Disco Elysium Did Something Incredible

Disco Elysium Did Something Incredible

Luke Stephens

2 года назад

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@user-ih5jr8rt5q - 25.12.2023 05:27

pretentious and vapid

@codyduncan5414 - 20.12.2023 05:48

Sucks there won't be a sequel ever

@astranger448 - 30.11.2023 21:05

Do you know who believed in this game? Swen Vincke, CEO of Larian Studios, makers of BG3. He get's a special shoutout in the DE credits ditto Larian Studios.

@chrys0poeia - 27.11.2023 14:51

Infinity Engine. Planescape: Torment. Those mispronounciations gave me psychic damage.

@franjaff6919 - 17.11.2023 02:05

"PLANETscape Torment". Couldn't have double-checked the title of one of the most seminal games in its genre and the key inspiration behind the game you're making a video about?

@Past_Reflection - 14.11.2023 07:22

I don’t think there will ever be a game like disco Elysium again…

@ExpectedBoy - 10.11.2023 03:03

Started playing the game a few nights ago. Tonight I was on it for 4 hours. Haven't been that hooked on a game in a while. Excited to get back on it.

@Rogue615 - 20.10.2023 05:46

The problem with these guys is my TV is far away from my bed where I suit or play games and It shard to read the writing very well. I cant move my bed it sits on a small platform I guess you could say its how the house was designed. Anyway, can you make the font larger on this? Its free on PS now so if so I'd love to download and play it.

@Dare5358 - 15.10.2023 18:39

worst game I ever played, so pretentious, so boring, at one point I got game over bc I sat in an uncomfy chair, 1/10 would not recommend (unless you like books and reading)

@christopherr.561 - 20.09.2023 14:02

Thanks. Considering getting it while it’s on sale. Always been interested just never pulled the trigger

@ChickenJoe-tq6xd - 19.09.2023 02:02

This game made me realize how bad other games with dialogue are

@keanudarkly9497 - 08.09.2023 05:46

Absolutely fantastic explanation. I was trying to find a video that explained this in a way my non gamer father would understand. You nailed it. Thank you!

@vergeofcollapse - 18.08.2023 23:32

Disco Elysium isn’t just great, it’s unique. An incredible experience from beginning to end!

@MrCoolkidnick - 14.08.2023 06:53

idk how i found this game, its like the game found me lol normally i'm not into games like this but this one just pulled me right in and i loved it

@OldTime--Gamer - 14.07.2023 13:40

game is masterpiece, but if i wanna game that means i am not feeling reading right now, If i wanna read I just open a book. This alone just took so much away for me and couldn't force myself to play this pure gem of a game.

@Dhakadice - 29.05.2023 15:42

The fact that there are so many side-stories (often with vastly different outcomes in each one) gives this gave arguably the most replay value in any game ever.

There are characters you can avoid completely, spend ludicrous amounts of time getting to know them on a deeper level and/or knock them unconscious.

You can also inadvertently cause characters' deaths by arresting them and one bad outcome for you will have the side-effect of a young child being abandoned by their only friend in the whole world.

@brubels7905 - 02.05.2023 03:58

I see what you were trying there poor cunoese 💀😂😂

@nicholasperez5716 - 13.04.2023 04:27

I remember hearing about this game and never paying any mind to it.I played it last year and was blown away by it's compelling narrative, story telling and choices that actually matter. Great review! you hit on some of the game's high notes I didn't realize.

@chrish5500 - 30.03.2023 14:31

I’ve downloaded the game and I’m about to smoke a spliff
Can’t wait till I’m mind fucked 😮
This could be a good or bad idea
But if you don’t try you will never know 😂

@MannyandBo - 07.03.2023 14:51

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think the Deserter murdering the merc was entirely apolitical. Of course the Deserter pulled the trigger for purely selfish reasons, but he knew who the merc was and what he represented. And here was this merc, a fascist genocidal rapist, fucking the woman he loved. The Deserter is defined by loss, and having lived his entire life in bitterness, he probably saw them having sex as a reminder that everything he loves will always get fucked.

@VCRAGE - 28.02.2023 23:23

Luke does the best video essays 😍.

@mrpinknotpurple8333 - 12.02.2023 12:35

Now that Luke recommends the game I have to try it

@rapator9270 - 09.02.2023 19:22

Revachol is a mixture of the name Reval (the current capital of Estonia Tallinn was called that way back in the day) and chol, which means bile. A "drunkard from Tallinn,"

@iameternalsunshine - 22.01.2023 18:07

was going through the game wanting a drug addled downtown district with neon lights. 🥲 the electrochemistry description made me feel like there would be. this game is however still a masterpiece.

@otockian - 20.01.2023 17:36

This game literally blew my damn mind...Never have I experienced something like that...

@shlepad - 07.01.2023 09:14

"When the time comes, he'll side with the people."

@Xirbtt - 02.01.2023 11:12

PLANET-scape torment?

@b1thearchitect401 - 25.12.2022 22:59

This game is the definition of a grower. It really threw me off with how little actual gameplay there is, and how cryptic the map and objectives are.. but after 25 hours it just clicked and now I'm in love with the characters, world, writing, art style. The story is a very slow burn but has an awesome pay off and tons of well written twists and turns. Also the game is piss your pants funny at times.. My advice is know what to expect going in and be patient, it might just become an all time favourite game of yours like it did for me

@Jessie_Helms - 17.12.2022 11:10

I don’t remember the interaction, but I remember when it finally clicked, an “Aha!” Moment, of discovering on my own, “Oh, I can’t trust my skills to be objectively accurate in all situations.”
I think it was when electrochemistry insisted drugs were the answer or maybe Drama said to say something obviously unwise

@Jessie_Helms - 17.12.2022 11:00

The only game to make me cry… 3 times…

It probably just dethroned New Vegas, MineCraft, and Dishonored as my favorite game ever.

@patronusnatio7401 - 18.10.2022 04:38

Planet Scape: Torment

@wowwhyisthistaken - 08.10.2022 23:27

Luke has a bad habit of repeating himself

@AIenSmithee - 05.10.2022 15:17

Disco is pretty good but I feel like people talk about it being better than it is for fear of looking stupid.

@lurox5183 - 05.10.2022 13:31

Had to stop watching when you said 'planetscape torment"

@Paddlegoober - 29.09.2022 07:19

They did do something incredible. Kim. Kim is incredible

@danonw5827 - 13.09.2022 12:47

I always wantedto play a game that looks actually artistic. Nearly every indie game has nice cover but is a pixelart 2d game. Disco elysium is just a gem in graphics and story

@JustinMarshallElias2 - 05.09.2022 06:53

Alright I'm buying it on Switch. Traveling for about a month for work, hoping it'll keep my gaming desires at bay while I'm hustling for rent. Cheers!

@NgaMarsters - 01.09.2022 13:03

I never will be emotionally attached to a fictional city like Revachol again... the bar is too high

@perfectcircle7889 - 29.08.2022 06:50

Elvis the aliens brother I found you

@alinfriedman8080 - 11.08.2022 14:56

It hurts my soul, when you say PlanetScape Torment

@mikegribanov6105 - 28.07.2022 14:18

that wouldnt be the elevator pitch though. The elevator pitch would be something like "We wanna make a game that uses thoughts and psycho analysis in gameplay and comments on philosophy, existentialism and socioeconomics through the lense of a 2nd Earth murder mystery" or w/e.. i just came up with that off top, so im sure someone could think of a more precise one but you get the point.

@bd1043 - 26.07.2022 02:50

Just bought the game a few days ago, and found out the game is heavily communist and extremely politicized. For this alone, I don’t enjoy this game.

@D3s0L - 26.06.2022 09:38

Great review, you own this im subscribing. way better than those fucking 2020's IGN review farts you can purchase for a few $

@ShadowmarkReturns - 18.06.2022 17:56

It also helps immensely that Disco's dialogue is one to two sentences at a time which makes everything significantly more digestible.

@exzisd - 18.06.2022 16:07

I haven't been this HOOKED on a game in ages, perhaps decades honestly. I decided to give this game a try after so many rave reviews. I knew it was different just from the gameplay footage I saw with all the text / dialogue boxes. It took me a few hours to get the gameplay and all the mechanics. Even after the first in-game day I was still discovering different mechanics and options. I died twice on my first in-game day and was in disbelief thinking that the game must have been joking and that surely it would bring me back life but instead it prompted me to start a new game until I frantically closed out of the game and restarted it on console not wanting to lose all my progress. Fortunately I was able to salvage those saves yet I sort of wish I had started over immediately with all the new knowledge I had of the game mechanically and of general expectations with how the vast dialogue engagement goes. It's a game where there's very little that one can accurately predict. Sometimes the least likely consequential dice-roll will be in your favor and others a high probability roll may fail. While high skills can help change the odds in your favor whatever the result is still remains unpredictable from character to character, location to location, and circumstance to circumstance, and from the choices you have made within that playthrough already. I'm impressed at how much and how often the game recalls past points and choices you make in the game from the large parts to the more minute seemingly trivial things you do. The code for the dialogue system must be immense, and without all the voice-acting of The Final Cut I'm not sure I'd have the patience to truly appreciate it as much. Characters speak in such grandiose vocabulary combined with what I believe are fictional locations and fictitious historical events that it would make for a difficult straight read. With the spoken dialogue it makes for what I believe is a smoother experience than if I was just reading and re-reading sentences and words trying to piece together their meanings and Google what everything is. I urge anyone playing this to go in blind and give it a whirl without looking anything up; that's how I played it and I'm continuing to play it and just now looking around the internet to see the appreciation and perspective other's have also found. As many rave reviews as this game gets it's very much something the player must experience themselves to truly feel it. There are some games you can just look at and instantly get it; this is one that, to me, must be played first hand. Watching a playthrough later would make a lot more sense and probably be a lot more satisfying after having played through yourself. Ok great game, nice video, I need more coffee.

@cheshire_skatkat9093 - 15.06.2022 21:08

I feel bad. I played this game some, hated it. I wanted to like it. I wished I could see what others see in this game but I just can't. The only thing I was able to enjoy was the soundtrack.
