERBLOOM TEAM CLEARS JUST ABOUT ANY DOMAIN I FACE IN SUB ONE MINUTE. Yes, with virtually no investment I am clearing out artifact domains in 50 some seconds at best, and like a minute ten at worst. I am bad at rotations so I just kinda mash everything out and it just happens. It's also an unkillable team because of Kokomi and Kuki dual healing at all times. My Ayaka freeze team takes, roughly, at best, if I have everyone's ult up, like 2 minutes to kill a domain. It's... hyperbloom is busted. Period. Bloom is pretty good too, ngl, especially if you have Nilou. I have no idea how a hypercarry team is even supposed to compete at this point.

@_Lotus_94 - 27.08.2023 20:54

I genuinely love Heizou can you explain how his hyper team would work?

@guilatrixx4442 - 27.08.2023 18:20

It still is. My exploration and domains has been a breeze using my Wanderer Hypercarry ever since I got him.

@ravador - 27.08.2023 11:43

It's all the fault of Dendro.

@danny1393 - 27.08.2023 03:23

Wasn't expecting ffxiv music here! W

@lunar6239 - 26.08.2023 22:28

theres no fucking way shenhe and keqing are pronounced like that right?

@vincentbarraza1115 - 26.08.2023 22:27

As an F2P my only hyper-carry is Heizou and the rest are flexible units that can be in a quick-swap. Building up a hypercarry takes a lot of investment and luck including the supporting characters to whom they will funnel all their skills and buffs for the hypercarry; I can't afford that to play the game and enjoy at the same time. The reason I pulled for Yelan, Kazuha, Nahida etc.

@CrazyName900 - 26.08.2023 20:12

So... with Eula you also have the option to play her as a quickswap or hypercarry. The option is to spend big for her c6 constelation or not xD

@spaleng - 26.08.2023 09:12

i dont like the hypers that use 2 outta 3 of c6 4*+bennett+zhongli. its the most boring shit ever. i prefer quickswap since i like the idea of 4 units who are average individually but are strong through synergy.

also, could an ayaka team be compared to a national team since majority of her dmg is done off field?

@wasabi9247 - 25.08.2023 17:26

Razor is one of the worst options to show a bad reaction character

@TheJH1015 - 25.08.2023 01:59

in the case of Eula, she just needs a new support unit that is not Mika and has a buff that lasts long enough for Eula to take advantage of, or another new support that decreases Physical RES like Shenhe and Rosaria do. Maybe a new Electro unit that also can proc Superconduct at the same time as the Physical RES decrease.

@spoops5277 - 25.08.2023 00:05

Hey Vars! I was wondering if you planned to do a video on speculating the Hydro Archon's kit based on element archetypes, and gameplay aspects (no leaks), is that something you have planned it could be a really fun video :D

@gktte2574 - 24.08.2023 16:13

I always prefer quickswap because those colorful numbers are eye candy with the exception of my girl Yoimiya. I use her in overload sometimes just for satisfaction

@helrosshemlock9205 - 24.08.2023 14:10

All my favorite characters are hypercarries, I like to suffer. 💀

@lazerkh5569 - 24.08.2023 12:39

As an unlucky f2p player, if I had all characters at my dispoasal i'd probably play hypercarries exclusively. Don't get me wrong I love watching the world burn with nilou bloom, but there's nothing that comes close to how you feel when xiao lands a plunge attack

@shrimpyhaha - 24.08.2023 07:01

Hello Vars, love ur content. There's just one small issue i got, it's that ur voice recording is really low quality and it gets hard to hear you sometimes. It almost sounds bass boosted instead of crisp. This might just be an issue with ur mic and if so i it's not really ur fault. I just think ur videos would be alot more high quality with better voice recordings ❤️

@blakeandcamp - 24.08.2023 04:19

As someone who still uses Itto all the time, hypercarries can still be very viable but it's a matter of picking your battles carefully. Trying to fight Lectors with mono Geo is a pain so I avoid that, but my Bennett/Zhongli/Gorou/Itto team is still one of my favorite (and strongest) teams that I have so for most Abyss rotations I've had no problems using that team. Hypercarries just require more investment than a lot of others but if it's a character you really enjoy then it's not a big deal.

@lusanao8489 - 24.08.2023 02:08

Hypercarries are just as strong if not stonger in higher investment. They require a lot of investment to be comparable but once they get there its the same. Lower floor, same ceiling situation. But I feel like they should exist and they are good for the game, cuz there are players than love to invest everything in just one team and get some crazy numbers with their favorites.

@FlameWish - 24.08.2023 02:05

But would it work if the case for balance patches buff-fixed everyone? As in, applying your fix suggestions from previous videos (why no one plays series).

@TheTony559 - 23.08.2023 17:47

Wanderer and Xiao >> Kekqing, Yoimidya, General Midhamatra, Midnari among others, so yeah Hyper carries are still viable

@RiczardGW - 23.08.2023 15:50

I can build so many teams at this point that i dont need summon until cryo region comes out. All you need is versitality to beat this game. I can go full hypercarry Ayato and deal ridiculus amount of dmg with his slashes or burgeon thoma with Ayato driver. Same with my favorite team, hypercarry Raiden, im killing mobs before i can regen my energy back, i can go hyperbloom nahida with kuki or yae aggrevate with kirara or my absolute best aggrevate keqing with yaoyao, national with every possible variant, doesnt matter what team you will use as long as it matches abyss type

@DeadVoxel - 23.08.2023 12:17

Hypercarries tend to be my favorite archetype of characters. Although I enjoy reaction-based teams, having my favorite character take 99% of the field just seems more fun to me. I do agree that some hypercarries suffer from their potential not being able to exceed past a certain limit, and it is a shame they cannot truly shine, like Wanderer, who is my main and the one I run as a hypercarry. But if I were to pick between more damage or playing my favorite character as a hypercarry, I would pick hypercarry. While hypercarries may not be as popular or strong, they are still pretty viable in my opinion. It's like passing all the spotlight onto one character, just to enjoy their playstyle at fullest

@rubyknights5885 - 23.08.2023 08:43

I feel that you should determine what counts as viable
