P#1: What's Next After Getting NQT Score Card? | When Apply for Drive Option Available? - 2nd Step?

P#1: What's Next After Getting NQT Score Card? | When Apply for Drive Option Available? - 2nd Step?

Pappu Career Guide

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@sankageethanjali4761 - 26.05.2021 09:52

There is no column showing apply for drive what should I do?

@bommisettysuneel7619 - 26.05.2021 09:53

I had written in February till now I didn't get any mail could you please reply me..

@swapniljagtap5307 - 26.05.2021 09:59

I have different NQT number for march and may but i applied through march nqt number in march but i have good marks in may nqt number and i use same email for both nqt what should i do is there any cahnce of getting mail?

@anusreethelagathoti4382 - 26.05.2021 10:01

Till now I didn't apply for next step portals, I got may nqt cognitive 53% , is their any chance to get interview mail, am 2020 batch now apply for next step, plz resond

@EvilNinja - 26.05.2021 10:03

koi mail nhi aya h ......or next step pe register nhi kia tha......abhi kardu ???

@sandesh4687 - 26.05.2021 10:08

Sir I have given october nqt and may nqt with different mail ID my may nqt score is better than october. I have applied with both account. Should I delete my October next step account??

@nadarajp9754 - 26.05.2021 10:11

In my next step portal apply for drive option is not shown till now.....i registered 31st March and i done Feb nqt

@manushareddy99 - 26.05.2021 10:12

Sir plz reply I have a doubt I applied in next step for October exam but I did not applied for February and may nqt.i got 79%in cognitive in Feb nqt and 55%in programming in may nqt?so will I get mail for nex step registeration and application process?
Plz reply sir and clarify my doubt?

@greeshmagaddam4905 - 26.05.2021 10:19

I am from the 2020 batch, I had two accounts in the next step portal and I wrote may nqt with the score of 65.33% in cognitive and 88.85 in programming, is there any chance of getting mail from the TCS? if yes through mail id I need to access

@pradnyagite404 - 26.05.2021 10:29

I have given feb nqt and got 80% score but while applying for drive I gave wrong nqt no. So I didn't got any mail nothing ni my status only applied for drive is showing. If tcs strt hiring again I will be able to apply again for drive?

@mrinalbera6080 - 26.05.2021 10:36

Cognitive:75% programming:88% still not batched why?

@samratthakur6818 - 26.05.2021 10:39

🌟 🌟
Pappu bhai..
Mai ne March NQT 10th march ko diya tha.. 15th march ko Batched show hua tha. 26th ko Interview.. par reject ho giya tha interview mai.. uske bad mera Nextstep portal par shirf Campus commun aur How to apply dikha rakha tha.. par kuchh din se dubara pehele jaisa dikha rakha hai.. batched show kr raha hai..
To ishka matlab batao.. interview aye ga ya phir aur kuchh..

@gaganmb878 - 26.05.2021 10:44

Hello pappu bro, I got 50% cognitive and 81% coding can I get interview frm tcs

@narayanshelke3669 - 26.05.2021 10:49

I got 64% in cognitive and 46% in IT programming is there any chance to recieve interview mail from TCS ?

@shubhamk7796 - 26.05.2021 11:07

May nqt mai 84% mile lekin next step mai apply for drive nhi dik raha hai

@AjaySurya99 - 26.05.2021 11:31

i have only cognitive score 58 percent pls tell me is any chances

@anshu1628 - 26.05.2021 11:47

sir can i get your number i have a lot of query ..... thanks for supporting us sir u help is very needed

@saiteja9924 - 26.05.2021 11:52

Bro in next step we have to register as new user...but in registration...while we are selecting country... India is not there in the list... What we have to select and complete the registration?

@tusharbendarkar6310 - 26.05.2021 11:59

My Feb NQT score was 1504 in cognitive and 26 in Programming but, I have not recieved any mail after that. In next step portal there is no apply for drive option.

@amankumarjha9438 - 26.05.2021 12:00

Tcs se direct mail kb aane wala hai?

@Vbablu14 - 26.05.2021 12:24

Can u say oracle assignment tests details

@pratikkubitkar4500 - 26.05.2021 12:26

Can i get mail from tcs smart hiring which is on 6th June after the tcs may result showing result withheld pls reply kro.

@srikanthraopagidimarry7569 - 26.05.2021 13:14

Bro i written the nqt exam in may but when i am trying to open the exam result it is showing that you are "not part of this event " how should i check my result plzz help me.

@aswinimadana8841 - 26.05.2021 13:23

I hv applied for drive 2 weeks back ..wt the use plz rly any one

@kishorekumarnrs338 - 26.05.2021 14:06

bro , i have written in oct nqt attended the interview then rejected , now i have written may NQT , got good results , i need to apply in next step portal but there is no option to apply , i need to create a new account or this is enough???
bro plz say to me

@rutujanarsale2162 - 26.05.2021 14:45

When tcs will start sending test for tcs hiring like March April after filling that feedback survey form.

@suyash3402 - 26.05.2021 14:50

Bro Aug. and Nov. walo ka liya jaldi layo

@prernajain2552 - 26.05.2021 15:08

Appeared earlier for TCS test, what should I enter?

@ganesh.majety5260 - 26.05.2021 15:22

I had a message score has been withheld can I expect score in future

@ayushsoni4720 - 26.05.2021 15:32

Can i change the resume for recruitment process form which i upload during the infosys survey form please answer it

@pujankumar6922 - 26.05.2021 16:04

1329 marks hai will we get mail

@ankitabannore8014 - 26.05.2021 16:06

I got 74% in cognitive and 35% in coding. Can I get interview call from tcs? As I am 2019 passout. Is there any chance?

@MDFAHIM-kf4mo - 26.05.2021 16:20

Sir g Infosys ke operation executive diploma wale ke liye technical interview bhi hoga ya direct HR interview hoga

@MDFAHIM-kf4mo - 26.05.2021 16:21

Sir g mai Diploma kiye hue h but meri English weak h to kya hm hindi me interview de sakte h isse koee effect to nahi na padega interview lene wale ko

@abhayraj4265 - 26.05.2021 16:30

Sir previous year when I was creating my nextstep account instead of chhosing it category i choosed bps category by mistakely...i gave nqt for the 1st time now...what to do in this type of situation

@roopalichaurasia9801 - 26.05.2021 16:35

Does anyone get call from tcs ??

@PrinceKumar-bf4ve - 26.05.2021 17:45

bro i have 66.75 In cognitive and 96% IT programing but my 12th percentage is less than 60 can i expect TCS interview call?

@CodingByAnkit - 26.05.2021 19:08

ye jis bhi interview mail ki bat kr rhe, wo Btech walo k liye hai, ye to btaiye phle, tbb to, or mera to account bhi login ni h rha ??

@rashmiwadkar2780 - 26.05.2021 20:07

I was rejected in interview round in February by tcs after then I applied for may nqt and my results are remains same and in tcs nextstep portal shows that " you are eligible to reappear for the TCS selection process only after 6 months from the date of your previous unsuccessful attempt". Now what should I do? Is there any chances to get interview call from tcs? This May NQT was paid one then they give a chance for interview? Your reply would be appreciated.

@allaboutsalesforce3234 - 27.05.2021 04:31

In Oct nqt 2020 at time of registration lapee automatically tooks his mail id. He is not responding properly .Yesterday HR called and ask why are you not responding for interview bro is there any option to change the mail id

@muralikrishnan1749 - 27.05.2021 17:43

I'm from 2021 batch even also apply for drive is not available. Can any one help me?.

@SanataniUnites - 28.05.2021 10:47

I got 75% in cognitive and 20%in IT programming will I get the interview mail? my batch is 2022

@BlissOfSoul07 - 29.05.2021 07:56

Hello sir
My cognitive score is 76%
IT - 93%
But I am not 100 % sure that I am going to have interview call Or not
Please confirm me
Before giving the may nqt I have created account in next step portal but there is nothing related with this exam and further process
Please help me out sir

@priyankapriyanka7991 - 29.05.2021 11:09

Bro I have registered tcs smart hiring but I didn't receive any mail will I write the test or not

@sonalibhaumik8465 - 29.05.2021 14:23

How can i attach my nqt score card when updated my profile?

@atanuguin6979 - 03.06.2021 11:34

TCS next step me password kasa reset hoga

@saicharangouru9098 - 04.06.2021 07:16

Should we mention Nqt score while filling application form in next step portal?

@kartiknewlay8140 - 10.06.2021 19:37

When to fill application form of tcs nqt?
