Creation / Evolution debate on Michael Coren Show

Creation / Evolution debate on Michael Coren Show


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@Gericho49 - 05.06.2016 14:11

Sorry to all those sad deluded and hopefully redeemable souls who deify evolution in thinking it explains or replaces creation and thus your obvious, if not dubious
need to deny your Creator. So my friends, evolution has nothing at all to do
with disproving CREATION or explaining how life came from non life . We're ALL
creationists in the sense that all time, space and matter came into existence
from nothing (ex nihilo) It is proven by the finitude of past time Nothing
brings itself into existence b/c it is nothing and doesnt exist.. How then did
this universe came into existence in the finite past 13.8billion yrs ago?
Einstein suggests we should expect a priori a lawless, lifeless chaos NOT the
"miracle" we do have. Theism is the only plausible explanation for
WHY we have an awe-inspiring, ABSTRACT law-abiding, rationally INTELLIGIBLE,
life supporting universe . Evolution apparently started some 1-2billion years
I'm quite happy to accept "God created man from the dust of the
earth" which we call abiogenesis . I'd just be happy to accept the
"how" of MACRO evolutionary processes, if like dinosaurs, we had more
than a few human like skulls and bones in museums around the world. Some
impressive drawings of humanoids could just be variations on the "elephant"
man who has been around for millennia. The Australian aboriginal e.g. has such
a prominent bone structure. Did u know there are actually two other theories
how evolution occurs e.g. SJ Gould's punctuated equilibrium and cellular junk
DNA? Perhaps u have an explanation that comes from methodological naturalism
that explains creation ex nihilo?

@truthlover72 - 24.06.2016 23:39

This debate is more than half over by the 35 min. mark and so far, the only 'data' Wiles has 'presented' is the claim that 'science' (he means 'evolutionism) is based on the 'data'.   As close as Wiles gets to discussing 'data' is to try to dismiss the actual data that Tisdall presents, and it really appears that Wiles is trying to waste as much time as he can to keep Tisdall from presenting any more data that exposes the religious nature of evolutionism.  Wiles couldn't respond to Tisdall's DNA data proving all we OBSERVE is 'life comes from life', except to philosophize that conditions on earth 'may have been' different than they are now.  Can anyone recognize that Wiles is being 'religious'; BELIEVING that earth conditions 'may have been' different in the UNOBSERVABLE past?  Wiles had no 'data' response to Tindall's data regarding the OBSERVABLE degradation rate of earth's electromagnetic field, which, if extrapolated back in time, would have dissolved the earth only about 20,000 years ago.  Even when asked pointedly by Tindall for even one example of 'scientific data' in support of evolutionism, all Wiles can do is trail off and 'refer' to others, then winds back to make the typical evasive claim that there's jus so much evidence that he doesn't know where to begin.  Wiles imagines that simply by throwing out words like, "The fossil record." suffices as an actual example of 'evidence', even though he doesn't even try to give a single example of a fossil that shows any sign of 'transition', in support of his 'faith'.  As with the majority of evolutionists I have attempted a 'data' based discussion with, Wiles doesn't seem to know what actual 'data' is, or how 'religious' his 'argument' for evolutionism is.  It is because evolutionists don't have 'scientific data' to present in debates with Creationists that Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education, Berkeley, California, has advised evolutionists, “Avoid Debates. If your local campus Christian fellowship asks you to ‘defend evolution,’ please probably will get beaten.” - Scott, Eugenie C., "Monkey Business," The Sciences (January/February 1996), pp. 20-25.   And that's why we aren't likely to find any videos of recent Creationist vs evolutionist debates.

@doctorkrebscycle5286 - 17.07.2016 05:48

It is STAGGERING how dumb most christians are. No WONDER the rest of the world laughs at people in the U.S.

@doctorkrebscycle5286 - 17.07.2016 05:56

God should be stoned to death for working on the sabbath!

@igspal - 01.08.2016 23:16

To ALL: Watch THIS SCIENTIFIC documentary..."The Evolutionist's Achille's Heels" ! ! !

@sethwilliams4060 - 19.08.2016 20:11

God's Word is the ultimate authority. Praise be to God Almighty who created all things!

@ophirdog - 01.09.2016 06:52

How long are creationists going to peddle this crap for?

@ophirdog - 01.09.2016 06:53

And where is the debate?

@oopscanada - 12.09.2016 09:35

I can't believe this evolutionist did not have a proper answer to a creationist. It goes to show that to be an evolutionist, you have to believe it, as the facts are not there. Poor guy; he must prayed for the program to end sooner; he was being killed by a creation science scientist.

@Noah-bo8wr - 02.10.2016 08:05

Atheists in a debate: "there is no debate" just like "there is no god"... their logic is befuddling, ironic, and astronomically incoherent.

@PaulTheSkeptic - 11.12.2016 21:05

I should be doing things like this. It doesn't take a scientist to defeat a creationist. It takes a nerd. Like me. Someone who is familiar with creationism and their arguments. So if any of you are television producers, I'm available.

@balciusfreefall6403 - 15.07.2017 16:46

Beautiful music in the jingles... and nothing else. How to debate an evolutionist: not letting him talk.

@1960taylor - 03.09.2017 08:08

Science is about money....nothing else.

@skyphilpott1379 - 22.11.2017 08:01

Hello to a random pianist. I found the link you are on.

@atheismisamentaldisorder1839 - 07.02.2018 21:02

This Justin guy is pretty arrogant and ignorant.

@Steve52344 - 07.08.2018 04:00

As always, creationists don't even know what science is. How come, in all the equations with which science has successfully explained the nature of reality, including Einstein's E=mc2, there is not one value for God?  God is not included in ANY scientific or mathematical proof, and yet those equations are correct and work perfectly.

@monkeysmakemonkeys2262 - 17.08.2018 08:43

Evolutionists are so easy to beat in debates

@monkeysmakemonkeys2262 - 17.08.2018 08:50

I'm embarrassed for this evolutionist. Lol!!! There's JUST SOO MUCH EVIDENCE. And then provides NONE! The creationist won this debate with ease.

@xx3868 - 21.01.2019 14:52

same old tired argument of DNA not programming itself. Same line Ham uses along with date stamps on fossils. You know when a program gets really complex, it can start to mutate in strange ways that even the programmers didnt expect. Good ex of the long slew of change through natural means. This evolution guy isnt strong enough on these topics and the young guy is sounding like he is winning which creationist always do except when top scientist like Dawkins appears then all the ignorance and errors are brought out for all to see. If you dont know a subject fully that is dangerous as you think you know biology and make mistakes "interpreting" the data . Same with faith, they all interpret the writings and it leads to planes crashing into buildings or witch burnings ect.
Anytime you take away reason and careful logical research, you get this quassi nonsense that always sounds conniving to the gullible. Humans are created because it looks like it to our eyes. Well our backwards built eyes- yes! also see the world is flat BUT it isnt. Evolution ship sailed a long time ago with so much overlapping evidence now that even the small details are all thats left with not much diff opinion. The internet and unfiltered videos are giving rise to these snake oil salesmen who even have the nerve to say science is the faith and faith is the facts now! oh common. Then detective work is faith too as a court only take tested facts not hearsay? Hmm.
Creation never offers anything new and what they do, has already been tested long time ago as is just nonsense- the opposite to what we find. They have to prove the "book" so make ridiculous claims of 3 layers in the grand canyon. Multiple layers all weathered and laid down over time and folder in pressure and frankly a fake diploma at god college just wont cut it. The tests and skills are varies and are needed to make sense of this geology.
Science is clean and fact because like block chain, it keeps nonsense out wheres faith is the opposite. Anyone can make an interpretation and if people want to listen, then its supported as gods word. So many faiths all with diff ideas and beliefs. Science only has one set of tested facts and no agenda to get there. Just where the data leads them is the answer. Clean, unbiased and checked and balanced with reviews and predictable claims.

@bluemarlin2004 - 20.03.2019 03:57

The only evidence that old earth ever use is MAJORITY OPINION. Pathetic!

@bluemarlin2004 - 20.03.2019 04:00

All evolutionist do is hide behind science. Abiogenesis is magic! Duh!

@happilyeggs4627 - 26.03.2019 00:29

Tis dall says, "You don't see dinosaurs roaming in the ancient cities, for the same reason you don't see them roaming in cities today". He is correct. The reason being there weren't any dinosaurs roaming around in any city at any time because they were all extinct.

@xx3868 - 27.06.2019 02:02

Flat earth/Creationist- They ALL have a diff "view" thats the point. thats why humans have 1000 gods over time. YET animals dont. We are the only species with an imagination and out of i million other species, we believe in a god and all the other scriptures stuff. Science is agreed by 99% of real scientist because it can be tested and agreed upon with no opinions or personalities or anything to throw off the data. The data is real and cannot be perverted unlike faiths where one man tells another what he thinks . Th is has been going on forever and WILL continue to while another man is gullible and cant think for himself or evaluate the data.
You CANT have truly rational person and be believer of faith as thats the point. Faith is non rational and facts are..

Science cannot disprove god as its outside of science IS the argument- This is an idea that has been carried forward since day one and it ASSUMES there is something outside of science. Possible? Well science is open for ANYTHING put forward BUT so far test after test of claims and ZERO . Psychics, scam all the tricks are now known and very little to claim no that we dont cant disprove and only an invisible god is left that science cant disprove. BUT all the claims have been tested and so far nothing. so prey doesent work in studies and last days like 2012 came and went plus the dating is wrong in these cases so thats wrong just as astrology is as the calender's were innacuate so your star sign if real is wrong anyway. Inaccuracy is a problem because man didnt understand the universe and invented a lot of nonsense based on faulty science so basically its all wrong just as the scriptures talked of flat earths and 6 day earths and all that- sadly we were dumb back then so today we understand the natural world..

@xx3868 - 27.06.2019 02:31

DNA evolved from RNA and it just keeps going back simpler and simpler. Thats the point. DNA didnt "come" into being like a god commanded it. The only question left is the origin of the big bang and the first life. If you want to concede and say its a god, then whats gods first point. You see it cuts both ways. And if god didnt have a beginning then all the science and logic we have in this universe would be nonsense and it isnt so god is simply in the mind. We didnt understand anything thousands of years ago and now we do .Man is simply mistaken believing in gods. its really just that simple.. Science cant take away god if it was never really there- always remember that!!

@rodneysettle8106 - 02.07.2019 09:24

This is one of the most pointless debate I have ever seen. The creationists has no evidence backing him up so he talks fast and loose hoping that something sticks.

@Colin12475 - 09.12.2019 06:36

Prerequisites to be a creationist:


You must, without question or exception, be completely ignorant of science, logic, evolution and real life in general, to be a Creationist. Every "argument" a Creationist puts forth to "disprove" Evolutionary Theory is nothing more than a mangling of junk science, outright lies, logical fallacies, exaggerations and misinformation. They also rely on the same, recycled, refuted dead-end arguments. There has not been one new Creationist argument recently put forth. It's still attacking radiometric dating with the abhorrent notion that decay rates vary, and it's still lying about the Law of Entropy to make it seem as if it makes evolution impossible. Nothing has changed.


You must be completely dishonest to purport Creationist arguments. Creationists routinely lie about thermodynamics, radiometric dating, Evolutionary Theory, science, scientists and general scientific concepts.


It's not lying if you think it's true. Many Creationists actually believe that the Second Law of Thermodynamics refutes Evolutionary Theory. This is simply stupidity, and it is totally inexcusable. Anytime someone who doesn't have a legitimate authority in science tells you that scientists are wrong because of whatever reason, you'd better check up on it before just blindly accepting it as fact. The fact that so many have been taken in by Creationist's junk science and lies is testament to intellectual laziness. It is also a testament to the serious lack in scientific education of the general populace.


If you believe that the bible is correct about the creation of the Universe, then you must believe that it is completely literal, as no contextualist would ever interpret a story which contradicts physical evidence and is contradicted by another story in the same book, in the same section.


If you believe that the bible is to be interpreted literally, then you believe that all other religions are wrong, and that all of their followers will forever be tortured in the afterlife. Consequently, you also must believe that it is your duty, as a Christian, to seek out and destroy all these other religions' sacred objects and defile their practices. Anyone who interprets the bible literally must also accept that racism, slavery and sexism are all the will of God.


The bible makes it clear that humans have no rights. No one has the right to practice their own religion (except Christianity and Judaism) without punishment, and no one is allowed to say what they want to say without retribution. To do so violates some of the Ten Commandments.


The bible makes it clear that a democracy based on the will of the people is not God's preferred government. Rather, the best government is a dictatorship, enforced with terrorism, mass-homocide and "Big Brother" tactics (i.e. "God knows everything that you do").


The bible purports the massively-flawed belief that God is infallible. Even though God has been convinced to change his mind repeatedly by human beings in the bible, he is still incapable of doing wrong. This belief only reinforces the belief that humans have no rights, as we are under the watchful eye of God, who will severely punish us for minor infractions.


In order to be a Creationist, you must believe that scientists are untrustworthy servants of the devil, whose agenda is to distort facts and make it seem as if Evolution is the truth, when, in reality, they're not telling us about the volumes of "facts" that the Creationists do. Scientists want everyone to believe that the Universe was caused by random chance, that there is no God, and life has no meaning (because, Evolution obviously necessitates all of these things). All branches of science that give evidence for an ancient Earth are just flunkies for the Evolutionists. Astrophysics, geology, physics, astronomy...none are credible branches of science, only beams in the support structure of Evolution.


If you're a Creationist, you're an idiot. I don't care if you're the nicest person on Earth, have a doctorate in astrophysics, or stumped Stephen Hawking on general physics. The complete dismissal of so many branches of science, scientists' credibility, evidence in addition to the intellectual laziness and fervent religious bigotry that come with being a Creationist makes one a complete idiot. This is one blanket statement that I am not afraid to make, because it is simply true. If you find a religiously-tolerant Creationist, you've found a hypocrite. The person in question would accept the bible as literal truth on a scientific level, but would be ignoring the commandments of racism, religious intolerance and persecution that God handed down to the Israelites.

@alicantino1151 - 26.12.2019 09:46

This Laurence Tisdall guy is the epitome of "the arrogance of ignorance".

@Thrawnmulus - 19.02.2020 19:08

13 years have not been kind to most of Lawrence's arguments, the ones that aren't logical fallicies at least.

@deanphilipsaunders775 - 20.04.2020 06:48

Although Darwin's theory of evolution or macro evolution is indeed a dead theory, it is the science of micro biology and nano technology that is significantly undermining Darwin's premise. DNA itself refutes macro evolution as well scientific methodology. Time will indeed demonstrate this with the incredible rise of Intelligent Design.

@Ozzyman200 - 07.12.2020 13:23

So many angry well-funded creationists trying so hard, yet not one can find a flaw in evolution creationism can fix. You don't get scientists telling us evolution didn't happen.

@briendoyle4680 - 11.03.2021 10:52

There is no debate!
Until a god is proven...

@Psalm1101 - 13.05.2021 04:23

Design is everywhere priveledged earth and goes on there

@sheldonberg125 - 01.06.2021 23:24

I think both sides should just follow the science. Both sides have a wrong focus.
I don’t agree with “creationism” in respects where it breaks with sound science. But Darwinian evolution has significant failures in following the science and many scientists lack any scepticism towards the Darwinian evolutionary theory. Yes, things change. The Darwinian theory is that living things vary randomly and then preferred changes are selected and passed on. Finch beaks on the Galápagos Islands are an example of this idea. We can reproduce bacteria thousands of times over and introduce all kinds of stressors but no matter what we do the bacteria don’t change into mosquitoes or another life form. The idea that things change over time is hardly controversial or new. I think there is some value in the theory of evolution but the mechanism of random variation and natural selection is not shown to have the explanatory power it is purported to have. The fossil record is a mystery. The Cambrian explosion seems to fly in the face of evolutionary claims. The probabilities of random variation and natural selection are a huge problem in my opinion and are never discussed. The lack of any mathematical support of the theory of Darwinian Evolution should raise flags but it doesn’t for some odd reason. I am open to go where the science leads us but the Darwinian evolutionary theory is a very simple idea and we should be able to make a computer program that simulates evolutionary results and we can’t do it. That there are mechanisms in nature are without a doubt true and uncontroversial. That we cannot question the theory of evolution or the limits of this hypotheses seem very suspect to me.
Science has transcendent foundations. Mathematics and logic are presupposed by science and if you tried to prove them using science you would argue in a circle. The point being that science is grounded on transcendent beliefs. Transcendent beliefs are ubiquitous in science. For any scientist to say that science operates outside the realm of faith is patently false.
Anyway, there is so much to be said on both sides of this debate. I suggest reading David Berlinski. I don’t agree with all of the things the anti-evolutionist says or believes but I think we can question evolution and I think we have a duty to question the theory if we want science to advance. Just saying.

@JohnDoe-dp7sk - 10.09.2021 03:04

See Gerald schroeder age of the universe
Six day science website

Time is relative
Hebrew of gen 1 matches scientific order

The Atlantic Lawrence krauss submitted science has never shown something can come from nothing

@GSpotter63 - 16.02.2022 21:12

The number of times I run into the fallacy of Appeal to Authority is mind boggling.

The fact is that 90% of all accepted scientific theories have turned out to be incorrect... There is no reason to think that now or in the future these statistics will be any different.

@roseannemaye9263 - 03.04.2022 12:54

I'm catching many lies coming out of the evolutionist everytime he opens his mouth.

@roseannemaye9263 - 03.04.2022 13:11

The creationist is being interrupted repeatedly by the mediator & the evolutionist. Sucks.

@joefresh6050 - 02.05.2022 11:38

Evolutionists have been debunked so badly but still han bon to this garbage theory because they think if dont beleive are not accountable.
How wrong they are. "The foolish one says there is no God"

@danpozzi3307 - 09.07.2022 23:34

Great debate.

@hh-hj9fn - 21.11.2022 02:36

Laurence tisdall>Laurence Kraus

@Gwaithmir - 03.01.2023 13:39

Laurence Tisdall is very well practiced in the Gish Gallop. It would easily take twenty minutes to an hour to refute each of the claims he makes---claims for which he provides no testable evidence of his own.

@mikhailyaremkiv - 09.02.2023 22:14

Jason straight up lied within the first 30 seconds of him speaking.

@sigururolafsson2257 - 02.03.2023 23:27

The only way for evolution to be true is in a Hollywood blockbuster!

@jameywc2 - 28.04.2023 05:28

Oh the music sucks it

@johnglad5 - 29.04.2023 01:06

Watched this 16 years ago and we are further from abiogenesis than we were then.

@matthewjoyner1595 - 11.07.2023 00:53

Nice to see that there isn’t any more evidence for creation than there was 16 years ago

@VincentNoot - 29.08.2024 16:32

People misdate everything and then act as if their calculations or estimates are fact. I’m a firm believer in creationism and the reality of the flood about 4500 years ago. I think sometimes people misdate things because the materials are eternal and the way God created this earth was by organizing those materials to make it habitable for us. And maybe He even did that through a big bang.
